Ecological Traceability as a Public Commons - New Models of Indigenous Supply Chain Data Governance (2023-2025)
This project will facilitate the creation of a scalable cooperative-anchored Indigenous data governance framework within an agricultural context, enabled through a blockchain traceability platform and interface. The project will develop a data governance framework design phase and trial this framework using real live Indigenous supply chains, focussing on data gaps about cultural knowledge embedded in products and processes. Outputs will be: 1. A draft data ontology for cultural knowledge data collection 2. Guidance Materials (Model Rules) and Templates to support all indigenous supply chains nationally (and globally) to establish and operate cooperative-anchored data governance system, including training materials to enable capacity building for systemic sustainability. 3. Technical standards (IEEE) that link governance protocols to technical implementations in standardised and scalable ways. 4. A scalable WebApp that can be customised for supply chains with reporting dashboard.