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From structures to systems: A hierachical approach to understanding sub-cellular components. (2008-2010)


To truly understand fundamental processes within cells such as how membranes form, how processes such as membrane fission and fusion are regulated or how proteins self-assemble into functional complexes (micro machines) we must combine structural studies with predictive models that can accurately reproduce the dynamic properties of real systems. Our aim is to develop new hierarchical approaches for simulating biomolecular systems that integrate atomic level descriptions with more coarse-grained representations and to apply these approaches to provide a better understanding of membrane trafficking and other forms of emergent behaviour within cells.


Professor Alan Mark

Affiliate of Centre for Organic Photonics and Electronics
Centre for Organic Photonics and Electronics
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of ARC COE in Quantum Biotechnology (QUBIC)
ARC COE in Quantum Biotechnology
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of ARC COE for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science
ARC COE for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Alan Mark
Alan Mark

Professor Brett Collins

Affiliate Professor of School of Biomedical Sciences
School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Centre Director of The Centre for Cell Biology of Chronic Disease
Centre for Cell Biology of Chronic Disease
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Centre Director of Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
NHMRC Leadership Fellow - GL
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Brett Collins
Brett Collins