2020 Conference Publication Can mycorrhizal fungi stimulate mineral weathering and soil formation in Fe ore tailings?Wu, Songlin, Liu, Yunjia, Huang, Longbin, Southam, Gordon, Nguyen, Tuan and You, Fang (2020). Can mycorrhizal fungi stimulate mineral weathering and soil formation in Fe ore tailings?. Goldschmidt2020, Online, 21 - 26 June 2020. Washington, DC United States: Geochemical Society and of the European Association of Geochemistry. doi: 10.46427/gold2020.2901 |
2019 Conference Publication Analytical Models of Sessile Droplet Evaporation: From Simple Vapour Diffusion to Fully-Coupled Heat & Mass TransfersNguyen, Tuan A. H., Biggs, Simon and Nguyen, Anh V. (2019). Analytical Models of Sessile Droplet Evaporation: From Simple Vapour Diffusion to Fully-Coupled Heat & Mass Transfers. The 9th Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium, Australia, 2-7 February 2019. |
2018 Conference Publication Rational Design of Novel Polymeric Micelles for Low-Molecular Weight Drug DeliveryNguyen, Tuan A. H. (2018). Rational Design of Novel Polymeric Micelles for Low-Molecular Weight Drug Delivery. 9th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, NSW Australia, 25-27 June 2018. |
2017 Conference Publication Manipulating Colloidal Residue Deposit from Drying Droplets: Air/Liquid Interface Capture Competes with Coffee-Ring EffectNguyen, Tuan A. H., Biggs, Simon and Nguyen, Anh V. (2017). Manipulating Colloidal Residue Deposit from Drying Droplets: Air/Liquid Interface Capture Competes with Coffee-Ring Effect. The 8th Australian Colloid and Interface Symposium, Australia, 2017. |
2017 Conference Publication On the use of polymeric micelles for low molecular weight drug delivery: a coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulationNguyen, Tuan, Pincus, Isaac and Biggs, Simon (2017). On the use of polymeric micelles for low molecular weight drug delivery: a coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation. International Conference on BioNano Innovation, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 24-27 September 2017. |
2016 Conference Publication Dictating drug loading capacity through the corona of the polymeric micelleNguyen, Tuan, Whittaker, Andrew and Biggs, Simon (2016). Dictating drug loading capacity through the corona of the polymeric micelle. 7th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 27 – 29 June 2016. NSW, Australia: Australian Centre for NanoMedicine. |
2016 Conference Publication Synthetic Analogues of Microbial NanowiresCreasey, R., Virdis, B., Nguyen, Tuan A. H., Solemanifar, A., Freguia, S. and Laycock, B. (2016). Synthetic Analogues of Microbial Nanowires. 55th Annual ASMR National Scientific Conference, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 13-15 Nov 2016. |
2010 Conference Publication Theoretical and experimental analysis of droplet evaporation on solid surfacesNguyen, Tuan A. H., Nguyen, Anh V., Hampton, Marc A., Xu, Zhi Ping, Huang, Long bin and Rudolph, Victor (2010). Theoretical and experimental analysis of droplet evaporation on solid surfaces. 40th Annual Australasian Chemical and Process Engineering Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 26–29 September 2010. Barton, ACT, Australia: Engineers Australia. |