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Conference Publication

To evaluate the effect of green waste compost on nitrous oxide emissions from horticulture

Vaughan, S. M., Harper, S. M., Dalal, R. C. and Menzies, N. W. (2014). To evaluate the effect of green waste compost on nitrous oxide emissions from horticulture. Ist international symposium on organic matter management and compost use in horticulture, Adelaide, Australia, 4-7 April 2011. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science. doi: 10.17660/actahortic.2014.1018.6

To evaluate the effect of green waste compost on nitrous oxide emissions from horticulture


Conference Publication

Reduction of soil nitrogen losses from a Vertisol with organic waste amendments under subtropical conditions

Vaughan, Sarah M., Dalal, Ram, Harper, Stephen and Menzies, Neal (2010). Reduction of soil nitrogen losses from a Vertisol with organic waste amendments under subtropical conditions. 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world, Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 2010. Brisbane, Australia: International Union of Soil Sciences.

Reduction of soil nitrogen losses from a Vertisol with organic waste amendments under subtropical conditions