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Book Chapter

Collaborating with troubled young people

Martin, Graham (2010). Collaborating with troubled young people. Communication skills in medicine: Promoting patient-centred care. (pp. 135-145) edited by Michele Groves and Jennifer Fitzgerald. Melbourne, Australia: IP Communications.

Collaborating with troubled young people


Book Chapter

Suicide prevention training : A workshop

Wright, S. and Martin, G. (2010). Suicide prevention training : A workshop. Youth work and youth issues. (pp. 185-193) edited by Rob White. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia: Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies.

Suicide prevention training : A workshop


Book Chapter

Opinion: Preventing suicide in young people

Martin, Graham (2010). Opinion: Preventing suicide in young people. Suicide in the Words of Suicidologists. (pp. 143-146) edited by Maurizio Pompili. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Nova Science Publishers.

Opinion: Preventing suicide in young people


Book Chapter

Young people and mental health : Access and alliance

Wright, S. and Martin, G. (2010). Young people and mental health : Access and alliance. Youth work and youth issues. (pp. 217-228) edited by Rob White. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia: Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies.

Young people and mental health : Access and alliance


Book Chapter

Young people and mental health : Customer service

Wright, S. and Martin, G. (2009). Young people and mental health : Customer service. Youth work and youth issues. (pp. 229-239) edited by Rob White. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia: Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies.

Young people and mental health : Customer service


Book Chapter

Suicide Prevention in Young People: The Place of Mental Health Promotion 2001

Martin, G. (2008). Suicide Prevention in Young People: The Place of Mental Health Promotion 2001. Mental Health Promotion and Young People: Concepts and Practice. (pp. x-x) edited by Louise Rowling, Graham Martin and Lynne Walker. Seoul, Korea: McGraw-Hill.

Suicide Prevention in Young People: The Place of Mental Health Promotion 2001


Book Chapter

Mental Health Promotion and Young People: The Future

Rowling, L. and Martin, G. (2008). Mental Health Promotion and Young People: The Future. Mental Health Promotion and Young People: Concepts and Practice. (pp. x-x) edited by Louise Rowling, Graham Martin and Lynne Walker. Seoul, Korea: McGraw-Hill.

Mental Health Promotion and Young People: The Future


Book Chapter

Childhood depression

Martin, G. (2004). Childhood depression. Mood Disorders: Recognition & Treatment. (pp. 349-357) edited by P. R. Joyce and P. B. Mitchell. Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales Press.

Childhood depression


Book Chapter

La prevenzione del suicidio attraverso la promozione della salute mentale nell'arco della vito. I giovani sani e felici non si suicidano, vero?

Martin, G. (2004). La prevenzione del suicidio attraverso la promozione della salute mentale nell'arco della vito. I giovani sani e felici non si suicidano, vero?. La promozione della salute mentale e I giovani: Teorie e pratiche. (pp. x-x) edited by Louise Rowling, Graham Martin and Lynne Walker. Milano, Italy: Psicologia McGraw Hill.

La prevenzione del suicidio attraverso la promozione della salute mentale nell'arco della vito. I giovani sani e felici non si suicidano, vero?


Book Chapter

La promozione della salute mentale e i giovani. I prossimi dieci anni

Rowling, L. and Martin, G. (2004). La promozione della salute mentale e i giovani. I prossimi dieci anni. La promozione della salute mentale e I giovani: Teorie e pratiche. (pp. x-x) edited by Louise Rowling, Graham Martin and Lynne Walker. Milano, Italy: Psicologia McGraw Hill.

La promozione della salute mentale e i giovani. I prossimi dieci anni


Book Chapter

On adolescence and having a parent with mental illness

Kay, T. and Martin, G. (2004). On adolescence and having a parent with mental illness. Children of Parents with Mental Illness 2: Personal & Clinical Perspectives. (pp. 57-71) edited by V. Cowling. Melbourne, Australia: ACER.

On adolescence and having a parent with mental illness


Book Chapter

The prevention of suicide through lifetime mental health promotion: Healthy, happy young people don't suicide, do they?

Martin, Graham (2002). The prevention of suicide through lifetime mental health promotion: Healthy, happy young people don't suicide, do they?. Mental Health Promotion and Young People: Concepts and Practice. (pp. 245-257) edited by Louise Rowling, Graham Martin and Lyn Walker. Sydney: McGraw-Hill.

The prevention of suicide through lifetime mental health promotion: Healthy, happy young people don't suicide, do they?


Book Chapter

Mental health promotion and young people: The next 10 years

Martin, G. E. (2002). Mental health promotion and young people: The next 10 years. Mental Health Promotion and Young People: Concepts and Practice. (pp. 258-266) edited by Louise Rowling, Graham Martin and Lyn Walker. Sydney: McGraw-Hill.

Mental health promotion and young people: The next 10 years


Book Chapter

Management of depression and suicide in general practice

Martin, G. E. (2001). Management of depression and suicide in general practice. The Missing Link: Adolescent Mental Health in General Practice. (pp. 73-82) edited by Steven Lee and Cathy Sanders. Darlinghurst, NSW: Alpha Biomedical Communications.

Management of depression and suicide in general practice