2002 Book Chapter Mental health promotion and young people: The next 10 yearsMartin, G. E. (2002). Mental health promotion and young people: The next 10 years. Mental Health Promotion and Young People: Concepts and Practice. (pp. 258-266) edited by Louise Rowling, Graham Martin and Lyn Walker. Sydney: McGraw-Hill. |
2002 Journal Article Spirituality and suicide preventionMartin, G. E. (2002). Spirituality and suicide prevention. Auseinetter, 15 (2), 3-4. |
2002 Edited Outputs Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental HealthAustralian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health. (2002). 1 (1) |
2002 Journal Article Self-injury in contextMartin, G. E. (2002). Self-injury in context. Auseinetter, 16 (3), 9-10. |
2002 Edited Outputs Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental HealthAustralian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health. (2002). 1 (2) |
2002 Journal Article EditorialMartin, G. E. (2002). Editorial. Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 1 (1), 1-3. |
2002 Book Chapter The prevention of suicide through lifetime mental health promotion: Healthy, happy young people don't suicide, do they?Martin, Graham (2002). The prevention of suicide through lifetime mental health promotion: Healthy, happy young people don't suicide, do they?. Mental Health Promotion and Young People: Concepts and Practice. (pp. 245-257) edited by Louise Rowling, Graham Martin and Lyn Walker. Sydney: McGraw-Hill. |
2002 Journal Article Resilience: The ability to bounce back from adversityMartin, G. E. (2002). Resilience: The ability to bounce back from adversity. Auseinetter, 14 (1), 3-4. |
2002 Edited Outputs Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental HealthAustralian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health. (2002). 1 (3) |
2001 Book Chapter Management of depression and suicide in general practiceMartin, G. E. (2001). Management of depression and suicide in general practice. The Missing Link: Adolescent Mental Health in General Practice. (pp. 73-82) edited by Steven Lee and Cathy Sanders. Darlinghurst, NSW: Alpha Biomedical Communications. |
2001 Journal Article Gender differences in the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation in young adolescentsAllison, S, Roeger, L, Martin, G and Keeves, J (2001). Gender differences in the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation in young adolescents. Australian And New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35 (4), 498-503. doi: 10.1046/j.1440-1614.2001.00927.x |
2001 Journal Article Educating parents about youth suicide: Knowledge, response to suicidal statements, attitudes, and intention to helpMaine, S, Shute, R and Martin, G (2001). Educating parents about youth suicide: Knowledge, response to suicidal statements, attitudes, and intention to help. Suicide And Life-threatening Behavior, 31 (3), 320-332. doi: 10.1521/suli.31.3.320.24248 |
2001 Conference Publication Management of depression and suicide in general practiceMartin, G. E. (2001). Management of depression and suicide in general practice. University Program for General Practitioners, Sydney, 2001. Sydney: Alpha Biomedical Communications. |
2001 Journal Article Adolescent depressive symptomatology: Improve schools or help students?Roeger, L, Allison, S, Martin, G, Dadds, V and Keeves, J (2001). Adolescent depressive symptomatology: Improve schools or help students?. Australian Journal of Psychology, 53 (3), 134-139. doi: 10.1080/00049530108255135 |
2000 Conference Publication Out of the blues: Suicide prevention and depression in young peopleMartin, G. (2000). Out of the blues: Suicide prevention and depression in young people. -, -, -. London, United Kingdom: Sage. doi: 10.1080/000486700687 |
1998 Journal Article Media influence to suicide: The search for solutionsMartin, G (1998). Media influence to suicide: The search for solutions. Archives of Suicide Research, 4 (1), 51-66. doi: 10.1023/A:1009635819191 |
1997 Journal Article Celebrity suicide: did the death of Kurt Cobain influence young suicides in Australia?Martin, Graham and Koo, Lisa (1997). Celebrity suicide: did the death of Kurt Cobain influence young suicides in Australia?. Archives of Suicide Research, 3 (3), 187-198. doi: 10.1080/13811119708258271 |
1997 Journal Article Guns and suicide in AustraliaMartin, G. and Goldney, R.D. (1997). Guns and suicide in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 166 (1), 5-5. |
1996 Journal Article The influence of television suicide in a normal adolescent populationMartin, Graham (1996). The influence of television suicide in a normal adolescent population. Archives of Suicide Research, 2 (2), 103-117. doi: 10.1080/13811119608251960 |
1996 Journal Article Reported family dynamics, sexual abuse, and suicidal behaviors in community adolescentsMartin, Graham (1996). Reported family dynamics, sexual abuse, and suicidal behaviors in community adolescents. Archives of Suicide Research, 2 (3), 183-195. doi: 10.1080/13811119608259000 |