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Journal Article

Evaluating revealed preferences for street tree cover targets: a business case for collaborative investment in leafier streetscapes in Brisbane, Australia

Plant, Lyndal, Rambaldi, Alicia and Sipe, Neil (2017). Evaluating revealed preferences for street tree cover targets: a business case for collaborative investment in leafier streetscapes in Brisbane, Australia. Ecological Economics, 134, 238-249. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.12.026

Evaluating revealed preferences for street tree cover targets: a business case for collaborative investment in leafier streetscapes in Brisbane, Australia


Journal Article

Social and spatial effects of transforming the private vehicle fleet in Brisbane, Australia

Li, Tiebei, Sipe, Neil and Dodson, Jago (2017). Social and spatial effects of transforming the private vehicle fleet in Brisbane, Australia. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 51, 43-52. doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2016.12.010

Social and spatial effects of transforming the private vehicle fleet in Brisbane, Australia


Journal Article

Light rail transit (LRT) and transit villages in Qatar: A planning strategy to revitalise the built environment of Doha

Furlan, R. and Sipe, N. (2017). Light rail transit (LRT) and transit villages in Qatar: A planning strategy to revitalise the built environment of Doha. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 10 (4), 379-399.

Light rail transit (LRT) and transit villages in Qatar: A planning strategy to revitalise the built environment of Doha


Journal Article

Bridging the divide between theory and guidance in strategic environmental assessment: a path for Italian regions

Baresi, Umberto, Vella, Karen J. and Sipe, Neil G. (2017). Bridging the divide between theory and guidance in strategic environmental assessment: a path for Italian regions. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 62, 14-24. doi: 10.1016/j.eiar.2016.09.002

Bridging the divide between theory and guidance in strategic environmental assessment: a path for Italian regions


Journal Article

Shaping travels and land use with bus rapid transit: a developed city’s visualisation with smartcard and census data

Zhou, Jiangping, Sipe, Neil, Mateo-Babiano, Derlie and Rowe, Warren (2016). Shaping travels and land use with bus rapid transit: a developed city’s visualisation with smartcard and census data. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 3 (1), 506-508. doi: 10.1080/21681376.2016.1244775

Shaping travels and land use with bus rapid transit: a developed city’s visualisation with smartcard and census data


Journal Article

Evaluating governance arrangements and decision making for natural resource management planning: an empirical application of the governance systems analysis framework

Potts, Ruth, Vella, Karen, Dale, Allan and Sipe, Neil (2016). Evaluating governance arrangements and decision making for natural resource management planning: an empirical application of the governance systems analysis framework. Society and Natural Resources, 29 (11), 1325-1341. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1185557

Evaluating governance arrangements and decision making for natural resource management planning: an empirical application of the governance systems analysis framework


Journal Article

Adapting and applying evidence gathering techniques for planning and investment in street trees: a case study from Brisbane, Australia

Plant, Lyndal and Sipe, Neil (2016). Adapting and applying evidence gathering techniques for planning and investment in street trees: a case study from Brisbane, Australia. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 19, 79-87. doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2016.07.005

Adapting and applying evidence gathering techniques for planning and investment in street trees: a case study from Brisbane, Australia


Journal Article

Voluntary collaboration for adaptive governance: the southeast Florida regional climate change compact

Vella, Karen, Butler, William H., Sipe, Neil, Chapin, Tim and Murley, Jim (2016). Voluntary collaboration for adaptive governance: the southeast Florida regional climate change compact. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 36 (3), 363-376. doi: 10.1177/0739456X16659700

Voluntary collaboration for adaptive governance: the southeast Florida regional climate change compact


Journal Article

Recurrent episodes of injury in children: an Australian cohort study

Cameron, Cate M., Spinks, Anneliese B., Osborne, Jodie M., Davey, Tamzyn M., Sipe, Neil and McClure, Roderick J. (2016). Recurrent episodes of injury in children: an Australian cohort study. Australian Health Review, 41 (5), 485-491. doi: 10.1071/AH15193

Recurrent episodes of injury in children: an Australian cohort study


Journal Article

The impact of urban form on disaster resiliency: a case study of Brisbane and Ipswich, Australia

Irajifar, Leila, Sipe, Neil and Alizadeh, Tooran (2016). The impact of urban form on disaster resiliency: a case study of Brisbane and Ipswich, Australia. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 7 (3), 259-275. doi: 10.1108/IJDRBE-10-2014-0074

The impact of urban form on disaster resiliency: a case study of Brisbane and Ipswich, Australia


Journal Article

Exploring the usefulness of structural–functional approaches to analyse governance of planning systems

Potts, Ruth, Vella, Karen, Dale, Allan and Sipe, Neil (2016). Exploring the usefulness of structural–functional approaches to analyse governance of planning systems. Planning Theory, 15 (2), 162-189. doi: 10.1177/1473095214553519

Exploring the usefulness of structural–functional approaches to analyse governance of planning systems


Journal Article

Child injury: does home matter?

Osborne, Jodie M., Davey, Tamzyn M., Spinks, Anneliese B., McClure, Roderick J., Sipe, Neil and Cameron, Cate M. (2016). Child injury: does home matter?. Social Science and Medicine, 153, 250-257. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.02.017

Child injury: does home matter?


Journal Article

Telecommunications and transportation infrastructure: inter- and intra-sectoral borders — perspectives from Australia and the US

Alizadeh, Tooran and Sipe, Neil (2016). Telecommunications and transportation infrastructure: inter- and intra-sectoral borders — perspectives from Australia and the US. International Planning Studies, 21 (1), 50-63. doi: 10.1080/13563475.2015.1114449

Telecommunications and transportation infrastructure: inter- and intra-sectoral borders — perspectives from Australia and the US


Journal Article

Differentiating metropolitan transport disadvantage by mode: household expenditure on private vehicle fuel and public transport fares in Brisbane, Australia

Li, Tiebel, Dodson, Jago and Sipe, Neil (2015). Differentiating metropolitan transport disadvantage by mode: household expenditure on private vehicle fuel and public transport fares in Brisbane, Australia. Journal of Transport Geography, 49, 16-25. doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.10.001

Differentiating metropolitan transport disadvantage by mode: household expenditure on private vehicle fuel and public transport fares in Brisbane, Australia


Journal Article

A Study of Governance Arrangements for Land Use and Natural Resource Management Planning in Cape York Peninsula

Potts, Ruth., Vella, Karen., Dale, Allan. and Sipe, Neil. (2015). A Study of Governance Arrangements for Land Use and Natural Resource Management Planning in Cape York Peninsula. Australian Geographer, 46 (3), 389-409. doi: 10.1080/00049182.2015.1048594

A Study of Governance Arrangements for Land Use and Natural Resource Management Planning in Cape York Peninsula


Journal Article

Exploring Social and Spatial Patterns in Private Vehicle Fuel Efficiency: a case study of Brisbane and Sydney, Australia

Li, Tiebei, Dodson, Jago and Sipe, Neil (2015). Exploring Social and Spatial Patterns in Private Vehicle Fuel Efficiency: a case study of Brisbane and Sydney, Australia. Australian Geographer, 46 (2), 217-233. doi: 10.1080/00049182.2015.1020994

Exploring Social and Spatial Patterns in Private Vehicle Fuel Efficiency: a case study of Brisbane and Sydney, Australia


Journal Article

Brisbane's digital strategy: an economic strategy for the digital age?

Alizadeh, Tooran and Sipe, Neil (2015). Brisbane's digital strategy: an economic strategy for the digital age?. Australian Planner, 52 (1), 35-41. doi: 10.1080/07293682.2015.1019753

Brisbane's digital strategy: an economic strategy for the digital age?


Journal Article

Validity of parent's self-reported responses to home safety questions

Osborne, Jodie M, Shibl, Rania, Cameron, Cate M, Kendrick, Denise, Lyons, Ronan A, Spinks, Anneliese B, Sipe, Neil and McClure, Roderick J (2015). Validity of parent's self-reported responses to home safety questions. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 23 (3), 229-239. doi: 10.1080/17457300.2014.992348

Validity of parent's self-reported responses to home safety questions


Journal Article

The impact of urban form on travel behavior in three Baghdad neighbourhoods affected by terrorism

Albayati, Dhyaa Molan Faraj, Sipe, Neil Gavin, Alizadeh, Tooran and Tomerini, Deanna (2015). The impact of urban form on travel behavior in three Baghdad neighbourhoods affected by terrorism. Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 3 (1), 32-45. doi: 10.1080/21650020.2014.984080

The impact of urban form on travel behavior in three Baghdad neighbourhoods affected by terrorism


Journal Article

Not Learning from the Past: Adaptive Governance Challenges for Australian Natural Resource Management

Vella, Karen, Sipe, Neil, Dale, Allan and Taylor, Bruce (2015). Not Learning from the Past: Adaptive Governance Challenges for Australian Natural Resource Management. Geographical Research, 53 (4), 379-392. doi: 10.1111/1745-5871.12115

Not Learning from the Past: Adaptive Governance Challenges for Australian Natural Resource Management