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Book Chapter

Social learning from media: the need for a culturally diachronic developmental psychology

Nielsen, Mark, Fong, Frankie T. K. and Whiten, Andrew (2021). Social learning from media: the need for a culturally diachronic developmental psychology. Advances in Child Development and Behavior. (pp. 317-334) edited by Jeffrey J. Lockman. San Diego, CA, USA: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/bs.acdb.2021.04.001

Social learning from media: the need for a culturally diachronic developmental psychology


Book Chapter

But that's not fair! The experience of economic inequality from a child's perspective

Kirkland, Kelly, Jetten, Jolanda and Nielsen, Mark (2019). But that's not fair! The experience of economic inequality from a child's perspective. The Social Psychology of Inequality. (pp. 187-199) edited by Jolanda Jetten and Kim Peters. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28856-3_12

But that's not fair! The experience of economic inequality from a child's perspective


Book Chapter

The acquisition of biface knapping skill in the Acheulean

Shipton, Ceri and Nielsen, Mark (2018). The acquisition of biface knapping skill in the Acheulean. Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. (pp. 283-297) edited by Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Fabio Di Vincenzo and Francesca De Petrillo. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-93776-2_18

The acquisition of biface knapping skill in the Acheulean


Book Chapter

Pretend Play and Cognitive Development

Nielsen, Mark (2015). Pretend Play and Cognitive Development. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition. (pp. 870-876) Orlando, FL, USA: Elsevier . doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.23073-0

Pretend Play and Cognitive Development


Book Chapter

Failure to find over-imitation in captive orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus): Implications for our understanding of cross-generation information transfer

Nielsen, Mark and Susianto, Erna W. E. (2010). Failure to find over-imitation in captive orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus): Implications for our understanding of cross-generation information transfer. Developmental Psychology. (pp. 153-167) edited by Johan Håkansson. New York. NY, U.S.A.: Nova Science Publishers.

Failure to find over-imitation in captive orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus): Implications for our understanding of cross-generation information transfer


Book Chapter

Multiple motivations for imitation in infancy

Nielsen, Mark and Slaughter, Virginia (2007). Multiple motivations for imitation in infancy. Imitation and Social Learning in Robots, Humans and Animals: Behavioural, Social and Communicative Dimensions. (pp. 343-360) edited by Nehaniv, Chrystopher L. and Dautenhahn, Kerstin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511489808.023

Multiple motivations for imitation in infancy


Book Chapter

Multiple motivations for imitation in infancy

Nielsen, Mark G. and Slaughter, Virginia (2007). Multiple motivations for imitation in infancy. Imitation and social learning in robots, humans and animals. (pp. 343-359) edited by Nehaniv, C. L. and Dautenhahn, K.. United States: Cambridge University Press.

Multiple motivations for imitation in infancy


Book Chapter

Children's communication of pretend acts using social cues

Randell, A. C. and Nielsen, M. G. (2006). Children's communication of pretend acts using social cues. Frontiers in Cognitive Psychology. (pp. 127-144) edited by M.A. Vanchevsky. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Children's communication of pretend acts using social cues


Book Chapter

Imitation and self-recogntion in autism: In search of an explanation

Nielsen, M. G., Suddendorf, T. and Dissanayake, C. (2006). Imitation and self-recogntion in autism: In search of an explanation. Imitation and the Social Mind: Autism and Typical Development. (pp. 138-197) edited by S.J. Rogers and J.H.G. Williams. New York, NY United States: The Guilford Press.

Imitation and self-recogntion in autism: In search of an explanation