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Journal Article

Community Neighboring Norms and the Prevalence and Management of Private Neighbor Problems

Zahnow, Renee and Cheshire, Lynda (2022). Community Neighboring Norms and the Prevalence and Management of Private Neighbor Problems. City & Community, 22 (2), 1-19. doi: 10.1177/15356841221132497

Community Neighboring Norms and the Prevalence and Management of Private Neighbor Problems


Journal Article

Reified scarcity & the problem space of ‘need’: unpacking Australian social housing policy

Clarke, Andrew, Cheshire, Lynda, Parsell, Cameron and Morris, Alan (2022). Reified scarcity & the problem space of ‘need’: unpacking Australian social housing policy. Housing Studies, 39 (2), 1-19. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2022.2057933

Reified scarcity & the problem space of ‘need’: unpacking Australian social housing policy


Journal Article

The problems with neighbors: an examination of the influence of neighborhood context using large-scale administrative data

Liu, Yan, Wang, Siqin and Cheshire, Lynda (2021). The problems with neighbors: an examination of the influence of neighborhood context using large-scale administrative data. Urban Affairs Review, 59 (1), 238-274. doi: 10.1177/10780874211042811

The problems with neighbors: an examination of the influence of neighborhood context using large-scale administrative data


Journal Article

Bureaucratic encounters “after neoliberalism”: examining the supportive turn in social housing governance

Clarke, Andrew, Cheshire, Lynda and Parsell, Cameron (2020). Bureaucratic encounters “after neoliberalism”: examining the supportive turn in social housing governance. The British Journal of Sociology, 71 (2) 1468-4446.12740, 253-268. doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.12740

Bureaucratic encounters “after neoliberalism”: examining the supportive turn in social housing governance


Journal Article

Administrative mediation data as naturally-occurring records of disputes with neighbours and the unmaking of home

Cheshire, Lynda and ten Have, Charlotte (2020). Administrative mediation data as naturally-occurring records of disputes with neighbours and the unmaking of home. Current Sociology, 68 (5), 001139212092776-700. doi: 10.1177/0011392120927769

Administrative mediation data as naturally-occurring records of disputes with neighbours and the unmaking of home


Journal Article

Unneighbourliness and the unmaking of home

Cheshire, Lynda, Easthope, Hazel and ten Have, Charlotte (2019). Unneighbourliness and the unmaking of home. Housing, Theory and Society, 38 (2), 1-19. doi: 10.1080/14036096.2019.1705384

Unneighbourliness and the unmaking of home


Journal Article

A socio-spatial analysis of neighbour complaints using large-scale administrative data: the case in Brisbane, Australia

Liu, Yan, Cheshire, Lynda, Wang, Siqin and Fu, Xuanming (2019). A socio-spatial analysis of neighbour complaints using large-scale administrative data: the case in Brisbane, Australia. Cities, 90, 168-180. doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2019.02.010

A socio-spatial analysis of neighbour complaints using large-scale administrative data: the case in Brisbane, Australia


Journal Article

Homes too large for household needs? Under-occupancy as policy problem and lived experience among older social housing tenants

Cheshire, Lynda and Forrest, Walter (2019). Homes too large for household needs? Under-occupancy as policy problem and lived experience among older social housing tenants. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 33 (1) 08959420.2019.1626325, 22-50. doi: 10.1080/08959420.2019.1626325

Homes too large for household needs? Under-occupancy as policy problem and lived experience among older social housing tenants


Journal Article

Neighbourhood change and neighbour complaints: how gentrification and densification influence the prevalence of problems between neighbours

Cheshire, Lynda, Fitzgerald, Robin and Liu, Yan (2019). Neighbourhood change and neighbour complaints: how gentrification and densification influence the prevalence of problems between neighbours. Urban Studies, 56 (6), 1093-1112. doi: 10.1177/0042098018771453

Neighbourhood change and neighbour complaints: how gentrification and densification influence the prevalence of problems between neighbours


Journal Article

Social housing after neo-liberalism: new forms of state-driven welfare intervention toward social renters

Parsell, Cameron, Cheshire, Lynda, Walter, Zoe and Clarke, Andrew (2019). Social housing after neo-liberalism: new forms of state-driven welfare intervention toward social renters. Housing Studies, 37 (7), 1-23. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2018.1563673

Social housing after neo-liberalism: new forms of state-driven welfare intervention toward social renters


Journal Article

The limits to authority: developer interventions and neighbour problems on a master planned estate

Cheshire, Lynda (2019). The limits to authority: developer interventions and neighbour problems on a master planned estate. Housing, Theory and Society, 36 (1), 92-111. doi: 10.1080/14036096.2017.1383933

The limits to authority: developer interventions and neighbour problems on a master planned estate


Journal Article

The decline of 'advantageous disadvantage' in gateway suburbs in Australia: the challenge of private housing market settlement for newly-arrived migrants

Easthope, Hazel, Stone, Wendy and Cheshire, Lynda (2018). The decline of 'advantageous disadvantage' in gateway suburbs in Australia: the challenge of private housing market settlement for newly-arrived migrants. Urban Studies: An International Journal for Research in Urban Studies, 55 (9), 1-20. doi: 10.1177/0042098017700791

The decline of 'advantageous disadvantage' in gateway suburbs in Australia: the challenge of private housing market settlement for newly-arrived migrants


Journal Article

The post-political state? The role of administrative reform in managing tensions between urban growth and liveability in Brisbane, Australia

Clarke, Andrew and Cheshire, Lynda (2018). The post-political state? The role of administrative reform in managing tensions between urban growth and liveability in Brisbane, Australia. Urban Studies, 55 (16), 004209801775309-3562. doi: 10.1177/0042098017753096

The post-political state? The role of administrative reform in managing tensions between urban growth and liveability in Brisbane, Australia


Journal Article

‘Strangers in my home’: Disaster and the durability of the private realm

Cheshire, Lynda, Walters, Peter and ten Have, Charlotte (2018). ‘Strangers in my home’: Disaster and the durability of the private realm. Sociological Review, 66 (6), 003802611875478-1241. doi: 10.1177/0038026118754781

‘Strangers in my home’: Disaster and the durability of the private realm


Journal Article

Mapping mis-location and housing stress in the private rental sector: a case study of Brisbane, Australia

Liu, Yan, Cheshire, Lynda and Wadley, David (2016). Mapping mis-location and housing stress in the private rental sector: a case study of Brisbane, Australia. Applied Geography, 76, 207-216. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2016.09.026

Mapping mis-location and housing stress in the private rental sector: a case study of Brisbane, Australia


Journal Article

Destination dumping ground: the convergence of ‘unwanted’ populations in disadvantaged city areas

Cheshire, Lynda and Zappia, Gina (2016). Destination dumping ground: the convergence of ‘unwanted’ populations in disadvantaged city areas. Urban Studies, 53 (10), 2081-2098. doi: 10.1177/0042098015587241

Destination dumping ground: the convergence of ‘unwanted’ populations in disadvantaged city areas


Journal Article

Anti-social or intensively sociable? The local context of neighbour disputes and complaints among social housing tenants

Cheshire, Lynda and Buglar, Shannon (2016). Anti-social or intensively sociable? The local context of neighbour disputes and complaints among social housing tenants. Housing Studies, 31 (6), 729-748. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2015.1122743

Anti-social or intensively sociable? The local context of neighbour disputes and complaints among social housing tenants


Journal Article

‘Know your neighbours’: disaster resilience and the normative practices of neighbouring in an urban context

Cheshire, Lynda. (2015). ‘Know your neighbours’: disaster resilience and the normative practices of neighbouring in an urban context. Environment and Planning A, 47 (5), 1081-1099. doi: 10.1177/0308518X15592310

‘Know your neighbours’: disaster resilience and the normative practices of neighbouring in an urban context


Journal Article

Community resilience, social capital and territorial governance

Cheshire, Lynda, Esparcia, Javier and Shucksmith, Mark (2015). Community resilience, social capital and territorial governance. Ager: revista de estudios sobre despoblacion y desarrollo rural (18), 7-38. doi: 10.4422/ager.2015.08

Community resilience, social capital and territorial governance


Journal Article

Governing the impacts of mining and the impacts of mining governance: challenges for rural and regional local governments in Australia

Cheshire, Lynda, Everingham, Jo-Anne and Lawrence, Geoffrey (2014). Governing the impacts of mining and the impacts of mining governance: challenges for rural and regional local governments in Australia. Journal of Rural Studies, 36, 330-339. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.10.010

Governing the impacts of mining and the impacts of mining governance: challenges for rural and regional local governments in Australia