2003 Book Chapter Value-added taxHamel, E. H., Stiglingh, M., Venter, J. M. P., De Clercq, B., Howell, R. and Voogt, T. L. (2003). Value-added tax. A student's approach to income tax: business activities. (pp. 1-67) Durban, South Africa: LexisNexis Butterworths. |
2003 Book Chapter Belasting op Toegevoegde WaardeStiglingh, M., Hamel, E.M., Venter, J.M.P., De Clercq, B., Howell, R. and Voogt, Thea (2003). Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde. 'n Studentebenadering tot Inkomstebelasting. (pp. 1-67) Durban, South Africa: LexisNexis Butterworths. |