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Journal Article

Director appointments: expressing board care and diligence

Voogt, Thea and Verreynne, Martie-Louise (2018). Director appointments: expressing board care and diligence. UNSW Law Journal, 41 (4), 1335-1367.

Director appointments: expressing board care and diligence


Journal Article

A conceptual assessment of board skills in ASX100 companies

Voogt, Thea (2018). A conceptual assessment of board skills in ASX100 companies. Australian Business Law Review, 46 (4), 218-236.

A conceptual assessment of board skills in ASX100 companies


Journal Article

Tall trees and digital literacy: Lessons from Palkon v Holmes

Voogt, Thea (2017). Tall trees and digital literacy: Lessons from Palkon v Holmes. Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 31 (3), 344-369.

Tall trees and digital literacy: Lessons from Palkon v Holmes


Journal Article

After all the talk, what is the Turnbull government actually doing for small business?

Verreynne, Martie-Louise and Voogt, Thea (2017, 02 16). After all the talk, what is the Turnbull government actually doing for small business? The Conversation

After all the talk, what is the Turnbull government actually doing for small business?


Journal Article

Revisiting income averaging 50 years after the Asprey Review

Voogt, Thea (2024). Revisiting income averaging 50 years after the Asprey Review. Australian Tax Review, 53 (4), 247-274.

Revisiting income averaging 50 years after the Asprey Review


Journal Article

The impact of farm management deposits on income stabilisation, productivity, profitability, drought risk management and self-reliance

Voogt, Thea (2024). The impact of farm management deposits on income stabilisation, productivity, profitability, drought risk management and self-reliance. Australian Tax Forum, 39 (3), 369-400.

The impact of farm management deposits on income stabilisation, productivity, profitability, drought risk management and self-reliance


Conference Publication

Contemporary Assessment of Income Stabilisation and Environmental Sustainability Agriculture Tax Policy Tools

Voogt, Thea (2024). Contemporary Assessment of Income Stabilisation and Environmental Sustainability Agriculture Tax Policy Tools. 2024 Queensland Tax Researcher Symposium, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 12 July 2024.

Contemporary Assessment of Income Stabilisation and Environmental Sustainability Agriculture Tax Policy Tools


Conference Publication

Drought and taxes: the battler's journey to self-reliance

Voogt, Thea (2023). Drought and taxes: the battler's journey to self-reliance. Deus Ex Machine: Law - Technology - Humanities 2023, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11 - 14 December 2023. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Queensland University of Technology.

Drought and taxes: the battler's journey to self-reliance


Conference Publication

Self-Regulated v Contact-Based Learning in Undergraduate Tax Courses

Voogt, Thea, Robinson, Rhonda and Chen, Sue (2023). Self-Regulated v Contact-Based Learning in Undergraduate Tax Courses. Queensland Tax Researcher Symposium 2023, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 30 June 2023. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.

Self-Regulated v Contact-Based Learning in Undergraduate Tax Courses


Other Outputs

Resilient and committed: embracing adult life with ADHD

Marshallsay, Jessica and Voogt, Thea (2022, 10 01). Resilient and committed: embracing adult life with ADHD UQ Contact magazine

Resilient and committed: embracing adult life with ADHD


Conference Publication

Evaluating the self-reliance impact of Farm Management Deposits

Voogt, Thea (2022). Evaluating the self-reliance impact of Farm Management Deposits. Rural Financial Counselling Service National Providers Forum, Cairns, QLD, Australia, 21-22 July 2022. Cairns, QLD, Australia:

Evaluating the self-reliance impact of Farm Management Deposits


Conference Publication

Measuring the Impact of Drought Policy Tools on Self-Reliance

Voogt, Thea (2022). Measuring the Impact of Drought Policy Tools on Self-Reliance. Queensland Tax Researcher Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 8 July 2022. Brisbane, Australia:

Measuring the Impact of Drought Policy Tools on Self-Reliance


Conference Publication

Farm Management Deposits and Farmgate Self-Reliance: implications for rural financial counselling

Voogt, Thea (2022). Farm Management Deposits and Farmgate Self-Reliance: implications for rural financial counselling. Rural Financial Counselling Service North Queensland conference, Townsville, QLD Australia, 8-9 June 2022. Townsville, QLD Australia: RFCSNQ.

Farm Management Deposits and Farmgate Self-Reliance: implications for rural financial counselling


Conference Publication

Farm management deposits and farmgate self-reliance

Voogt, Thea (2022). Farm management deposits and farmgate self-reliance. Australasian Tax Teachers' Association Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 19-20 January 2022. Australasian Tax Teachers' Association.

Farm management deposits and farmgate self-reliance


Conference Publication

The efficacy of farm management deposits in prolonged drought conditions

Voogt, Thea (2021). The efficacy of farm management deposits in prolonged drought conditions. Queensland Tax Researcher Symposium, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 9 July 2021. Brisbane, Australia: Griffith University.

The efficacy of farm management deposits in prolonged drought conditions


Other Outputs

RFCSNQ - Change conversations: Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 2020-2021 operational year

Voogt, Thea (2021). RFCSNQ - Change conversations: Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 2020-2021 operational year. 2020-2021 operational year Brisbane, QLD, Australia: TC Beirne School of Law.

RFCSNQ - Change conversations: Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 2020-2021 operational year


Other Outputs

RFCSNQ - Change conversations: Quarter 1 2020-2021 operational year

Voogt, Thea (2020). RFCSNQ - Change conversations: Quarter 1 2020-2021 operational year. 2020-2021 operational year Brisbane, QLD, Australia: TC Beirne School of Law.

RFCSNQ - Change conversations: Quarter 1 2020-2021 operational year


Other Outputs

RFCSNQ review of the 2019-2020 operational year

Voogt, Thea (2020). RFCSNQ review of the 2019-2020 operational year. Review of the 2019-20 operational year Brisbane, QLD, Australia: TC Beirne School of Law.

RFCSNQ review of the 2019-2020 operational year


Other Outputs

RFCSNQ Quarter 3 of 2019-20 review of the 2019-20 operational year

Voogt, Thea (2020). RFCSNQ Quarter 3 of 2019-20 review of the 2019-20 operational year. Review of the 2019-20 operational year Brisbane, QLD, Australia: TC Beirne School of Law.

RFCSNQ Quarter 3 of 2019-20 review of the 2019-20 operational year


Other Outputs

National drought and North QLD flood response and recovery agency: briefing note

Voogt, Thea (2020). National drought and North QLD flood response and recovery agency: briefing note. Winton, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.

National drought and North QLD flood response and recovery agency: briefing note