2010 Book Chapter DicistrovirusesBonning, Bryony C. and Johnson, Karyn N. (2010). Dicistroviruses. Insect Virology. (pp. 197-229) edited by Sussan Asgari and Karyn N. Johnson. Norfolk, United Kingdom: Caister Academic Press. |
2009 Book Chapter Development of vaccines and management of viral diseases of crustaceansVan Hulten, M., Johnson, K.N. and Barnes, A.C. (2009). Development of vaccines and management of viral diseases of crustaceans. Shellfish Safety and Quality. (pp. 359-383) edited by Sandra Shumway and Gary E. Rodrick. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing . doi: 10.1533/9781845695576.3.359 |
2005 Book Chapter Iflavirus in Virus TaxonomyChristian, P. D., Carstens, E. B., Domier, L., Johnson, J., Johnson, K. N., Nakashima, N., Scotti, P. D. and van der Wilk, F. (2005). Iflavirus in Virus Taxonomy. Virus taxonomy: Classification and nomenclature of viruses : Eighth report of the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses. (pp. 678-683) edited by Fauquet, C. M., Mayo, M. A., Maniloff, J., Desselberger, U. and Ball, L. A.. San Diego: Elsevier Academic press. |
2005 Book Chapter Dicistroviridae in virus taxonomyChristian, P. D., Carstens, E. B., Domier, L., Johnson, J., Johnson, K. N., Nakashima, N., Scotti, P. D. and van der Wilk, F. (2005). Dicistroviridae in virus taxonomy. Virus taxonomy : the eighth report of the International Committee on taxonomy viruses. (pp. 678-683) edited by Fauquet, C. M., Mayo, M. A., Maniloff, J., Desselberger, U. and Ball, L. A.. San Diego: Academic Press (Elsevier Press). |