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Journal Article

Molecular grafting onto a stable framework yields novel cyclic peptides for the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Wang, Conan K., Gruber, Christian W., Cemazar, Masa, Siatskas, Christopher, Tagore, Prascilla, Payne, Natalie, Sun, Guizhi, Wang, Shunhe, Bernard, Claude C. and Craik, David J. (2014). Molecular grafting onto a stable framework yields novel cyclic peptides for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. ACS Chemical Biology, 9 (1), 156-163. doi: 10.1021/cb400548s

Molecular grafting onto a stable framework yields novel cyclic peptides for the treatment of multiple sclerosis


Conference Publication

Molecular grafting onto a stable framework yields novel cyclic peptides for the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Wang, C. K., Gruber, C. W., Cernazar, M., Siatskas, C., Tagore, P., Sun, G., Wang, S., Bernard, C. and Craik, D. J. (2013). Molecular grafting onto a stable framework yields novel cyclic peptides for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. 23rd American Peptide Symposium, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 22-27 June 2013 . Hoboken, NJ, United States : John Wiley & Sons.

Molecular grafting onto a stable framework yields novel cyclic peptides for the treatment of multiple sclerosis


Journal Article

Cyclotides insert into lipid bilayers to form membrane pores and destabilize the membrane through hydrophobic and phosphoethanolamine-specific interactions

Wang, Conan K., Wacklin, Hanna P. and Craik, David J. (2012). Cyclotides insert into lipid bilayers to form membrane pores and destabilize the membrane through hydrophobic and phosphoethanolamine-specific interactions. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (52), 43884-43898. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.421198

Cyclotides insert into lipid bilayers to form membrane pores and destabilize the membrane through hydrophobic and phosphoethanolamine-specific interactions


Journal Article

Alpha-1 giardin is an annexin with highly unusual calcium-regulated mechanisms

Weeratunga, Saroja K., Osman, Asiah, Hu, Nien-Jen, Wang, Conan K., Mason, Lyndel, Svard, Staffan, Hope, Greg, Jones, Malcolm K. and Hofmann, Andreas (2012). Alpha-1 giardin is an annexin with highly unusual calcium-regulated mechanisms. Journal of Molecular Biology, 423 (2), 169-181. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2012.06.041

Alpha-1 giardin is an annexin with highly unusual calcium-regulated mechanisms


Journal Article

Hookworm SCP/TAPS protein structure - A key to understanding host-parasite interactions and developing new interventions

Osman, Asiah, Wang, Conan K., Winter, Anja, Loukas, Alex, Tribolet, Leon, Gasser, Robin B. and Hofmann, Andreas (2012). Hookworm SCP/TAPS protein structure - A key to understanding host-parasite interactions and developing new interventions. Biotechnology Advances, 30 (3), 652-657. doi: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.11.002

Hookworm SCP/TAPS protein structure - A key to understanding host-parasite interactions and developing new interventions


Journal Article

Phosphorylation of CRN2 by CK2 regulates F-actin and Arp2/3 interaction and inhibits cell migration

Xavier, Charles-Peter, Rastetter, Raphael H., Blomacher, Margit, Stumpf, Maria, Himmel, Mirko, Morgan, Reginald O., Fernandez, Maria-Pilar, Wang, Conan, Osman, Asiah, Miyata, Yoshihiko, Gjerset, Ruth A., Eichinger, Ludwig, Hofmann, Andreas, Linder, Stefan, Noegel, Angelika A. and Clemen, Christoph S. (2012). Phosphorylation of CRN2 by CK2 regulates F-actin and Arp2/3 interaction and inhibits cell migration. Scientific Reports, 2 (1) 241. doi: 10.1038/srep00241

Phosphorylation of CRN2 by CK2 regulates F-actin and Arp2/3 interaction and inhibits cell migration


Book Chapter

Cyclotide isolation and characterization

Craik, David J., Henriques, Sonia Troeira, Mylne, Joshua S. and Wang, Conan K. (2012). Cyclotide isolation and characterization. Natural product biosynthesis by microorganisms and plants, part B. (pp. 37-62) edited by David A. Hopwood. Burlington, USA: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-394291-3.00024-1

Cyclotide isolation and characterization


Journal Article

SBAL: A practical tool to generate and edit structure-based amino acid sequence alignments

Wang, Conan K., Broder, Ursula, Weeratunga, Saroja K., Gasser, Robin B., Loukas, Alex and Hofmann, Andreas (2012). SBAL: A practical tool to generate and edit structure-based amino acid sequence alignments. Bioinformatics, 28 (7) bts035, 1026-1027. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts035

SBAL: A practical tool to generate and edit structure-based amino acid sequence alignments


Journal Article

DMAN: a java tool for analysis of multi-well differential scanning fluorimetry experiments

Wang, Conan K., Weeratunga, Saroja K., Pacheco, Chris M. and Hofmann, Andreas (2011). DMAN: a java tool for analysis of multi-well differential scanning fluorimetry experiments. Bioinformatics, 28 (3) btr664, 439-440. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr664

DMAN: a java tool for analysis of multi-well differential scanning fluorimetry experiments


Journal Article

Promiscuity of carbonic anhydrase II: Unexpected ester hydrolysis of carbohydrate-based sulfamate inhibitors

Lopez, Marie, Vu. Hoan, Wang, Conan K., Wolf, Maarten G., Groenhof, Gerrit, Innocentis, Alessio, Supuran, Claudiu T. and Poulsen, Sally-Ann (2011). Promiscuity of carbonic anhydrase II: Unexpected ester hydrolysis of carbohydrate-based sulfamate inhibitors. Journal of The American Chemical Society, 133 (45), 18452-18462. doi: 10.1021/ja207855c

Promiscuity of carbonic anhydrase II: Unexpected ester hydrolysis of carbohydrate-based sulfamate inhibitors


Journal Article

Divalent cations and Redox conditions regulate the molecular structure and function of visinin-like protein-1

Wang, Conan K., Simon, Anne, Jessen, Christian M., Oliveira, Cristiano L. P., Mack, Lynsey, Braunewell, Karl-Heinz, Ames, James B., Pedersen, Jan Skov and Hofmann, Andreas (2011). Divalent cations and Redox conditions regulate the molecular structure and function of visinin-like protein-1. PLoS One, 6 (11) ARTN e26793, e26793.1-e26793.10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026793

Divalent cations and Redox conditions regulate the molecular structure and function of visinin-like protein-1


Journal Article

Insights into the membrane interactions of the saposin-like proteins Na-SLP-1 and Ac-SLP-1 from human and dog hookworm

Willis, Charlene, Wang, Conan K., Osman, Asiah, Simon, Anne, Pickering, Darren, Mulvenna, Jason, Riboldi-Tunicliffe, Alan, Jones, Malcolm K., Loukas, Alex and Hofmann, Andreas (2011). Insights into the membrane interactions of the saposin-like proteins Na-SLP-1 and Ac-SLP-1 from human and dog hookworm. PLoS One, 6 (10) e25369, e25369.1-e25369.10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0025369

Insights into the membrane interactions of the saposin-like proteins Na-SLP-1 and Ac-SLP-1 from human and dog hookworm


Journal Article

Atypical (RIO) protein kinases from Haemonchus contortus-promise as new targets for nematocidal drugs

Campbell, Bronwyn E., Boag, Peter R., Hofmann, Andreas, Cantacessi, Cinzia, Wang, Conan K., Taylor, Paul, Hu, Min, Sindhu, Zia-ud-Din, Loukas, Alex, Sternberg, Paul W. and Gasser, Robin B. (2011). Atypical (RIO) protein kinases from Haemonchus contortus-promise as new targets for nematocidal drugs. Biotechnology Advances, 29 (3), 338-350. doi: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2011.01.006

Atypical (RIO) protein kinases from Haemonchus contortus-promise as new targets for nematocidal drugs


Journal Article

The role of conserved Glu residue on cyclotide stability and activity: A structural and functional study of kalata B12, a naturally occurring Glu to Asp mutant

Wang, Conan K. L., Clark, Richard J., Harvey, Peta J., Rosengren, K. Johan, Cemazar, Masa and Craik, David J. (2011). The role of conserved Glu residue on cyclotide stability and activity: A structural and functional study of kalata B12, a naturally occurring Glu to Asp mutant. Biochemistry, 50 (19), 4077-4086. doi: 10.1021/bi2004153

The role of conserved Glu residue on cyclotide stability and activity: A structural and functional study of kalata B12, a naturally occurring Glu to Asp mutant


Journal Article

Isolation and characterization of Bioactive Cyclotides from Viola labrilorica

Tang, Jun, Wang, Conan K., Pan, Xulin, Yan, He, Zeng, Guangzhi, Xu, Wenyan, He, Wenjun, Daly, Norelle L., Craik, David J. and Tan, Ninghua (2010). Isolation and characterization of Bioactive Cyclotides from Viola labrilorica. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 93 (11), 2287-2295. doi: 10.1002/hlca.201000115

Isolation and characterization of Bioactive Cyclotides from Viola labrilorica


Journal Article

Merging structural biology with chemical biology: Structural Chemistry at Eskitis

Hofmann, Andreas, Wang, Con, Osman, Asiah and Camp, David (2010). Merging structural biology with chemical biology: Structural Chemistry at Eskitis. Structural Chemistry, 21 (5), 1117-1129. doi: 10.1007/s11224-010-9654-2

Merging structural biology with chemical biology: Structural Chemistry at Eskitis


Journal Article

Isolation and characterization of cytotoxic cyclotides from Viola tricolor

Tang, Jun, Wang, Conan K., Pan, Xulin, Yan, He, Zeng, Guangzhi, Xu, Wenyan, He, Wenjun, Daly, Norelle L., Craik, David J. and Tan, Ninghua (2010). Isolation and characterization of cytotoxic cyclotides from Viola tricolor. Peptides, 31 (8), 1434-1440. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2010.05.004

Isolation and characterization of cytotoxic cyclotides from Viola tricolor


Journal Article

Extensions of PDZ domains as important structural and functional elements

Wang, Conan K., Pan, Lifeng, Chen, Jia and Zhang, Mingjie (2010). Extensions of PDZ domains as important structural and functional elements. Protein & Cell, 1 (8), 737-751. doi: 10.1007/s13238-010-0099-6

Extensions of PDZ domains as important structural and functional elements


Journal Article

Cyclotides are a component of the innate defense of Oldenlandia affinis

Mylne, Joshua S, Wang, Conan K, van der Weerden, Nicole L and Craik, David J (2010). Cyclotides are a component of the innate defense of Oldenlandia affinis. Biopolymers, 94 (5), 635-646. doi: 10.1002/bip.21419

Cyclotides are a component of the innate defense of Oldenlandia affinis


Conference Publication

Cyclotides are a component of the innate defense of Oldenlandia affinis

Mylne, Joshua S., Wang, Conan K., van der Weerden, Nicole L. and Craik, David J. (2010). Cyclotides are a component of the innate defense of Oldenlandia affinis. 1st International Conference on Circular Proteins, Heron Island, Qld, Australia, 18-21 October, 2009. Hoboken, NJ, United States: Wiley. doi: 10.1002/bip.21419

Cyclotides are a component of the innate defense of Oldenlandia affinis