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Conference Publication

Local and systemic effect of cytokinins on soybean nodulation and regulation of their isopentenyl transferase (IPT) biosynthesis genes following rhizobia inoculation

Mens, C., Li, D., Haaima, L.E., Gresshoff, P.M. and Ferguson, B.J. (2020). Local and systemic effect of cytokinins on soybean nodulation and regulation of their isopentenyl transferase (IPT) biosynthesis genes following rhizobia inoculation. Third International Legume Society Conference, Poznan, Poland, 21-24 May 2019. Cordoba, Spain: The International Legume Society.

Local and systemic effect of cytokinins on soybean nodulation and regulation of their isopentenyl transferase (IPT) biosynthesis genes following rhizobia inoculation


Conference Publication

Soybean nodulation: from gene mutation, via gene isolation to functional circuits

Gresshoff, Peter M. and Ferguson, Brett J. (2018). Soybean nodulation: from gene mutation, via gene isolation to functional circuits. FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria, 27-31 August 2018.

Soybean nodulation: from gene mutation, via gene isolation to functional circuits


Conference Publication

Negative regulation of legume nodules by inducible signal peptides

Hastwell, April, Li, Dongxue, Tollenaere, Alina, Gresshoff, Peter M. and Ferguson, Brett J. (2014). Negative regulation of legume nodules by inducible signal peptides. 17th Australian Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 28 September - 2 October 2014.

Negative regulation of legume nodules by inducible signal peptides


Conference Publication

Nitrate sensing and signaling during soybean nodulation

Indrasumunar, Arief, Reid , Dugald, Ferguson, Brett and Gresshoff, Peter M. (2011). Nitrate sensing and signaling during soybean nodulation. Plant and Animal Genomes XIX Conference, San Diago, CA, USA, 15-19 January 2011.

Nitrate sensing and signaling during soybean nodulation


Conference Publication

Genetic and biochemical components of local and systemic long-distance signalling during nodule regulation in legumes

Gresshoff, Peter M., Indrasumunar, Ariel, Lin, Yu-Hsiang, Reid, Dugald, Lin, Meng-Han, Hayashi, Satomi, Batley, Jacqui, Li, Dongxue and Ferguson, Brett (2010). Genetic and biochemical components of local and systemic long-distance signalling during nodule regulation in legumes. 2010 Symposium & Workshop: Plant cell-to-cell and long distance signaling, Gyeongsang National University, Korea, 25-27 August 2010. Korea, Republic of: KSABC.

Genetic and biochemical components of local and systemic long-distance signalling during nodule regulation in legumes


Conference Publication

Identifying novel factors required for legume nodule development and autoregulation.

Ferguson, B. J., Lin, Y. -H., Reid, D. E., Hayashi, S., Lin, M. -H., Zhang, H., Capon, R. and Gresshoff, P. M. (2010). Identifying novel factors required for legume nodule development and autoregulation.. OzBio2010 combined conference, Melbourne, Australia, 26 September - 1 October 2010.

Identifying novel factors required for legume nodule development and autoregulation.


Conference Publication

Functional genomic analysis of systemic cell division regulation in legumes

Gresshoff, P. M., Indrasumunar, A., Miyahara, A., Nontachaiyapoom, S., Biswas, B., Lin, Y-H., Lin, M-H, Reid, D., Callahan, D., Capon, R., Zhang, H., Jiang, Q., Hirani, T., Kobe, B., Men, A., Scott, P., Kereszt, A., Miyagi, M., Li, D., Chan, P-K., Roessner, U., Djordjevic, M. A., Kinkema, M. and Ferguson, B. (2009). Functional genomic analysis of systemic cell division regulation in legumes. International Symposium on Induced Mutations in Plants, Vienna, Austria, 2–15 August 2008. Vienna, Austria: Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture.

Functional genomic analysis of systemic cell division regulation in legumes


Conference Publication

Functional genomics of soybean nodulation control: Plant stem cell biology biotechnology

Djordjevic, M., Ferguson, B,, Gresshoff, P. M., Hayashi, S., Indrasumunar, A., Lin, M. H., Lin, Y. H., Oakes, M. and Reid, D. (2009). Functional genomics of soybean nodulation control: Plant stem cell biology biotechnology. World Soybean Research Conference VIII, Beijing, China, 10-15 August 2009. Beijing, China: The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Crop Science Society of China.

Functional genomics of soybean nodulation control: Plant stem cell biology biotechnology