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Journal Article

Urban development explains reduced genetic diversity in a narrow range endemic freshwater fish

Mather, Andrew, Hancox, Daniel and Riginos, Cynthia (2015). Urban development explains reduced genetic diversity in a narrow range endemic freshwater fish. Conservation Genetics, 16 (3), 625-634. doi: 10.1007/s10592-014-0688-7

Urban development explains reduced genetic diversity in a narrow range endemic freshwater fish


Journal Article

Cleaning up the biogeography of Labroides dimidiatus using phylogenetics and morphometrics

Sims, C. A., Riginos, C., Blomberg, S. P., Huelsken, T., Drew, J. and Grutter, A. S. (2014). Cleaning up the biogeography of Labroides dimidiatus using phylogenetics and morphometrics. Coral Reefs, 33 (1), 223-233. doi: 10.1007/s00338-013-1093-2

Cleaning up the biogeography of Labroides dimidiatus using phylogenetics and morphometrics


Journal Article

Return of the ghosts of dispersal past: historical spread and contemporary gene flow in the blue sea star Linckia laevigata

Crandall, Eric D., Treml, Eric A., Liggins, Libby, Gleeson, Lachlan, Yasuda, Nina, Barber, Paul H., Wörheide, Gert and Riginos, Cynthia (2014). Return of the ghosts of dispersal past: historical spread and contemporary gene flow in the blue sea star Linckia laevigata. Bulletin of Marine Science, 90 (1), 399-425. doi: 10.5343/bms.2013.1052

Return of the ghosts of dispersal past: historical spread and contemporary gene flow in the blue sea star Linckia laevigata


Journal Article

Magnificent dimensions, varied forms, and brilliant colors: The molecular ecology and evolution of the Indian and Pacific oceans

Crandall, Eric D. and Riginos, Cynthia (2014). Magnificent dimensions, varied forms, and brilliant colors: The molecular ecology and evolution of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Bulletin of Marine Science, 90 (1), 1-11. doi: 10.5343/bms.2013.1086

Magnificent dimensions, varied forms, and brilliant colors: The molecular ecology and evolution of the Indian and Pacific oceans


Journal Article

The scope of published population genetic data for Indo-Pacific marine fauna and future research opportunities in the region

Keyse, Jude, Crandall, Eric D., Toonen, Robert J., Meyer, Christopher P., Treml, Eric A. and Riginos, Cynthia (2014). The scope of published population genetic data for Indo-Pacific marine fauna and future research opportunities in the region. Bulletin of Marine Science, 90 (1), 47-78. doi: 10.5343/bms.2012.1107

The scope of published population genetic data for Indo-Pacific marine fauna and future research opportunities in the region


Journal Article

Dispersal capacity predicts both population genetic structure and species richness in reef fishes

Riginos, Cynthia, Buckley, Yvonne M., Blomberg, Simon P. and Treml, Eric A. (2014). Dispersal capacity predicts both population genetic structure and species richness in reef fishes. American Naturalist, 184 (1), 52-64. doi: 10.1086/676505

Dispersal capacity predicts both population genetic structure and species richness in reef fishes


Journal Article

Evaluating edge-of-range genetic patterns for tropical echinoderms, Acanthaster planci and Tripneustes gratilla, of the Kermadec Islands, southwest Pacific

Liggins, Libby, Gleeson, Lachlan and Riginos, Cynthia (2014). Evaluating edge-of-range genetic patterns for tropical echinoderms, Acanthaster planci and Tripneustes gratilla, of the Kermadec Islands, southwest Pacific. Bulletin of Marine Science, 90 (1), 379-397. doi: 10.5343/bms.2013.1015

Evaluating edge-of-range genetic patterns for tropical echinoderms, Acanthaster planci and Tripneustes gratilla, of the Kermadec Islands, southwest Pacific


Journal Article

Extensive genetic population structure in the Indo-West Pacific spot-tail shark, Carcharhinus sorrah

Giles, Jenny L., Ovenden, Jennifer R., Dharmadi, AlMojil, Dareen, Garvilles, Elaine, Khampetch, Kanok-on, Manjebrayakath, Hashim and Riginos, Cynthia (2014). Extensive genetic population structure in the Indo-West Pacific spot-tail shark, Carcharhinus sorrah. Bulletin of Marine Science, 90 (1), 427-454. doi: 10.5343/bms.2013.1009

Extensive genetic population structure in the Indo-West Pacific spot-tail shark, Carcharhinus sorrah


Journal Article

Evolving coral reef conservation with genetic information

Beger, Maria, Selkoe, Kimberly A., Treml, Eric, Barber, Paul H., von der Heyden, Sophie, Crandall, Eric D., Toonen, Robert J. and Riginos, Cynthia (2014). Evolving coral reef conservation with genetic information. Bulletin of Marine Science, 90 (1), 159-185. doi: 10.5343/bms.2012.1106

Evolving coral reef conservation with genetic information


Journal Article

A novel widespread cryptic species and phylogeographic patterns within several giant clam species (Cardiidae: Tridacna) from the Indo-Pacific Ocean

Huelsken, Thomas, Keyse, Jude, Liggins, Libby, Penny, Shane, Treml, Eric A. and Riginos, Cynthia (2013). A novel widespread cryptic species and phylogeographic patterns within several giant clam species (Cardiidae: Tridacna) from the Indo-Pacific Ocean. PLoS One, 8 (11) e80858, e80858.1-e80858.10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080858

A novel widespread cryptic species and phylogeographic patterns within several giant clam species (Cardiidae: Tridacna) from the Indo-Pacific Ocean


Journal Article

Gene flow in the green mirid, Creontiades dilutus (Hemiptera: Miridae), across arid and agricultural environments with different host plant species

Hereward, J. P., Walter, G. H., DeBarro, P. J., Lowe, A. J. and Riginos, C. (2013). Gene flow in the green mirid, Creontiades dilutus (Hemiptera: Miridae), across arid and agricultural environments with different host plant species. Ecology and Evolution, 3 (4), 807-821. doi: 10.1002/ece3.510

Gene flow in the green mirid, Creontiades dilutus (Hemiptera: Miridae), across arid and agricultural environments with different host plant species


Journal Article

Seascape genetics: populations, individuals, and genes marooned and adrift

Riginos, Cynthia and Liggins, Libby (2013). Seascape genetics: populations, individuals, and genes marooned and adrift. Geography Compass, 7 (3), 197-216. doi: 10.1111/gec3.12032

Seascape genetics: populations, individuals, and genes marooned and adrift


Journal Article

Taking the plunge: an introduction to undertaking seascape genetic studies and using biophysical models

Liggins, Libby, Treml, Eric A. and Riginos, Cynthia (2013). Taking the plunge: an introduction to undertaking seascape genetic studies and using biophysical models. Geography Compass, 7 (3), 173-196. doi: 10.1111/gec3.12031

Taking the plunge: an introduction to undertaking seascape genetic studies and using biophysical models


Journal Article

Regional patterns of mtDNA diversity in Styela plicata, an invasive ascidian, from Australian and New Zealand marinas

Torkkola, Janne, Riginos, Cynthia and Liggins, Libby (2013). Regional patterns of mtDNA diversity in Styela plicata, an invasive ascidian, from Australian and New Zealand marinas. Marine and Freshwater Research, 64 (2), 139-145. doi: 10.1071/MF12289

Regional patterns of mtDNA diversity in Styela plicata, an invasive ascidian, from Australian and New Zealand marinas


Journal Article

Systematics and phylogenetic species delimitation within Polinices s.l. (Caenogastropoda: Naticidae) based on molecular data and shell morphology

Huelsken, Thomas, Tapken, Daniel, Dahlmann, Tim, Wägele, Heike, Riginos, Cynthia and Hollmann, Michael (2012). Systematics and phylogenetic species delimitation within Polinices s.l. (Caenogastropoda: Naticidae) based on molecular data and shell morphology. Organisms Diversity and Evolution, 12 (4), 349-375. doi: 10.1007/s13127-012-0111-5

Systematics and phylogenetic species delimitation within Polinices s.l. (Caenogastropoda: Naticidae) based on molecular data and shell morphology


Journal Article

Rapid genetic turnover in populations of the insect pest Bemisia tabaci Middle East: Asia Minor 1 in an agricultural landscape

Dinsdale, A., Schellhorn, N. A., DeBarro, P., Buckley, Y. M. and Riginos, C. (2012). Rapid genetic turnover in populations of the insect pest Bemisia tabaci Middle East: Asia Minor 1 in an agricultural landscape. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 102 (5), 539-549. doi: 10.1017/S0007485312000077

Rapid genetic turnover in populations of the insect pest Bemisia tabaci Middle East: Asia Minor 1 in an agricultural landscape


Journal Article

Population structure, mitochondrial polyphyly and the repeated loss of human biting ability in anopheline mosquitoes from the southwest Pacific

Ambrose, L., Riginos, C., Cooper, R. D., Leow, K. S., Ong, W. and Beebe, N. W. (2012). Population structure, mitochondrial polyphyly and the repeated loss of human biting ability in anopheline mosquitoes from the southwest Pacific. Molecular Ecology, 21 (17), 4327-4343. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05690.x

Population structure, mitochondrial polyphyly and the repeated loss of human biting ability in anopheline mosquitoes from the southwest Pacific


Journal Article

Reproductive output and duration of the pelagic larval stage determine seascape-wide connectivity of marine populations

Treml, Eric A., Roberts, Jason J., Chao, Yi, Halpin, Patrick N., Possingham, Hugh P. and Riginos, Cynthia (2012). Reproductive output and duration of the pelagic larval stage determine seascape-wide connectivity of marine populations. Integrative and Comparative Biology, Advance access (4), 525-537. doi: 10.1093/icb/ics101

Reproductive output and duration of the pelagic larval stage determine seascape-wide connectivity of marine populations


Journal Article

Vicariance and dispersal across an intermittent barrier: population genetic structure of marine animals across the Torres Strait land bridge

Mirams, A.G.K., Treml, E.A., Shields, J.L., Liggins, L. and Riginos, C. (2011). Vicariance and dispersal across an intermittent barrier: population genetic structure of marine animals across the Torres Strait land bridge. Coral Reefs, 30 (4), 937-949. doi: 10.1007/s00338-011-0767-x

Vicariance and dispersal across an intermittent barrier: population genetic structure of marine animals across the Torres Strait land bridge


Journal Article

Adaptive divergence in a scleractinian coral: physiological adaptation of Seriatopora hystrix to shallow and deep reef habitats

Bongaerts, Pim, Riginos, Cynthia, Hay, Kyra B., van Oppen, Madeleine J.H., Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove and Dove, Sophie (2011). Adaptive divergence in a scleractinian coral: physiological adaptation of Seriatopora hystrix to shallow and deep reef habitats. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11 (1) 303, 1-46. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-11-303

Adaptive divergence in a scleractinian coral: physiological adaptation of Seriatopora hystrix to shallow and deep reef habitats