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Journal Article

Investigating the price volatility spillover effects in the poultry industry inputs market and the egg market in Iran: using the multivariate DCC-GARCH model

Javadi, Akram, Ghahremanzadeh, Mohammad and Soumeh, Elham Assadi (2024). Investigating the price volatility spillover effects in the poultry industry inputs market and the egg market in Iran: using the multivariate DCC-GARCH model. Agriculture & Food Security, 13 (1) 23. doi: 10.1186/s40066-024-00472-6

Investigating the price volatility spillover effects in the poultry industry inputs market and the egg market in Iran: using the multivariate DCC-GARCH model


Journal Article

Implications of the storage conditions and production system on the physical properties of eggs: a multivariate data analysis study

Cozzolino, Daniel, Sanal, Pooja, Soumeh, Elham Assadi, Dekkers, Milou Helene, Anderson, Molly, Boisen, Sheree and Hoffman, Louwrens Christiaan (2024). Implications of the storage conditions and production system on the physical properties of eggs: a multivariate data analysis study. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59 (5), 3235-3244. doi: 10.1111/ijfs.17069

Implications of the storage conditions and production system on the physical properties of eggs: a multivariate data analysis study


Journal Article

An investigation into the influence of fermented cottonseed meal on the productive performance, egg quality, and gut health in laying hens

Ashayerizadeh, A., Jazi, V., Rezvani, M.R., Mohebodini, H., Soumeh, E.A. and Abdollahi, M.R. (2024). An investigation into the influence of fermented cottonseed meal on the productive performance, egg quality, and gut health in laying hens. Poultry Science, 103 (5) 103574, 103574. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2024.103574

An investigation into the influence of fermented cottonseed meal on the productive performance, egg quality, and gut health in laying hens


Journal Article

Predicting egg storage time with a portable near-infrared instrument: effects of temperature and production system

Cozzolino, Daniel, Sanal, Pooja, Schreuder, Jana, Williams, Paul James, Assadi Soumeh, Elham, Dekkers, Milou Helene, Anderson, Molly, Boisen, Sheree and Hoffman, Louwrens Christiaan (2024). Predicting egg storage time with a portable near-infrared instrument: effects of temperature and production system. Foods, 13 (2) 212, 1-11. doi: 10.3390/foods13020212

Predicting egg storage time with a portable near-infrared instrument: effects of temperature and production system


Journal Article

How low can you go? Broiler breast muscle possesses a mitochondrial content of just 2%

Soumeh, Elham A., Bottje, Walter G. and Hudson, Nicholas J. (2024). How low can you go? Broiler breast muscle possesses a mitochondrial content of just 2%. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A: Animal Sciences, 73 (1-2), 22-27. doi: 10.1080/09064702.2023.2262470

How low can you go? Broiler breast muscle possesses a mitochondrial content of just 2%


Journal Article

Effects of black pepper and turmeric powder on growth performance, gut health, meat quality, and fatty acid profile of Japanese quail

Ashayerizadeh, O., Dastar, B., Shams Shargh, M., A. Soumeh, E. and Jazi, V. (2023). Effects of black pepper and turmeric powder on growth performance, gut health, meat quality, and fatty acid profile of Japanese quail. Frontiers in Physiology, 14 1218850, 1-12. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1218850

Effects of black pepper and turmeric powder on growth performance, gut health, meat quality, and fatty acid profile of Japanese quail


Journal Article

The optimum ratio of digestible leucine: lysine in wheat-based diets for female broiler chickens from 8 – 21 days of age

Amirdahri, S., Janmohammadi, H., Taghizadeh, A., Lambert, W., Oliayi, M. and Assadi Soumeh, E. (2023). The optimum ratio of digestible leucine: lysine in wheat-based diets for female broiler chickens from 8 – 21 days of age. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 32 (2) 100289, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.japr.2022.100289

The optimum ratio of digestible leucine: lysine in wheat-based diets for female broiler chickens from 8 – 21 days of age


Journal Article

Elecampane rhizome extract alleviates methotrexate-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in male rats

Sharifi, Fatemeh, Jazi, Vahid and Assadi Soumeh, Elham (2023). Elecampane rhizome extract alleviates methotrexate-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in male rats. Advances in Traditional Medicine, 23 (4), 1255-1264. doi: 10.1007/s13596-023-00679-1

Elecampane rhizome extract alleviates methotrexate-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in male rats


Journal Article

Effects of protease supplementation on growth performance, organ development, gut morphology, and microbial profile of broiler chicken

Huyan, Lingjun, Kumar, Arun, Manafi, Milad and Soumeh, Elham A. (2022). Effects of protease supplementation on growth performance, organ development, gut morphology, and microbial profile of broiler chicken. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science, 71 (1-4), 1-11. doi: 10.1080/09064702.2022.2113121

Effects of protease supplementation on growth performance, organ development, gut morphology, and microbial profile of broiler chicken


Journal Article

The efficiency of probiotics administrated via different routes and doses in enhancing production performance, meat auality, gut morphology, and microbial profile of broiler chickens

Soumeh, Elham A., Cedeno, Astrid Del Rocio Coba, Niknafs, Shahram, Bromfield, Jacoba and Hoffman, Louwrens C. (2021). The efficiency of probiotics administrated via different routes and doses in enhancing production performance, meat auality, gut morphology, and microbial profile of broiler chickens. Animals, 11 (12) 3607, 3607. doi: 10.3390/ani11123607

The efficiency of probiotics administrated via different routes and doses in enhancing production performance, meat auality, gut morphology, and microbial profile of broiler chickens


Journal Article

Enhancing growth performance, organ development, meat auality, and bone mineralisation of broiler chickens through multi-enzyme super-dosing in reduced energy diets

Bromfield, Jacoba I., Hoffman, Louwrens C., Horyanto, Darwin and Soumeh, Elham A. (2021). Enhancing growth performance, organ development, meat auality, and bone mineralisation of broiler chickens through multi-enzyme super-dosing in reduced energy diets. Animals, 11 (10) 2791, 1-18. doi: 10.3390/ani11102791

Enhancing growth performance, organ development, meat auality, and bone mineralisation of broiler chickens through multi-enzyme super-dosing in reduced energy diets


Journal Article

Leucine Requirement of Female Cobb Broilers from 8 to 14 Days of Age

Amirdahri, S., Janmohammadi, H., Taghizadeh, A., Soumeh, E. A. and Oliayi, M. (2021). Leucine Requirement of Female Cobb Broilers from 8 to 14 Days of Age. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 11 (2), 391-398.

Leucine Requirement of Female Cobb Broilers from 8 to 14 Days of Age


Journal Article

Efficacy of natural alternatives to antibiotic on the growth performance, gut microbial population, intestinal morphology, and serum biochemical metabolites of broiler chickens

Teymouri, Pouya, Jafari Khorshidi, Kaveh, Rezaeipour, Vahid and Assadi Soumeh, Elham (2021). Efficacy of natural alternatives to antibiotic on the growth performance, gut microbial population, intestinal morphology, and serum biochemical metabolites of broiler chickens. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 20 (1), 1801-1809. doi: 10.1080/1828051x.2021.1954558

Efficacy of natural alternatives to antibiotic on the growth performance, gut microbial population, intestinal morphology, and serum biochemical metabolites of broiler chickens


Journal Article

Multienzyme super-dosing in broiler chicken diets: the implications for gut morphology, microbial profile, nutrient digestibility, and bone mineralization

Madigan-Stretton, Jacoba, Mikkelsen, Deirdre and Soumeh, Elham Assadi (2020). Multienzyme super-dosing in broiler chicken diets: the implications for gut morphology, microbial profile, nutrient digestibility, and bone mineralization. Animals, 11 (1) 1, 1-17. doi: 10.3390/ani11010001

Multienzyme super-dosing in broiler chicken diets: the implications for gut morphology, microbial profile, nutrient digestibility, and bone mineralization


Journal Article

Valine Requirement of Female Cobb Broilers from 8 to 21 Days of Age

Amirdahri, S., Janmohammadi, H., Lambert, W., Soumeh, E. A. and Oliayi, M. (2020). Valine Requirement of Female Cobb Broilers from 8 to 21 Days of Age. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 29 (4), 775-785. doi: 10.1016/j.japr.2020.04.005

Valine Requirement of Female Cobb Broilers from 8 to 21 Days of Age


Journal Article

Effect of dietary supplementation of whey powder and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance, gut and hepatic function, and muscle antioxidant capacity of Japanese quail

Jazi, Vahid, Farahi, Majid, Khajali, Fariborz, Abousaad, Shaymma, Ferket, Peter and Assadi Soumeh, Elham (2020). Effect of dietary supplementation of whey powder and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance, gut and hepatic function, and muscle antioxidant capacity of Japanese quail. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 104 (3) jpn.13323, 886-897. doi: 10.1111/jpn.13323

Effect of dietary supplementation of whey powder and Bacillus subtilis on growth performance, gut and hepatic function, and muscle antioxidant capacity of Japanese quail


Journal Article

Synergistic effects of fermented soybean meal and mannan-oligosaccharide on growth performance, digestive functions, and hepatic gene expression in broiler chickens

Soumeh, E. A., Mohebodini, H., Toghyani, M., Shabani, A., Ashayerizadeh, A. and Jazi, V. (2019). Synergistic effects of fermented soybean meal and mannan-oligosaccharide on growth performance, digestive functions, and hepatic gene expression in broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 98 (12), 6797-6807. doi: 10.3382/ps/pez409

Synergistic effects of fermented soybean meal and mannan-oligosaccharide on growth performance, digestive functions, and hepatic gene expression in broiler chickens


Journal Article

Excess dietary tryptophan mitigates aflatoxicosis in growing quails

Khanipour, Sousan, Mehri, Mehran, Bagherzadeh‐Kasmani, Farzad, Maghsoudi, Ali and Assadi Soumeh, Elham (2019). Excess dietary tryptophan mitigates aflatoxicosis in growing quails. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 103 (5) jpn.13167, 1462-1473. doi: 10.1111/jpn.13167

Excess dietary tryptophan mitigates aflatoxicosis in growing quails


Journal Article

Use of metabolic profile in short-term studies for estimating optimum dietary isoleucine, leucine, and valine for pigs

Nørgaard, J. V. , Soumeh, E. A. , Curtasu, M. , Corrent, E. , van Milgen, J. and Hedemann, M. S. (2017). Use of metabolic profile in short-term studies for estimating optimum dietary isoleucine, leucine, and valine for pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 228, 39-47. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2017.04.002

Use of metabolic profile in short-term studies for estimating optimum dietary isoleucine, leucine, and valine for pigs


Journal Article

Nontargeted LC-MS metabolomics approach for metabolic profiling of plasma and urine from pigs fed branched chain amino acids for maximum growth performance

Soumeh, Elham A., Hedemann, Mette S., Poulsen, Hanne D., Corrent, Etienne, van Milgen, Jacob and Norgaard, Jan V. (2016). Nontargeted LC-MS metabolomics approach for metabolic profiling of plasma and urine from pigs fed branched chain amino acids for maximum growth performance. Journal of Proteome Research, 15 (12), 4195-4207. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.6b00184

Nontargeted LC-MS metabolomics approach for metabolic profiling of plasma and urine from pigs fed branched chain amino acids for maximum growth performance