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Journal Article

An empirical assessment of the impact of subsidies on EV adoption in China: A difference-in-differences approach

Zheng, Xuemei, Menezes, Flavio, Zheng, Xiaofeng and Wu, Chengkuan (2022). An empirical assessment of the impact of subsidies on EV adoption in China: A difference-in-differences approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 162, 121-136. doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2022.05.020

An empirical assessment of the impact of subsidies on EV adoption in China: A difference-in-differences approach


Journal Article

Estimating efficient water prices in the Sao Marcos River Basin: a residual imputation approach

Menezes, Flavio M., Capodeferro, Morganna W., Smiderle, Juliana J. and Guimarães, Pedro E. (2022). Estimating efficient water prices in the Sao Marcos River Basin: a residual imputation approach. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148 (5) 06022001, 1-8. doi: 10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0001538

Estimating efficient water prices in the Sao Marcos River Basin: a residual imputation approach


Journal Article

Energy transition in the Brazilian electric power system

Dutra, Joisa and Menezes, Flavio (2022). Energy transition in the Brazilian electric power system. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 23 (2), 178359172210887-134. doi: 10.1177/17835917221088765

Energy transition in the Brazilian electric power system


Journal Article

A near real-time economic activity tracker for the Brazilian economy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Menezes, Flavio, Figer, Vivian, Jardim, Fernanda and Medeiros, Pedro (2022). A near real-time economic activity tracker for the Brazilian economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Economic Modelling, 112 105851, 105851. doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2022.105851

A near real-time economic activity tracker for the Brazilian economy during the COVID-19 pandemic


Journal Article

Market‐wide impact of renewables on electricity prices in Australia*

Gonçalves, Ricardo and Menezes, Flávio (2022). Market‐wide impact of renewables on electricity prices in Australia*. The Economic Record, 98 (320), 1-21. doi: 10.1111/1475-4932.12642

Market‐wide impact of renewables on electricity prices in Australia*


Journal Article

Entry and social efficiency under Bertrand competition and asymmetric information

Khezr, Peyman and Menezes, Flavio M. (2021). Entry and social efficiency under Bertrand competition and asymmetric information. International Journal of Game Theory, 50 (4), 927-944. doi: 10.1007/s00182-021-00775-z

Entry and social efficiency under Bertrand competition and asymmetric information


Journal Article

Responses to COVID-19 in five Latin American countries

Benítez, María Alejandra, Velasco, Carolina, Sequeira, Ana Rita, Henríquez, Josefa, Menezes, Flavio M. and Paolucci, Francesco (2020). Responses to COVID-19 in five Latin American countries. Health Policy and Technology, 9 (4) 449, 525-559. doi: 10.1016/j.hlpt.2020.08.014

Responses to COVID-19 in five Latin American countries


Journal Article

In between the state and the market: An empirical assessment of the early achievements of China's 2015 electricity reform

Zheng, Xuemei, Menezes, Flavio and Nepal, Rabindra (2020). In between the state and the market: An empirical assessment of the early achievements of China's 2015 electricity reform. Energy Economics, 93 105003, 105003. doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2020.105003

In between the state and the market: An empirical assessment of the early achievements of China's 2015 electricity reform


Journal Article

The strategic industry supply curve

Menezes, Flavio M. and Quiggin, John (2020). The strategic industry supply curve. Journal of Industrial Economics, LXVIII (3) joie.12229, 523-555. doi: 10.1111/joie.12229

The strategic industry supply curve


Journal Article

Funding natural monopoly infrastructure expansion: auctions versus regulated uniform access prices

Khezr, Peyman and Menezes, Flavio M. (2019). Funding natural monopoly infrastructure expansion: auctions versus regulated uniform access prices. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 55 (2), 193-213. doi: 10.1007/s11149-019-09382-z

Funding natural monopoly infrastructure expansion: auctions versus regulated uniform access prices


Journal Article

Regulatory incentives for a low-carbon electricity sector in China

Menezes, Flavio M. and Zheng, Xuemei (2018). Regulatory incentives for a low-carbon electricity sector in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 195, 919-931. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.05.256

Regulatory incentives for a low-carbon electricity sector in China


Journal Article

Regulatory behaviour under threat of court reversal: theory and evidence from the Swedish electricity market

Soderberg, Magnus, Menezes, Flavio M. and Santolino, Miguel (2018). Regulatory behaviour under threat of court reversal: theory and evidence from the Swedish electricity market. Energy Economics, 71, 302-310. doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2018.03.006

Regulatory behaviour under threat of court reversal: theory and evidence from the Swedish electricity market


Journal Article

Network regulation and regulatory institutional reform: revisiting the case of Australia

Nepal, Rabindra, Menezes, Flavio and Jamasb, Touraj (2014). Network regulation and regulatory institutional reform: revisiting the case of Australia. Energy Policy, 73, 259-268. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2014.05.037

Network regulation and regulatory institutional reform: revisiting the case of Australia


Journal Article

Optimal access regulation with downstream competition

Kao, Tina, Menezes, Flavio M. and Quiggin, John (2014). Optimal access regulation with downstream competition. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 45 (1), 75-93. doi: 10.1007/s11149-013-9231-x

Optimal access regulation with downstream competition


Journal Article

More competitors or more competition? Market concentration and the intensity of competition

Menezes, Flavio M. and Quiggin, John (2012). More competitors or more competition? Market concentration and the intensity of competition. Economics Letters, 117 (3), 712-714. doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2011.11.001

More competitors or more competition? Market concentration and the intensity of competition


Journal Article

An empirical investigation of the mergers decision process in Australia

Breunig, Robert, Menezes, Flavio M. and Tan, Kelvin Jui Keng (2012). An empirical investigation of the mergers decision process in Australia. Economic Record, 88 (283), 459-475. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4932.2012.00831.x

An empirical investigation of the mergers decision process in Australia


Journal Article

Markets for influence

Menezes, Flavio, M. and Quiggin, John (2010). Markets for influence. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28 (3), 307-310. doi: 10.1016/j.ijindorg.2009.10.002

Markets for influence


Journal Article

Grandfathering and greenhouse: The role of compensation and adjustment assistance in the introduction of a carbon emissions trading scheme for Australia

Menezes, Flavio, Quiggin, John and Wagner, Liam (2009). Grandfathering and greenhouse: The role of compensation and adjustment assistance in the introduction of a carbon emissions trading scheme for Australia. Economic Papers, 28 (2), 82-92. doi: 10.1111/j.1759-3441.2009.00024.x

Grandfathering and greenhouse: The role of compensation and adjustment assistance in the introduction of a carbon emissions trading scheme for Australia


Journal Article

Access pricing and investment: a real options approach

Camacho, Fernando T. and Menezes, Flavio M. (2009). Access pricing and investment: a real options approach. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 36 (2), 107-126. doi: 10.1007/s11149-009-9088-1

Access pricing and investment: a real options approach


Journal Article

Cheap talk, efficiency and egalitarian cost sharing in joint projects

Agastya, M., Menezes, F. and Sengupta, K. (2007). Cheap talk, efficiency and egalitarian cost sharing in joint projects. Games and Economic Behavior, 60 (1), 1-19. doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2006.09.005

Cheap talk, efficiency and egalitarian cost sharing in joint projects