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Journal Article

The Golden Age of Gas and the energy crisis

de Rijke, Kim (2022). The Golden Age of Gas and the energy crisis. Anthropology Today, 38 (6), 3-4. doi: 10.1111/1467-8322.12766

The Golden Age of Gas and the energy crisis


Other Outputs

Gaangalu Nation People QUD33/19: Supplementary Expert Report

de Rijke, Kim (2021). Gaangalu Nation People QUD33/19: Supplementary Expert Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.

Gaangalu Nation People QUD33/19: Supplementary Expert Report


Other Outputs

WAD509/2015 Mulligan & Ors v WA & Ors (Warlangurru #1) Scope of Rights: Anthropologist’s Report

de Rijke, Kim (2020). WAD509/2015 Mulligan & Ors v WA & Ors (Warlangurru #1) Scope of Rights: Anthropologist’s Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.

WAD509/2015 Mulligan & Ors v WA & Ors (Warlangurru #1) Scope of Rights: Anthropologist’s Report


Other Outputs

WAD509/2015 Mulligan & Ors v WA & Ors (Warlangurru #1) Anthropological Assessment of the Woodley Claim

de Rijke, Kim (2020). WAD509/2015 Mulligan & Ors v WA & Ors (Warlangurru #1) Anthropological Assessment of the Woodley Claim. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.

WAD509/2015 Mulligan & Ors v WA & Ors (Warlangurru #1) Anthropological Assessment of the Woodley Claim


Journal Article

Energy solution or future pollution?: applying an energy justice perspective to coal seam gas in New South Wales

Macpherson-Rice, Breana, Munro, Paul G. and de Rijke, Kim (2019). Energy solution or future pollution?: applying an energy justice perspective to coal seam gas in New South Wales. Australian Geographer, 51 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/00049182.2019.1690771

Energy solution or future pollution?: applying an energy justice perspective to coal seam gas in New South Wales


Journal Article

Boomtown: Runaway globalisation on the Queensland coast

de Rijke, Kim (2019). Boomtown: Runaway globalisation on the Queensland coast. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 20 (2), 1-2. doi: 10.1080/14442213.2019.1589914

Boomtown: Runaway globalisation on the Queensland coast


Book Chapter

Drilling down comparatively: resource histories, subterranean unconventional gas and diverging social responses in two Australian regions

De Rijke, Kim (2019). Drilling down comparatively: resource histories, subterranean unconventional gas and diverging social responses in two Australian regions. Mining encounters: extractive industries in an overheated world. (pp. 97-120) edited by Robert Jan Pijpers and Thomas Hylland Eriksen. London, United Kingdom: Pluto Press. doi: 10.2307/j.ctv893jxv

Drilling down comparatively: resource histories, subterranean unconventional gas and diverging social responses in two Australian regions


Other Outputs

Warlangurru #2 (WC2015/008) Native Title Determination Application: Anthropologist’s Report

de Rijke, Kim (2018). Warlangurru #2 (WC2015/008) Native Title Determination Application: Anthropologist’s Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.

Warlangurru #2 (WC2015/008) Native Title Determination Application: Anthropologist’s Report


Journal Article

Energy, anthropology and ethnography: on the challenges of studying unconventional gas developments in Australia

Espig, Martin and de Rijke, Kim (2018). Energy, anthropology and ethnography: on the challenges of studying unconventional gas developments in Australia. Energy Research and Social Science, 45, 214-223. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2018.05.004

Energy, anthropology and ethnography: on the challenges of studying unconventional gas developments in Australia


Journal Article

Produced water, money water, living water: anthropological perspectives on water and fracking

de Rijke, Kim (2018). Produced water, money water, living water: anthropological perspectives on water and fracking. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 5 (2) e1272. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1272

Produced water, money water, living water: anthropological perspectives on water and fracking


Other Outputs

Gaangalu Nation People Native Title Determination Application (QUD 400/2012): Expert Anthropological Report

de Rijke, Kim (2018). Gaangalu Nation People Native Title Determination Application (QUD 400/2012): Expert Anthropological Report. Brisbane, Australia:

Gaangalu Nation People Native Title Determination Application (QUD 400/2012): Expert Anthropological Report


Journal Article

The CSG arena: a critical review of unconventional gas developments and best-practice health impact assessment in Queensland, Australia

Claudio, Fernanda , de Rijke, Kim and Page, Andrew (2018). The CSG arena: a critical review of unconventional gas developments and best-practice health impact assessment in Queensland, Australia. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 36 (1), 105-114. doi: 10.1080/14615517.2017.1364025

The CSG arena: a critical review of unconventional gas developments and best-practice health impact assessment in Queensland, Australia


Journal Article

Australian gas: between a fracked rock and a socially hard place

de Rijke, Kim (2017, 04 10). Australian gas: between a fracked rock and a socially hard place The Conversation

Australian gas: between a fracked rock and a socially hard place


Journal Article

Climate change and anthropos: planet, people and places

de Rijke, Kim (2017). Climate change and anthropos: planet, people and places. Australian Journal of Anthropology, 28 (1), 125-126. doi: 10.1111/taja.12226

Climate change and anthropos: planet, people and places


Other Outputs

Warlangurru #1 and #2 Native Title Determination Applications: Anthropologist’s Report

de Rijke, Kim (2016). Warlangurru #1 and #2 Native Title Determination Applications: Anthropologist’s Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.

Warlangurru #1 and #2 Native Title Determination Applications: Anthropologist’s Report


Journal Article

Reflection: Challenges and Lessons: Navigating coal seam gas fields: Ethnographic challenges in Queensland, Australia

Espig, Martin and de Rijke, Kim (2016). Reflection: Challenges and Lessons: Navigating coal seam gas fields: Ethnographic challenges in Queensland, Australia. Practicing Anthropology, 38 (3), 44-45. doi: 10.17730/0888-4552-38.3.28

Reflection: Challenges and Lessons: Navigating coal seam gas fields: Ethnographic challenges in Queensland, Australia


Journal Article

Unconventional gas developments and the politics of risk and knowledge in Australia

Espig, Martin and de Rijke, Kim (2016). Unconventional gas developments and the politics of risk and knowledge in Australia. Energy Research and Social Science, 20, 82-90. doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2016.06.001

Unconventional gas developments and the politics of risk and knowledge in Australia


Journal Article

The Great Artesian Basin: a contested resource environment of subterranean water and coal seam gas in Australia

de Rijke, Kim, Munro, Paul and de Lourdes Melo Zurita, Maria (2016). The Great Artesian Basin: a contested resource environment of subterranean water and coal seam gas in Australia. Society and Natural Resources, 29 (6), 696-710. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2015.1122133

The Great Artesian Basin: a contested resource environment of subterranean water and coal seam gas in Australia


Book Chapter

Cultural domains and the theory of customary environmentalism in Indigenous Australia

de Rijke, Kim, Martin, Richard and Trigger, David (2016). Cultural domains and the theory of customary environmentalism in Indigenous Australia. Engaging Indigenous Economy: Debating Diverse Approaches. (pp. 43-53) edited by Will Sanders. Canberra, ACT, Australia: ANU Press. doi: 10.22459/caepr35.04.2016.04

Cultural domains and the theory of customary environmentalism in Indigenous Australia


Other Outputs

Gaangalu Nation People Native Title Determination Application (QUD 400/2012): Anthropological Review

de Rijke, Kim (2015). Gaangalu Nation People Native Title Determination Application (QUD 400/2012): Anthropological Review. Brisbane, Australia:

Gaangalu Nation People Native Title Determination Application (QUD 400/2012): Anthropological Review