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Other Outputs

Real-time process for targeting trait phenotyping of plant breeding experiments

Messina, Carlos, Wei, Jun, Dong, Zhanshan, Qing, Zhisheng, Laffont, Jean-Louis, Samples, Mitchell, Schussler, Jeffrey R., Graham, Geoffrey I., Loeffler, Carlos and Cooper, Mark (2015). Real-time process for targeting trait phenotyping of plant breeding experiments. 9107355.

Real-time process for targeting trait phenotyping of plant breeding experiments


Journal Article

Limited-transpiration trait may increase maize drought tolerance in the US corn belt

Messina, Carlos D., Sinclair, Thomas R., Hammer, Graeme L., Curan, Dian, Thompson, Jason, Oler, Zac, Gho, Carla and Cooper, Mark (2015). Limited-transpiration trait may increase maize drought tolerance in the US corn belt. Agronomy Journal, 107 (6), 1978-1986. doi: 10.2134/agronj15.0016

Limited-transpiration trait may increase maize drought tolerance in the US corn belt


Other Outputs

Maize hybrid X13D099

Cooper, Mark and Verde Chifflet, Luis A. (2015). Maize hybrid X13D099. 9084408.

Maize hybrid X13D099


Journal Article

Industry-scale evaluation of maize hybrids selected for increased yield in drought-stress conditions of the US corn belt

Gaffney, Jim, Schussler, Jeff, Loeffler, Carlos, Cai, Weiguo, Paszkiewicz, Steve, Messina, Carlos, Groeteke, Jeremy, Keaschall, Joe and Cooper, Mark (2015). Industry-scale evaluation of maize hybrids selected for increased yield in drought-stress conditions of the US corn belt. Crop Science, 55 (4), 1608-1618. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2014.09.0654

Industry-scale evaluation of maize hybrids selected for increased yield in drought-stress conditions of the US corn belt


Journal Article

Integrating crop growth models with whole genome prediction through approximate Bayesian computation

Technow, Frank, Messina, Carlos D., Totir, L. Radu and Cooper, Mark (2015). Integrating crop growth models with whole genome prediction through approximate Bayesian computation. PLoS One, 10 (6) e0130855, e0130855. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130855

Integrating crop growth models with whole genome prediction through approximate Bayesian computation


Other Outputs

Method and system for digital image analysis of ear traits

Hausmann, Neil Jonathan , Abadie, Tabare E., Cooper, Mark, Lafitte, Honor Renee and Schussler, Jeffrey R. (2015). Method and system for digital image analysis of ear traits. 9008409.

Method and system for digital image analysis of ear traits


Other Outputs

Maize hybrid X08B746

Barker, T. C., Carlone Jr., M. R. and Cooper, M. (2015). Maize hybrid X08B746. 8975491.

Maize hybrid X08B746


Other Outputs

Maize hybrid X08C961

Cooper, Mark and Barker, Thomas Charles (2015). Maize hybrid X08C961. 8957289.

Maize hybrid X08C961


Journal Article

Inhibitor screen for limited-transpiration trait among maize hybrids

Choudhary, Sunita, Sinclair, Thomas R., Messina, Carlos D., Cai, Weiguo, Warner, Dave and Cooper, Mark (2015). Inhibitor screen for limited-transpiration trait among maize hybrids. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 109, 161-167. doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2014.07.015

Inhibitor screen for limited-transpiration trait among maize hybrids


Other Outputs

Maize hybrid X08C980

Smalley, Matthew David, Carlone Jr, Mario Rosario, Fox, Russell L. and Cooper, Mark (2014). Maize hybrid X08C980. 8872005.

Maize hybrid X08C980


Other Outputs

Maize hybrid X03C201

Barker, T. C., Smalley, M. D. and Cooper, M. (2014). Maize hybrid X03C201. 8809644.

Maize hybrid X03C201


Other Outputs

Maize hybrid X13C726

Cooper, Mark, Kilgore-Norquest, Lora Lynn, Barker, Thomas Charles and Wardyn, Brandon Michael (2014). Maize hybrid X13C726. 8809646.

Maize hybrid X13C726


Other Outputs

Maize hybrid X08C962

Cooper, Mark, Wilson, William Andrew and Lee, Travis J. (2014). Maize hybrid X08C962. 8754306.

Maize hybrid X08C962


Other Outputs

Maize hybrid X08C908

Lee, Travis J., Kilgore-Norquest, Lora Lynn, Barker, Thomas Charles and Cooper, Mark (2014). Maize hybrid X08C908. 8742232.

Maize hybrid X08C908


Other Outputs

Maize inbred PH1M3D

Cooper, Mark (2014). Maize inbred PH1M3D. 8742231.

Maize inbred PH1M3D


Other Outputs

Maize inbred PH1M3M

Cooper, Mark and Ross, Andrew Jon (2014). Maize inbred PH1M3M. 8735692.

Maize inbred PH1M3M


Journal Article

Hydraulic conductance of maize hybrids differing in transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit

Sunita, Choudhary, Sinclair, Thomas R., Messina, Carlos D. and Cooper, Mark (2014). Hydraulic conductance of maize hybrids differing in transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit. Crop Science, 54 (3), 1147-1152. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2013.05.0303

Hydraulic conductance of maize hybrids differing in transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit


Other Outputs

Maize hybrid X05B912

Grote, E. M., Wilson, W. A. and Cooper, M. (2014). Maize hybrid X05B912. 8686248.

Maize hybrid X05B912


Journal Article

Predicting the future of plant breeding: complementing empirical evaluation with genetic prediction

Cooper, Mark, Messina, Carlos D., Podlich, Dean, Totir, L. Radu, Baumgarten, Andrew, Hausmann, Neil J., Wright, Deanne and Graham, Geoffrey (2014). Predicting the future of plant breeding: complementing empirical evaluation with genetic prediction. Crop and Pasture Science, 65 (4), 311-336. doi: 10.1071/cp14007

Predicting the future of plant breeding: complementing empirical evaluation with genetic prediction


Conference Publication

Breeding drought-tolerant maize hybrids for the US corn-belt: discovery to product

Cooper, Mark, Gho, Carla, Leafgren, Roger, Tang, Tom and Messina, Carlos (2014). Breeding drought-tolerant maize hybrids for the US corn-belt: discovery to product. 4th InterDrought Conference, Perth, Australia, 2-6 September 2013. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru064

Breeding drought-tolerant maize hybrids for the US corn-belt: discovery to product