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Journal Article

Maize ARGOS1 (ZAR1) transgenic alleles increase hybrid maize yield

Guo, Mei, Rupe, Mary A., Wei, Jun, Winkler, Chris, Goncalves-Butruille, Marymar, Weers, Ben P., Cerwick, Sharon F., Dieter, Jo Ann, Duncan, Keith E., Howard, Richard J., Hou, Zhenglin, Loeffler, Carlos M., Cooper, Mark and Simmons, Carl R. (2014). Maize ARGOS1 (ZAR1) transgenic alleles increase hybrid maize yield. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65 (1), 249-260. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ert370

Maize ARGOS1 (ZAR1) transgenic alleles increase hybrid maize yield


Book Chapter

Future maize hybrid development: Breeding with assistance of molecular and genomics technologies and transgenics

Guo, Mei and Cooper, Mark (2014). Future maize hybrid development: Breeding with assistance of molecular and genomics technologies and transgenics. Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Maize. (pp. 256-269) Boca Raton, FL United States: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/b17274

Future maize hybrid development: Breeding with assistance of molecular and genomics technologies and transgenics


Book Chapter


Smith, Stephen, Cooper, Mark, Gogerty, Joseph, Loffler, Carlos, Borcherding, Delos and Wright, Kevin (2014). Maize. Yield gains in major U.S. field crops. (pp. 125-171) edited by Stephen Smith, Brian Diers, James Specht and Brett Carver. Madison: Crop Science Society of America. doi: 10.2135/cssaspecpub33.c6



Journal Article

Modeling biomass accumulation in maize kernels

Meade, Kendra A., Cooper, Mark and Beavis, William D. (2013). Modeling biomass accumulation in maize kernels. Field Crops Research, 151, 92-100. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2013.07.014

Modeling biomass accumulation in maize kernels


Journal Article

The US drought of 2012 in perspective: A call to action

Boyer, J. S., Byrne, P., Cassman, K. G., Cooper, M., Delmer, D., Greene, T., Gruis, F., Habben, J., Hausmann, N., Kenny, N., Lafitte, R., Paszkiewicz, S., Porter, D., Schlegel, A., Schussler, J., Setter, T., Shanahan, J., Sharp, R. E., Vyn, T. J., Warner, D. and Gaffney, J. (2013). The US drought of 2012 in perspective: A call to action. Global Food Security-Agriculture Policy Economics and Environment, 2 (3), 139-143. doi: 10.1016/j.gfs.2013.08.002

The US drought of 2012 in perspective: A call to action


Other Outputs

Method and system for digital image analysis of ear traits

Hausmann, Neil J., Abadie, Tabare E., Cooper, Mark, Lafitte, Honor R. and Schussler, Jeffrey R. (2013). Method and system for digital image analysis of ear traits. 8488865.

Method and system for digital image analysis of ear traits


Journal Article

Transpiration response of maize hybrids to atmospheric vapour pressure deficit

Gholipoor, M., Choudhary, S., Sinclair, T. R., Messina, C. D. and Cooper, M. (2013). Transpiration response of maize hybrids to atmospheric vapour pressure deficit. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 199 (3), 155-160. doi: 10.1111/jac.12010

Transpiration response of maize hybrids to atmospheric vapour pressure deficit


Journal Article

Maize hybrid variability for transpiration decrease with progressive soil drying

Gholipoor, M., Sinclair, T. R., Raza, M. A. S., Loeffler, C., Cooper, M. and Messina, C. D. (2013). Maize hybrid variability for transpiration decrease with progressive soil drying. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 199 (1), 23-29. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-037X.2012.00530.x

Maize hybrid variability for transpiration decrease with progressive soil drying


Journal Article

A gene regulatory network model for floral transition of the shoot apex in maize and its dynamic modeling

Dong, Zhanshan, Danilevskaya, Olga, Abadie, Tabare, Messina, Carlos, Coles, Nathan and Cooper, Mark (2012). A gene regulatory network model for floral transition of the shoot apex in maize and its dynamic modeling. PLoS One, 7 (8) e43450, e43450. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043450

A gene regulatory network model for floral transition of the shoot apex in maize and its dynamic modeling


Journal Article

Temperature effect on transpiration response of maize plants to vapour pressure deficit

Yang, Zongjian, Sinclair, Thomas R., Zhu, Maggie, Messina, Carlos D., Cooper, Mark and Hammer, Graeme L. (2012). Temperature effect on transpiration response of maize plants to vapour pressure deficit. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 78, 157-162. doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2011.12.034

Temperature effect on transpiration response of maize plants to vapour pressure deficit


Other Outputs

Method and system for digital image analysis of ear traits

Hausmann, Neil Jonathan , Abadie, Tabare E., Cooper, Mark, Lafitte, Honor Renee and Schussler, Jeffrey R. (2011). Method and system for digital image analysis of ear traits. 8073235.

Method and system for digital image analysis of ear traits


Other Outputs

QTL "mapping as-you-go"

Podlich, Dean, Cooper, Mark and Winkler, Chris (2011). QTL "mapping as-you-go". 8039686.

QTL "mapping as-you-go"


Journal Article

Environment characterization as an aid to wheat improvement: Interpreting genotype-environment interactions by modelling water-deficit patterns in north-eastern Australia

Chenu, K., Cooper, M., Hammer, G. L., Mathews, K. L., Dreccer, M. F. and Chapman, S. C. (2011). Environment characterization as an aid to wheat improvement: Interpreting genotype-environment interactions by modelling water-deficit patterns in north-eastern Australia. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62 (6), 1743-1755. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erq459

Environment characterization as an aid to wheat improvement: Interpreting genotype-environment interactions by modelling water-deficit patterns in north-eastern Australia


Journal Article

Yield-trait performance landscapes: from theory to application in breeding maize for drought tolerance

Messina, Carlos D., Podlich, Dean, Dong, Zhanshan, Samples, Mitch and Cooper, Mark (2011). Yield-trait performance landscapes: from theory to application in breeding maize for drought tolerance. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62 (3), 855-868. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erq329

Yield-trait performance landscapes: from theory to application in breeding maize for drought tolerance


Journal Article

The 1BL/1RS translocation decreases grain yield of spring wheat germplasm in low yield environments of north-eastern Australia

Peake, Allan S., Gilmour, Arthur and Cooper, Mark (2011). The 1BL/1RS translocation decreases grain yield of spring wheat germplasm in low yield environments of north-eastern Australia. Crop and Pasture Science, 62 (4), 276-288. doi: 10.1071/CP10219

The 1BL/1RS translocation decreases grain yield of spring wheat germplasm in low yield environments of north-eastern Australia


Journal Article

Indirect selection using reference and probe genotype performance in multi-environment trials

Mathews, Ky L., Trethowan, Richard, Milgate, Andrew W., Payne, Thomas, van Ginkel, Maarten, Crossa, Jose, DeLacy, Ian, Cooper, Mark and Chapman, Scott C. (2011). Indirect selection using reference and probe genotype performance in multi-environment trials. Crop and Pasture Science, 62 (4), 313-327. doi: 10.1071/CP10318

Indirect selection using reference and probe genotype performance in multi-environment trials


Journal Article

Genotypic variation for grain and stover yield of dryland (rabi) sorghum in India: 1. Magnitude of genotype x environment interactions

DeLacy, I. H., Kaul, S., Rana, B. S. and Cooper, M. (2010). Genotypic variation for grain and stover yield of dryland (rabi) sorghum in India: 1. Magnitude of genotype x environment interactions. Field Crops Research, 118 (3), 228-235. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2010.05.013

Genotypic variation for grain and stover yield of dryland (rabi) sorghum in India: 1. Magnitude of genotype x environment interactions


Journal Article

Genotypic variation for grain and stover yield of dryland (rabi) sorghum in India 2. A characterisation of genotype x environment interactions

DeLacy, I. H., Kaul, S., Rana, B. S. and Cooper, M. (2010). Genotypic variation for grain and stover yield of dryland (rabi) sorghum in India 2. A characterisation of genotype x environment interactions. Field Crops Research, 118 (3), 236-242. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2010.05.014

Genotypic variation for grain and stover yield of dryland (rabi) sorghum in India 2. A characterisation of genotype x environment interactions


Journal Article

Morphological and architectural development of root systems in sorghum and maize

Singh, V, van Oosterom, EJ, Jordan, DR, Messina, CD, Cooper, M and Hammer, GL (2010). Morphological and architectural development of root systems in sorghum and maize. Plant and Soil, 333 (1-2), 287-299. doi: 10.1007/s11104-010-0343-0

Morphological and architectural development of root systems in sorghum and maize


Conference Publication

Indirect selection using reference genotype performance in a global spring wheat multi-environment trial

Mathews, Ky L., Trethowan, Richard, Milgate, Andrew, Payne, Thomas, van Ginkel, Maarten, Crossa, Jose, DeLacy, Ian H., Cooper, Mark and Chapman, Scott C. (2010). Indirect selection using reference genotype performance in a global spring wheat multi-environment trial. 8th International Wheat Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, 1-4 June 2010. St. Petersburg, Russia: N.I. Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry (VIR).

Indirect selection using reference genotype performance in a global spring wheat multi-environment trial