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Book Chapter

Normal and pathological mourning: attachment processes in the development of prolonged grief

Maccallum, Fiona (2021). Normal and pathological mourning: attachment processes in the development of prolonged grief. Attachment: the fundamental questions. (pp. 289-295) edited by Ross A. Thompson, Jeffry A. Simpson and Lisa J. Berlin. New York, NY USA: The Guilford Press.

Normal and pathological mourning: attachment processes in the development of prolonged grief


Book Chapter

Adapting CBT for posttraumatic stress disorder and prolonged grief disorder for complex populations and settings

Dawson, Katie S, Maccallum, Fiona, Kenny, Lucy and Bryant, Richard A. (2016). Adapting CBT for posttraumatic stress disorder and prolonged grief disorder for complex populations and settings. Innovations and future directions in the behavioural and cognitive therapies. (pp. 97-101) edited by Ross G. Menzies, Michael Kyrios and Nikolaos Kazantzis. Samford, QLD, Australia: Australian Academic Press.

Adapting CBT for posttraumatic stress disorder and prolonged grief disorder for complex populations and settings