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Conference Publication

Governing the commercial determinants of health: the role of non-government organisations

Friel, Sharon, Townsend, Belinda, Ralston, Rob, Collin, Jeff, Baum, Fran, Cullerton, Katherine, Holmes, Rodney, Martin, Jane and Arnanz, Liz (2023). Governing the commercial determinants of health: the role of non-government organisations. 17th World Congress on Public Health, Rome, Italy, 2-6 May 2023. Heraklion, Greece: European Publishing. doi: 10.18332/popmed/165039

Governing the commercial determinants of health: the role of non-government organisations


Conference Publication

Analysing networks in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nutrition policy: two approaches

Browne, Jennifer, Cullerton, Katherine, Gallegos, Danielle, Lee, Amanda, Donnett, Timothy, De Leeuw, Evelyne, Hayes, Rick, Gleeson, Deborah and Adams, Karen (2016). Analysing networks in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nutrition policy: two approaches. Dietitians Association of Australia 33rd National Conference , Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 19 - 21 May 2016. Richmond, VIC, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia.

Analysing networks in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nutrition policy: two approaches