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Journal Article

Talent in hospitality entrepreneurship: a conceptualization and research agenda

Muskat, Birgit, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie, Ong, Faith and Andresen, Maike (2019). Talent in hospitality entrepreneurship: a conceptualization and research agenda. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31 (10) IJCHM-10-2018-0867, 3899-3918. doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-10-2018-0867

Talent in hospitality entrepreneurship: a conceptualization and research agenda


Journal Article

Critical event studies: Issues and perspectives

Robertson, Martin, Ong, Faith, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie and Ali-Knight, Jane (2018). Critical event studies: Issues and perspectives. Event Management, 22 (6), 865-874. doi: 10.3727/152599518x15346132863193

Critical event studies: Issues and perspectives


Journal Article

Pink is the New Gray: Events as Agents of Social Change

Ong, Faith and Goh, Sandra (2018). Pink is the New Gray: Events as Agents of Social Change. Event Management, 22 (6), 965-979. doi: 10.3727/152599518x15346132863292

Pink is the New Gray: Events as Agents of Social Change


Journal Article

The conceptualization of volunteering among nonvolunteers: using the net-cost approach to expand definitions and dimensions of volunteering

Haski-Leventhal, Debbie, Oppenheimer, Melanie, Holmes, Kirsten, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie, Alony, Irit and Ong, Faith (2018). The conceptualization of volunteering among nonvolunteers: using the net-cost approach to expand definitions and dimensions of volunteering. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 48 (2_suppl), 30S-51S. doi: 10.1177/0899764018768078

The conceptualization of volunteering among nonvolunteers: using the net-cost approach to expand definitions and dimensions of volunteering


Journal Article

Going global, acting local: volunteer tourists as prospective community builders

Ong, Faith, King, Brian, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie and Junek, Olga (2017). Going global, acting local: volunteer tourists as prospective community builders. Tourism Recreation Research, 43 (2), 135-146. doi: 10.1080/02508281.2017.1391449

Going global, acting local: volunteer tourists as prospective community builders


Journal Article

The future of volunteer tourism in the Asia-Pacific region: alternative prospects

Ong, Faith, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie, King, Brian and Smith, Karen A. (2014). The future of volunteer tourism in the Asia-Pacific region: alternative prospects. Journal of Travel Research, 53 (6), 680-692. doi: 10.1177/0047287514532365

The future of volunteer tourism in the Asia-Pacific region: alternative prospects


Journal Article

Virtuous volunteer tourism: towards a uniform code of conduct

Ong, Faith, Pearlman, Michael, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie and King, Brian (2013). Virtuous volunteer tourism: towards a uniform code of conduct. Annals of Leisure Research, 16 (1), 72-86. doi: 10.1080/11745398.2013.769402

Virtuous volunteer tourism: towards a uniform code of conduct


Journal Article

An examination of not-for-profit volunteer tourism sending organisations’ guiding considerations that influence volunteer tourism programmes

Ong, Faith, Pearlman, Michael and Lockstone-Binney, Leonie (2011). An examination of not-for-profit volunteer tourism sending organisations’ guiding considerations that influence volunteer tourism programmes. World Leisure Journal, 53 (4), 296-311. doi: 10.1080/04419057.2011.630787

An examination of not-for-profit volunteer tourism sending organisations’ guiding considerations that influence volunteer tourism programmes