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Conference Publication

Perceptions of South Asian Australians Towards Genetic Testing for Cardiovascular Disease

Nathan, V., Gilroy, D., Naresh, R., Akbar, H., Shah, S. and Yanes, T. (2024). Perceptions of South Asian Australians Towards Genetic Testing for Cardiovascular Disease. 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, Perth, WA Australia, 1-4 August 2024. Chatswood, NSW Australia: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2024.04.199

Perceptions of South Asian Australians Towards Genetic Testing for Cardiovascular Disease


Conference Publication

Evaluating a protocol for communicating melanoma personalised risk scores: a pilot study

Wallingford, Courtney, Law, Matthew, Mothershaw, Adam, Acevedo, Astrid Rodriguez, Soyer, Hans Peter, McInerney-Leo, Aideen and Yanes, Tatiane (2024). Evaluating a protocol for communicating melanoma personalised risk scores: a pilot study. 56th Annual Conference of the European-Society-of-Human-Genetics (ESHG), Glasgow, Scotland, 10-13 June 2023. London, United Kingdom: Nature Publishing Group.

Evaluating a protocol for communicating melanoma personalised risk scores: a pilot study


Conference Publication

Models of communication for polygenic scores and associated behavioural and psychological outcomes: a systematic review

Wallingford, Courtney, Kovilpillai, Hannah, Jacobs, Chris, Turbitt, Erin, Primiero, Clare, Brockman, Deanna, Soyer, Hans Peter, McInerney-Leo, Aideen and Yanes, Tatiane (2023). Models of communication for polygenic scores and associated behavioural and psychological outcomes: a systematic review. 55th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference, Vienna, Austria, 11-14 June 2022. London, United Kingdom: Nature Publishing Group.

Models of communication for polygenic scores and associated behavioural and psychological outcomes: a systematic review


Conference Publication

Mainstreaming genomic testing for children with undiagnosed inborn errors of immunity

Yanes, Tatiane, Sullivan, Anna, Barbaro, Pasquale, Brion, Kristian, Peake, Jane and McNaughton, Peter (2023). Mainstreaming genomic testing for children with undiagnosed inborn errors of immunity. 55th European-Society-of-Human-Genetics (ESHG) Conference, Vienna Austria, Jun 11-14, 2022. LONDON: SPRINGERNATURE.

Mainstreaming genomic testing for children with undiagnosed inborn errors of immunity


Conference Publication

Uptake of polygenic risk information among women at potentially high breast cancer risk

Yanes, T., Meiser, B., Kaur, R., Scheepers-Joynt, M., Young, M., Barlow-Stewart, K., John, T., Harris, M., Antill, Y., Halliday, J., Burke, J., Roscioli, T., Mitchell, P. and James, P. (2019). Uptake of polygenic risk information among women at potentially high breast cancer risk. 51st Conference of the European-Society-of-Human-Genetics (ESHG) in conjunction with the European Meeting on Psychosocial Aspects of Genetics (EMPAG), Milan, Italy, 16-19 June 2018. London, United Kingdom: Nature Publishing Group.

Uptake of polygenic risk information among women at potentially high breast cancer risk


Conference Publication

High-risk women's responses and understanding of polygenic breast cancer risk information

Yanes, T., Kaur, R., Meiser, B., Scheepers-Joynt, M., McInerny, S., Barlow-Stewart, K., Antill, Y., Salmon, L., Smyth, C., Halliday, J., James, P. and Young, M. (2019). High-risk women's responses and understanding of polygenic breast cancer risk information. 52nd Conference of the European-Society-of-Human-Genetics (ESHG), Gothenburg, Sweden, 15-18 June 2019 . London, United Kingdom: Nature Publishing Group.

High-risk women's responses and understanding of polygenic breast cancer risk information


Conference Publication

Polygenic breast cancer risk: A prospective study of uptake and outcomes among high-risk women

Yanes, Tatiane, Meiser, Bettina, Kaur, Rajneesh, Scheepers-Joynt, Maatje, Young, Mary-Anne, Barlow-Stewart, Kristine, John, Tom, Harris, Marrion, Antill, Yoland, Burke, Jo, Roscioli, Tony, Halliday, Jane, Mitchell, Phillip and James, Paul A (2018). Polygenic breast cancer risk: A prospective study of uptake and outcomes among high-risk women. 42nd Human Genetics Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 4-7th August 2018. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Polygenic breast cancer risk: A prospective study of uptake and outcomes among high-risk women