2024 Book Chapter Women and legal change in the Roman RepublicMorrell, Kit (2024). Women and legal change in the Roman Republic. Cives Romanae: Roman women as citizens during the Republic. (pp. 229-252) edited by Cristina Rosillo-López and Silvia Lacorte. Seville/Zaragoza, Spain: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla/Prensas de la Universidad Zaragoza. doi: 10.26754/uz.978-84-1340-804-0 |
2023 Book Chapter Missing in action? Law and civil warMorrell, Kit (2023). Missing in action? Law and civil war. A culture of civil war? Bellum civile and political communication in Late Republican Rome. (pp. 245-276) edited by Henning Börm, Ulrich Gotter and Wolfgang Havener. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner. doi: 10.25162/9783515134040 |
2022 Book Chapter Petitioning for change in the Republican EmpireMorrell, Kit (2022). Petitioning for change in the Republican Empire. Leadership and initiative in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome. (pp. 433-453) edited by Roman M. Frolov and Christopher Burden-Strevens. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004511408_017 |
2019 Book Chapter The Alternative Augustan AgeMitchell, Hannah, Morrell, Kit, Osgood, Josiah and Welch, Kathryn (2019). The Alternative Augustan Age. The Alternative Augustan Age. (pp. 1-11) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780190901400.003.0001 |
2019 Book Chapter DeditioMorrell, Kit (2019). Deditio. The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. (pp. 1-1) edited by Brodersen, Kai, Andrew Erskine and David Hollander. Malden, MA United States: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah30635 |
2019 Book Chapter Augustus as MagpieMorrell, Kit (2019). Augustus as Magpie. The Alternative Augustan Age. (pp. 12-26) edited by Josiah Osgood, Kit Morrell and Kathryn Welch. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780190901400.003.0002 |
2019 Book Chapter 'Who wants to go to Alexandria?' Pompey, Ptolemy, and public opinion, 57–56 BCMorrell, Kit (2019). 'Who wants to go to Alexandria?' Pompey, Ptolemy, and public opinion, 57–56 BC. Communicating Public Opinion in the Roman Republic. (pp. 151-174) edited by Cristina Rosillo-López. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner. |
2018 Book Chapter Cato, Pompey’s third consulship and the politics of Milo’s trialMorrell, Kit (2018). Cato, Pompey’s third consulship and the politics of Milo’s trial. Institutions and ideology in republican Rome: speech, audience and decision. (pp. 165-180) edited by Henriette van der Blom, Christa Gray and Catherine Steel. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108681476.009 |
2018 Book Chapter 'Certain gentlemen say...': Cicero, Cato, and the debate on the validity of Clodius' lawsMorrell, Kit (2018). 'Certain gentlemen say...': Cicero, Cato, and the debate on the validity of Clodius' laws. Reading republican oratory: reconstructions, contexts, receptions. (pp. 191-210) edited by Christa Gray, Andrea Balbo, Richard M. A. Marshall and Catherine E. W. Steel. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198788201.003.0012 |
2015 Book Chapter Appian and the judiciary law of M. Livius Drusus (TR. PL. 91)Morrell, Kit (2015). Appian and the judiciary law of M. Livius Drusus (TR. PL. 91). Appian's Roman History. (pp. 235-255) Swansea, United Kingdom: The Classical Press of Wales. doi: 10.2307/j.ctt1ws7x7f.17 |