2002 Edited Outputs Proceedings of the International Services Marketing Conference 2002McColl-Kennedy, J. R. and Rundle-Thiele, S. R. eds. (2002). Proceedings of the International Services Marketing Conference 2002. International Services Marketing Conference, Brisbane, 3-5 July, 2002. Brisbane: UQ Business School. |
1999 Edited Outputs Proceedings of the International Services Marketing Conference '99: Unlocking the secrets to service success: Innovative thinking in technology, relationship management and the human interfaceMccoll-Kennedy, J. R., Rowe, A., Hume, M. M. and Manners, E. G. eds. (1999). Proceedings of the International Services Marketing Conference '99: Unlocking the secrets to service success: Innovative thinking in technology, relationship management and the human interface. International Services Marketing Conference, Univ.of Qld, April 5-7, 1999. St Lucia: Graduate Sch. of Management. |