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Journal Article

Commercial cane sugar trends in the Tully sugar district

Lawes, R. A., Wegener, M. K., Basford, K. E. and Lawn, R. J. (2000). Commercial cane sugar trends in the Tully sugar district. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 40 (7), 969-973. doi: 10.1071/EA00035

Commercial cane sugar trends in the Tully sugar district


Journal Article

The EMMIX software for the fitting of mixtures of normal and t-components

McLachlan, G. J., Peel, D., Basford, K. E. and Adams, P. (1999). The EMMIX software for the fitting of mixtures of normal and t-components. Journal of Statistical Software, 4 (2).

The EMMIX software for the fitting of mixtures of normal and t-components


Journal Article

Fitting a mixture model to three-mode three-way data with categorical and continuous variables

Hunt, Lynette A. and Basford, Kaye E. (1999). Fitting a mixture model to three-mode three-way data with categorical and continuous variables. Journal of Classification, 16 (2), 283-296. doi: 10.1007/s003579900057

Fitting a mixture model to three-mode three-way data with categorical and continuous variables


Journal Article

The analysis of designed experiments and longitudinal data by using smoothing splines - Discussion

Kempton, R, Mead, R, Engel, B, ter Braak, CJF, Nelder, JA, Morton, R, Green, P, Molenberghs, G, Basford, K, Longford, NT, Gilmour, SG, Butler, N, Eilers, PHC and Pettitt, T (1999). The analysis of designed experiments and longitudinal data by using smoothing splines - Discussion. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C-Applied Statistics, 48, 300-311.

The analysis of designed experiments and longitudinal data by using smoothing splines - Discussion


Journal Article

The analysis of large scale data taken from the world groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasm collection. II. Two-way data with mixed data types

Harch, B. D., Basford, K. E., DeLacy, I. H. and Lawrence, P. K. (1999). The analysis of large scale data taken from the world groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasm collection. II. Two-way data with mixed data types. Euphytica, 105 (2), 73-82. doi: 10.1023/A:1003415929910

The analysis of large scale data taken from the world groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasm collection. II. Two-way data with mixed data types


Journal Article

Computer simulation of a selection strategy to accommodate genotype-environment interactions in a wheat recurrent selection programme

Podlich, D. W., Cooper, M. and Basford, K. E. (1999). Computer simulation of a selection strategy to accommodate genotype-environment interactions in a wheat recurrent selection programme. Plant Breeding, 118 (1), 17-28. doi: 10.1046/j.1439-0523.1999.118001017.x

Computer simulation of a selection strategy to accommodate genotype-environment interactions in a wheat recurrent selection programme


Journal Article

Whatever your work, make sure it is fun

Basford, Kaye E. (1998). Whatever your work, make sure it is fun. Agricultural Science, 11, 5.

Whatever your work, make sure it is fun


Journal Article

Genotypexenvironment interactions and some considerations of their implications for wheat breeding in Australia

Basford, K. E. and Cooper, M. (1998). Genotypexenvironment interactions and some considerations of their implications for wheat breeding in Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 49 (2), 153-174. doi: 10.1071/A97035

Genotypexenvironment interactions and some considerations of their implications for wheat breeding in Australia


Journal Article

Modelling the distribution of stamp paper thickness via finite normal mixtures: The 1872 Hidalgo stamp issue of Mexico revisited

Basford, K. E., Mclachlan, G. J. and York, M. G. (1997). Modelling the distribution of stamp paper thickness via finite normal mixtures: The 1872 Hidalgo stamp issue of Mexico revisited. Journal of Applied Statistics, 24 (2), 169-179.

Modelling the distribution of stamp paper thickness via finite normal mixtures: The 1872 Hidalgo stamp issue of Mexico revisited


Journal Article

The analysis of large scale data taken from the world groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasm collection I. Two-way quantitative data

Harch, B. D., Basford, K. E., DeLacy, I. H. and Lawrence, P. K. (1997). The analysis of large scale data taken from the world groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasm collection I. Two-way quantitative data. Euphytica, 95 (1), 27-38. doi: 10.1023/A:1002971207770

The analysis of large scale data taken from the world groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasm collection I. Two-way quantitative data


Journal Article

Genotype by environment effects and selection for drought tolerance in tropical maize. II. Three-mode pattern analysis

Chapman, Scott C., Crossa, José, Basford, Kaye E. and Kroonenberg, Pieter M. (1997). Genotype by environment effects and selection for drought tolerance in tropical maize. II. Three-mode pattern analysis. Euphytica, 95 (1), 11-20. doi: 10.1023/A:1002922527795

Genotype by environment effects and selection for drought tolerance in tropical maize. II. Three-mode pattern analysis


Journal Article

Modelling the distribution of stamp paper thickness via finite normal mixtures: The 1872 Hidalgo stamp issue of Mexico revisited

Basford, K. E., McLachlan, G. J. and York, M. G. (1997). Modelling the distribution of stamp paper thickness via finite normal mixtures: The 1872 Hidalgo stamp issue of Mexico revisited. Journal of Applied Statistics, 24 (2), 169-180. doi: 10.1080/02664769723783

Modelling the distribution of stamp paper thickness via finite normal mixtures: The 1872 Hidalgo stamp issue of Mexico revisited


Journal Article

Graphical profiles as an aid to understanding plant breeding experiments

Basford, Kay E. and Tukey, John W. (1997). Graphical profiles as an aid to understanding plant breeding experiments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 57 (1), 93-107. doi: 10.1016/S0378-3758(96)00038-9

Graphical profiles as an aid to understanding plant breeding experiments


Journal Article

Standard errors of fitted component means of normal mixtures

Basford, K. E., Greenway, D. R., McLachlan, G. J. and Peel, D. (1997). Standard errors of fitted component means of normal mixtures. Computational Statistics, 12 (1), 1-17.

Standard errors of fitted component means of normal mixtures


Journal Article

Combined Analysis of Categorical and Numerical Descriptors of Australian Groundnut Accessions Using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis

Kroonenberg, P. M., Harch, B. D., Basford, K. E. and Cruickshank, A. (1997). Combined Analysis of Categorical and Numerical Descriptors of Australian Groundnut Accessions Using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 2 (3), 294-312. doi: 10.2307/1400447

Combined Analysis of Categorical and Numerical Descriptors of Australian Groundnut Accessions Using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis


Journal Article

Genetic analysis of variation for grain yield and protein concentration in two wheat crosses

Fabrizius, MA, Cooper, M and Basford, KE (1997). Genetic analysis of variation for grain yield and protein concentration in two wheat crosses. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 48 (5), 605-614. doi: 10.1071/A96152

Genetic analysis of variation for grain yield and protein concentration in two wheat crosses


Journal Article

A laboratory study of dimensional changes for three elastomeric impression materials using custom and stock trays

Boulton, JL, Gage, JP, Vincent, PF and Basford, KE (1996). A laboratory study of dimensional changes for three elastomeric impression materials using custom and stock trays. Australian Dental Journal, 41 (6), 398-404. doi: 10.1111/j.1834-7819.1996.tb06026.x

A laboratory study of dimensional changes for three elastomeric impression materials using custom and stock trays


Journal Article

Mixed data types and the use of pattern analysis on the Australian groundnut germplasm data

Harch, BD, Basford, KE, DeLacy, IH, Lawrence, PK and Cruickshank, A (1996). Mixed data types and the use of pattern analysis on the Australian groundnut germplasm data. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 43 (4), 363-376. doi: 10.1007/BF00132957

Mixed data types and the use of pattern analysis on the Australian groundnut germplasm data


Journal Article

Patterns of diversity in fatty-acid composition in the Australian groundnut germplasm collection

Harch, B. D., Basford, K. E., Delacy, I. H., Lawrence, P. K. and Cruickshank, A. (1995). Patterns of diversity in fatty-acid composition in the Australian groundnut germplasm collection. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 42 (3), 243-256. doi: 10.1007/BF02431259

Patterns of diversity in fatty-acid composition in the Australian groundnut germplasm collection


Journal Article

3-Mode Analyses of Maize Using Morphological and Agronomic Attributes Measured in Multilocational Trials

Crossa, J, Basford, K, Taba, S, Delacy, I and Silva, E (1995). 3-Mode Analyses of Maize Using Morphological and Agronomic Attributes Measured in Multilocational Trials. Crop Science, 35 (5), 1483-1491. doi: 10.2135/cropsci1995.0011183X003500050036x

3-Mode Analyses of Maize Using Morphological and Agronomic Attributes Measured in Multilocational Trials