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Conference Publication

Exploratory data analysis of TCGA skin cutaneous melanoma RNA-seq data

Zhang, Min, Arief, Vivi, McLachlan, Geoffrey, Nguyen, Quan and Basford, Kaye (2022). Exploratory data analysis of TCGA skin cutaneous melanoma RNA-seq data. Australasian Applied Statistics Conference (AASC), Inverloch, VIC Australia, 28 November - 2 December 2022.

Exploratory data analysis of TCGA skin cutaneous melanoma RNA-seq data


Conference Publication

The pursuit of excellence; some reflections after 50+ years of plant breeding at The University of Queensland (9771)

Lambrides, Christopher , Basford, Kaye , DeLacy, Ian , Cooper, Mark , Hardner, Craig , Godwin, Ian , Dieters, Mark and Arief, Vivi (2022). The pursuit of excellence; some reflections after 50+ years of plant breeding at The University of Queensland (9771). Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 9-11 May 2022.

The pursuit of excellence; some reflections after 50+ years of plant breeding at The University of Queensland (9771)


Conference Publication

Pedigree Data Analysis of a Wheat Population

Rouholamin, Sepideh, Arief, Vivi, Delacy, Ian and Basford, Kaye (2020). Pedigree Data Analysis of a Wheat Population. TropAg 2019, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11-13 November 2019. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI. doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019036148

Pedigree Data Analysis of a Wheat Population


Conference Publication

Spatial analysis for trials with limited replication

Shewayrga, H., Arief, V. N., Hardner, C. M., DeLacy, I. H. and Basford, K. E. (2016). Spatial analysis for trials with limited replication. Australasian Applied Statistical Conference, Bermagui, NSW, Australia, 28 November - 2 December 2016.

Spatial analysis for trials with limited replication


Conference Publication

The value of long-term multi-year multi-location trial data to evaluate risk in prediction of early cultivar performance

Arief, V., DeLacy, I., Dieters, M. and Basford, K. (2016). The value of long-term multi-year multi-location trial data to evaluate risk in prediction of early cultivar performance. 5th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Madison, WI, United States, 12-17 June 2016.

The value of long-term multi-year multi-location trial data to evaluate risk in prediction of early cultivar performance


Conference Publication

Model selection for three-mode three-way data

Hunt, L. A. and Basford, K. E. (2016). Model selection for three-mode three-way data. XXVIIIth International Biometric Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, 9-15 July 2016.

Model selection for three-mode three-way data


Conference Publication

Application of marker-trait association profiles in simulating plant breeding strategies

Arief, Vivi N., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2014). Application of marker-trait association profiles in simulating plant breeding strategies. 15th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, St Kilda, Victoria, Australia, 26-29 October 2014.

Application of marker-trait association profiles in simulating plant breeding strategies


Conference Publication

Application of multiple imputation to incomplete three-way three-mode multi-environment trial data

Tian, T., McLachlan, G., Dieters, M. and Basford, K. (2014). Application of multiple imputation to incomplete three-way three-mode multi-environment trial data. International Biometric Conference, Florence (Italy), 6-11 July 2014. Florence, Italy: International Biometric Society.

Application of multiple imputation to incomplete three-way three-mode multi-environment trial data


Conference Publication

Evaluation of two-times testing for CIMMYT's international wheat nurseries

Arief, Vivi, DeLacy, Ian, Tian, Ting, Crossa, Jose, Braun, Hans-J., Basford, Kaye and Dieters, Mark (2013). Evaluation of two-times testing for CIMMYT's international wheat nurseries. WBA Brisbane 2013: Wheat Breeding Assembly, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 16-19 July, 2013. Brisbane, QLD, Australia:

Evaluation of two-times testing for CIMMYT's international wheat nurseries


Conference Publication

Model selection for the Multimix class of mixture models

Hunt, Lynette and Basford, Kaye (2013). Model selection for the Multimix class of mixture models. Biometrics by the Canals: The International Biometric Society Australasian Region Conference 2013, Mandura, WA, Australia, 1-5 December, 2013.

Model selection for the Multimix class of mixture models


Conference Publication

Three interpretations of line-mean heritability calculated from plant breeding field trials

Desmae, Haile, DeLacy, Ian, Arief, Vivi and Basford, Kaye (2013). Three interpretations of line-mean heritability calculated from plant breeding field trials. WBA Brisbane 2013: Wheat Breeding Assembly, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 16-19 July, 2013. Brisbane, QLD, Australia:

Three interpretations of line-mean heritability calculated from plant breeding field trials


Conference Publication

Evaluating methods of estimating missing values for three-way three-mode multi-environment trial data

Tian, Ting, McLachlan, Geoff, Dieters, Mark and Basford, Kaye (2013). Evaluating methods of estimating missing values for three-way three-mode multi-environment trial data. Biometrics by the Canals: The International Biometric Society Australasian Region Conference 2013, Mandura, WA, Australia, 1-5 December, 2013.

Evaluating methods of estimating missing values for three-way three-mode multi-environment trial data


Conference Publication

Is agricultural science training in Australia in decline? Implications for our industries

Menzies, Neal and Basford, Kaye (2012). Is agricultural science training in Australia in decline? Implications for our industries. 34th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologogists, Cairns, Australia, 1-4 May 2012. Mackay, Qld., Australia: Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists.

Is agricultural science training in Australia in decline? Implications for our industries


Conference Publication

Optimised dendrogram: extracting population information using seriation to enhance hierarchical clustering

Arief, Vivi, DeLacy, Ian, Basford, Kaye and Dieters, Mark (2012). Optimised dendrogram: extracting population information using seriation to enhance hierarchical clustering. 4th International Conference on Quantitative Genetics, Edinburgh, Scotland, 17-22 June 2012.

Optimised dendrogram: extracting population information using seriation to enhance hierarchical clustering


Conference Publication

IBS: Transforming our governance

Basford, Kaye E. (2011). IBS: Transforming our governance. Oxford, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01670.x

IBS: Transforming our governance


Conference Publication

Relationships among markers based on haplotype combinations in populations of related homozygous genotypes

Arief, V. N., DeLacy, I. H., Wenzl, P., Basford, K. E., Driesigacker, S., Crossa, J. and Dieters, M. J. (2011). Relationships among markers based on haplotype combinations in populations of related homozygous genotypes. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth, Australia, 24 - 26 August 2011.

Relationships among markers based on haplotype combinations in populations of related homozygous genotypes


Conference Publication

Status Analysis: projecting genotype performance into long-term environment discrimination space

DeLacy, I. H., Arief, V. N. and Basford, K. E. (2011). Status Analysis: projecting genotype performance into long-term environment discrimination space. Australasian Applied Statistical Conference, Cairns, Australia, 11-15 July 2011.

Status Analysis: projecting genotype performance into long-term environment discrimination space


Conference Publication

Extending status analysis to project genotype performance into long-term environment discrimination space –an example

DeLacy, I. H., Arief, V. N., Payne, T., Braun, H.-J. and Basford, K. E. (2011). Extending status analysis to project genotype performance into long-term environment discrimination space –an example. Wheat Breeding Assembly, Perth AUSTRALIA, 24 - 26 August 2011.

Extending status analysis to project genotype performance into long-term environment discrimination space –an example


Conference Publication

Three-way ordination of rust GWAS using 25 years of one of CIMMYT global wheat breeding programs

Arief, Vivi N., Kroonenberg, Pieter M., DeLacy, Ian H., Dieters, Mark J., Crossa, Jose, Dreisigacker, Susanne, Braun, Hans-J. and Basford, Kaye E. (2010). Three-way ordination of rust GWAS using 25 years of one of CIMMYT global wheat breeding programs. Borlaug Global Rust Initiative 2010 Technical Workshops, St. Petersburg, Russia, 30-31 May 2010.

Three-way ordination of rust GWAS using 25 years of one of CIMMYT global wheat breeding programs


Conference Publication

Construction and three-way ordination of the Wheat Phenome Atlas

Arief, V. N., Kroonenberg, P. M., DeLacy, I. H., Dieters, M. J., Crossa, J. and Basford, K. E. (2010). Construction and three-way ordination of the Wheat Phenome Atlas. Tenth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-X), Cairo, Egypt, 20-23 December 2010. Lahor, Pakistan: The Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS).

Construction and three-way ordination of the Wheat Phenome Atlas