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Journal Article

Sirenian genomes illuminate the evolution of fully aquatic species within the mammalian superorder afrotheria

Tian, Ran, Zhang, Yaolei, Kang, Hui, Zhang, Fan, Jin, Zhihong, Wang, Jiahao, Zhang, Peijun, Zhou, Xuming, Lanyon, Janet M., Sneath, Helen L., Woolford, Lucy, Fan, Guangyi, Li, Songhai and Seim, Inge (2024). Sirenian genomes illuminate the evolution of fully aquatic species within the mammalian superorder afrotheria. Nature Communications, 15 (1) 5568. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-49769-x

Sirenian genomes illuminate the evolution of fully aquatic species within the mammalian superorder afrotheria


Journal Article

Faecal bacterial communities differ amongst discrete foraging populations of dugongs along the east Australian coast

Mikkelsen, Deirdre, McGowan, Alexandra M, Gibson, Justine S, Lanyon, Janet M, Horsman, Sara and Seddon, Jennifer M (2024). Faecal bacterial communities differ amongst discrete foraging populations of dugongs along the east Australian coast. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 100 (6) fiae051. doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiae051

Faecal bacterial communities differ amongst discrete foraging populations of dugongs along the east Australian coast


Journal Article

A chromosome-level genome assembly for the dugong (<i>Dugong dugon</i>)

Baker, D Nevé, Abueg, Linelle, Escalona, Merly, Farquharson, Katherine A, Lanyon, Janet M, Le Duc, Diana, Schöneberg, Torsten, Absolon, Dominic, Sims, Ying, Fedrigo, Olivier, Jarvis, Erich D, Belov, Katherine, Hogg, Carolyn J and Shapiro, Beth (2024). A chromosome-level genome assembly for the dugong (Dugong dugon). Journal of Heredity, 115 (2), 212-220. doi: 10.1093/jhered/esae003

A chromosome-level genome assembly for the dugong (<i>Dugong dugon</i>)


Journal Article

Baseline urinalysis of the fully marine, herbivorous dugong (Dugong dugon)

Lanyon, Janet M., Sneath, Helen L., Golding, Kirsten M. and Madden, Claire (2023). Baseline urinalysis of the fully marine, herbivorous dugong (Dugong dugon). Aquatic Mammals, 49 (6), 585-596. doi: 10.1578/am.49.6.2023.585

Baseline urinalysis of the fully marine, herbivorous dugong (Dugong dugon)


Journal Article

Identification of antimicrobial resistance in faecal microbes from wild dugongs (Dugong dugon)

McGowan, Alexandra M., Seddon, Jennifer M., Lanyon, Janet M., Clark, Nicholas and Gibson, Justine S. (2023). Identification of antimicrobial resistance in faecal microbes from wild dugongs (Dugong dugon). Aquatic Mammals, 49 (4), 395-405. doi: 10.1578/am.49.4.2023.395

Identification of antimicrobial resistance in faecal microbes from wild dugongs (Dugong dugon)


Journal Article

Cryptic marine barriers to gene flow in a vulnerable coastal species, the dugong (Dugong dugon)

McGowan, Alexandra M., Lanyon, Janet M., Clark, Nicholas, Blair, David, Marsh, Helene, Wolanski, Eric and Seddon, Jennifer M. (2023). Cryptic marine barriers to gene flow in a vulnerable coastal species, the dugong (Dugong dugon). Marine Mammal Science, 39 (3), 918-939. doi: 10.1111/mms.13021

Cryptic marine barriers to gene flow in a vulnerable coastal species, the dugong (Dugong dugon)


Journal Article

A new DNA extraction method (HV-CTAB-PCI) for amplification of nuclear markers from open ocean-retrieved faeces of an herbivorous marine mammal, the dugong

Ooi, Vicky, McMichael, Lee, Hunter, Margaret E., Kamla, Aristide Takoukam and Lanyon, Janet M. (2023). A new DNA extraction method (HV-CTAB-PCI) for amplification of nuclear markers from open ocean-retrieved faeces of an herbivorous marine mammal, the dugong. PLoS One, 18 (6) e0278792, 1-29. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278792

A new DNA extraction method (HV-CTAB-PCI) for amplification of nuclear markers from open ocean-retrieved faeces of an herbivorous marine mammal, the dugong


Journal Article

Body scarring as an indicator of social function of dugong (Dugong dugon) tusks

Lanyon, Janet M., Athousis, Chrissa, Sneath, Helen L. and Burgess, Elizabeth A. (2021). Body scarring as an indicator of social function of dugong (Dugong dugon) tusks. Marine Mammal Science, 37 (3), 962-981. doi: 10.1111/mms.12788

Body scarring as an indicator of social function of dugong (Dugong dugon) tusks


Journal Article

Serum antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in southeast Queensland dugongs

Wong, Arthur, Lanyon, Janet M., O'Handley, Ryan, Linedale, Richard, Woolford, Lucy, Long, Trevor and Leggatt, Graham R. (2020). Serum antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in southeast Queensland dugongs. Marine Mammal Science, 36 (1) mms.12629, 180-194. doi: 10.1111/mms.12629

Serum antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in southeast Queensland dugongs


Journal Article

Osmoregulation and electrolyte balance in a fully marine mammal, the dugong (Dugong dugon)

Smoll, Laetitia I., Beard, Lyn A. and Lanyon, Janet M. (2020). Osmoregulation and electrolyte balance in a fully marine mammal, the dugong (Dugong dugon). Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology, 190 (1), 139-148. doi: 10.1007/s00360-019-01250-8

Osmoregulation and electrolyte balance in a fully marine mammal, the dugong (Dugong dugon)


Journal Article

Ancient convergent losses of Paraoxonase 1 yield potential risks for modern marine mammals

Meyer, Wynn K., Jamison, Jerrica, Richter, Rebecca, Woods, Stacy E., Partha, Raghavendran, Kowalczyk, Amanda, Kronk, Charles, Chikina, Maria, Bonde, Robert K., Crocker, Daniel E., Gaspard, Joseph, Lanyon, Janet M., Marsillach, Judit, Furlong, Clement E. and Clark, Nathan L. (2018). Ancient convergent losses of Paraoxonase 1 yield potential risks for modern marine mammals. Science, 361 (6402), 591-594. doi: 10.1126/science.aap7714

Ancient convergent losses of Paraoxonase 1 yield potential risks for modern marine mammals


Journal Article

Development of a polyclonal anti-dugong immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody with evaluation of total plasma IgG in a living dugong (Dugong dugon) population

Wong, Arthur, Lanyon, Janet M., McKee, Sara J., Linedale, Richard, Woolford, Lucy, Long, Trevor and Leggatt, Graham R. (2018). Development of a polyclonal anti-dugong immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody with evaluation of total plasma IgG in a living dugong (Dugong dugon) population. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 200, 16-25. doi: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2018.04.003

Development of a polyclonal anti-dugong immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody with evaluation of total plasma IgG in a living dugong (Dugong dugon) population


Journal Article

Comparison of i-STAT® with traditional laboratory analysers in the measurement of blood analytes from field captured dugongs (Dugong dugon)

Wong, Arthur W., Lanyon, Janet M., Sneath, Helen L., Leggatt, Graham R. and Woolford, Lucy (2018). Comparison of i-STAT® with traditional laboratory analysers in the measurement of blood analytes from field captured dugongs (Dugong dugon). Aquatic Mammals, 44 (1), 19-31. doi: 10.1578/AM.44.1.2018.19

Comparison of i-STAT® with traditional laboratory analysers in the measurement of blood analytes from field captured dugongs (Dugong dugon)


Journal Article

Surveys of environmental DNA (eDNA): a new approach to estimate occurrence in Vulnerable manatee populations

Hunter, Margaret E., Meigs-Friend, Gaia, Ferrante, Jason A., Kamla, Aristide Takoukam, Dorazio, Robert M., Diagne, Lucy Keith, Luna, Fabia, Lanyon, Janet M. and Reid, James P. (2018). Surveys of environmental DNA (eDNA): a new approach to estimate occurrence in Vulnerable manatee populations. Endangered Species Research, 35, 101-111. doi: 10.3354/esr00880

Surveys of environmental DNA (eDNA): a new approach to estimate occurrence in Vulnerable manatee populations


Journal Article

Mortalities of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) in a subtropical wintering ground, Southeast Queensland

Lanyon, Janet M. and Janetzki, Heather (2016). Mortalities of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) in a subtropical wintering ground, Southeast Queensland. Aquatic Mammals, 42 (4), 470-475. doi: 10.1578/AM.42.4.2016.470

Mortalities of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) in a subtropical wintering ground, Southeast Queensland


Journal Article

Hematology of dugongs (Dugong dugon) in southern Queensland

Woolford, Lucy, Wong, Arthur, Sneath, Helen L., Long, Trevor, Boyd, Susan P. and Lanyon, Janet M. (2015). Hematology of dugongs (Dugong dugon) in southern Queensland. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 44 (4), 530-541. doi: 10.1111/vcp.12305

Hematology of dugongs (Dugong dugon) in southern Queensland


Journal Article

Serum biochemistry reference intervals of live wild dugongs (Dugong dugon) from urban coastal Australia

Lanyon, Janet M, Wong, Arthur, Long, Trevor and Woolford, Lucy (2015). Serum biochemistry reference intervals of live wild dugongs (Dugong dugon) from urban coastal Australia. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 44 (2), 234-242. doi: 10.1111/vcp.12249

Serum biochemistry reference intervals of live wild dugongs (Dugong dugon) from urban coastal Australia


Journal Article

Reply to the Comment of Owen et al. on “Insulative capacity of the integument of the dugong (Dugong dugon): thermal conductivity, conductance and resistance measured by in vitro heat flux” by Horgan, Booth, Nichols and Lanyon (2014)

Lanyon, Janet M., Horgan, Patrick, Booth, David and Nichols, Cassandra (2015). Reply to the Comment of Owen et al. on “Insulative capacity of the integument of the dugong (Dugong dugon): thermal conductivity, conductance and resistance measured by in vitro heat flux” by Horgan, Booth, Nichols and Lanyon (2014). Marine Biology, 162 (5), 1147-1149. doi: 10.1007/s00227-015-2641-9

Reply to the Comment of Owen et al. on “Insulative capacity of the integument of the dugong (Dugong dugon): thermal conductivity, conductance and resistance measured by in vitro heat flux” by Horgan, Booth, Nichols and Lanyon (2014)


Journal Article

Pathological findings in wild harvested dugongs Dugong dugon of central Torres Strait, Australia

Woolford, L., Franklin, C., Whap, T., Loban, F. and Lanyon, J. M. (2015). Pathological findings in wild harvested dugongs Dugong dugon of central Torres Strait, Australia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 113 (2), 89-102. doi: 10.3354/dao02825

Pathological findings in wild harvested dugongs Dugong dugon of central Torres Strait, Australia


Journal Article

Habitat and resource partitioning among Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay, Australia

Ansmann, Ina C., Lanyon, Janet M., Seddon, Jennifer M. and Parra, Guido J. (2015). Habitat and resource partitioning among Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay, Australia. Marine Mammal Science, 31 (1), 211-230. doi: 10.1111/mms.12153

Habitat and resource partitioning among Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay, Australia