2024 Conference Publication Community Refugee Integration Settlement Pilot (CRISP) evaluation—Snapshot 4 Findings workshopPovey, J., Burger, S-A., San Martin Porter, M., Rioseco, P., Lee, R., Power, K., Young, C., Carr, K. and Lattz, M. (2024). Community Refugee Integration Settlement Pilot (CRISP) evaluation—Snapshot 4 Findings workshop. Findings Workshop for the Department of Home Affairs, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 17 October 2024. |
2024 Conference Publication An evaluation of a school nutrition program to improve accessibility to and consumption of vegetables and fruit among primary school students in Queensland, Australia: From ‘What’s this?’ to ‘I grew it!’I Fathi, Leila, Young, Charlotte, Cleary, Anne, Porter, David, Taylor, Danielle, Dick, Mathew, Morrison, Charlotte, Chai, Li Kheng, Nethery, Zoe, Cacavas, Katherine, Littlewood, Robyn and Robinson, Mark (2024). An evaluation of a school nutrition program to improve accessibility to and consumption of vegetables and fruit among primary school students in Queensland, Australia: From ‘What’s this?’ to ‘I grew it!’. ANZOS (Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society) Conference 2024, Sydney, NSW Australia, 16-18 October 2024. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.orcp.2024.09.010 |
2024 Conference Publication Community Refugee Integration Settlement Pilot (CRISP) evaluation—snapshot 3 findings workshopPovey, Jenny, Burger, Sarah-Ann, Young, Charlotte, Lee, Rennie, Marshall, David, Power, Kristen, San Martin Porter, Macarena, Lattz, Miguel, Maturi, Jenny and Rioseco, Pilar (2024). Community Refugee Integration Settlement Pilot (CRISP) evaluation—snapshot 3 findings workshop. Findings Workshop for the Department of Home Affairs, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 17 April 2024. |
2024 Conference Publication Community Support Program (CSP) Evaluation findings workshop: Snapshot 3Burger, Sarah-Ann, Povey, Jenny, Austerberry, Sophie, Marshall, David, Zulfiqar, Asma, San Martin Porter, Macarena, Lee, Rennie and Young, Charlotte (2024). Community Support Program (CSP) Evaluation findings workshop: Snapshot 3. Findings Workshop for the Department of Home Affairs, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 16 April 2024. |
2023 Conference Publication Community Support Program (CSP) evaluation findings workshop: snapshot 2Young, Charlotte, Burger, Sarah-Ann, O'Donnell, Karlee, Lattz, Miguel, Maturi, Jennifer, Povey, Jenny, Marshall, David, Austerberry, Sophie and San Martin Porter, Maca (2023). Community Support Program (CSP) evaluation findings workshop: snapshot 2. Findings Workshop for the Department of Home Affairs, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11 October 2023. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland. |
2023 Conference Publication From proving to improving: transforming performance measurement across six prevention programsRobinson, Mark, Russell-Hall, Sally, Burger, Sarah-Ann, Porter, Dave, Austerberry, Sophie, Cook, Steffi, Dyce, Chloe, Fatima, Yaqoot, Huang, Yanshu, Johnstone, Melissa, Kubler, Matthias, Maravilla, Joemer, Raupach, Abby, Rossa, Kalina and Young, Charlotte (2023). From proving to improving: transforming performance measurement across six prevention programs. Public Health Association of Australia Preventive Health Conference 2023, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 2-4 May 2023. |
2023 Conference Publication Community Support Program (CSP) Findings Workshop: Snapshot 1Povey, Jenny, Burger, Sarah-Ann, O'Donnell, Karlee, Young, Charlotte, San Martin Porter, Macarena, Marshall, David, Lee, Rennie, Lattz, Miguel, Hoffstaedter, Gerhard and Austerberry, Sophie (2023). Community Support Program (CSP) Findings Workshop: Snapshot 1. Findings Workshop for the Department of Home Affairs, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 22 March 2023. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Institute for Social Science Research. |
2023 Conference Publication Community Refugee Integration Settlement Pilot (CRISP) Findings Workshop: Snapshot 1Povey, Jenny, Marshall, David, Lee, Rennie, Lattz, Miguel, O'Donnell, Karlee, Young, Charlotte, Hoffstaedter, Gerhard, San Martin Porter, Macarena, Austerberry, Sophie and Burger, Sarah-Ann (2023). Community Refugee Integration Settlement Pilot (CRISP) Findings Workshop: Snapshot 1. Findings Workshop for the Department of Home Affairs, Brisbane. QLD, Australia, 21 March 2023. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland. |
2022 Conference Publication African Australian immigrant organisations as critical health settingsYoung, Charlotte (2022). African Australian immigrant organisations as critical health settings. 2022 African Studies Group Reimagining Migration in(out) of Africa in the Post-Pandemic World Taking Stock and Building Resilience, The University of Melbourne, 29 September-1 October 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication Collaboration with culturally and linguistically diverse social media influencers to convey health information during the COVID-19 pandemic in Victoria, AustraliaYoung, Charlotte (2022). Collaboration with culturally and linguistically diverse social media influencers to convey health information during the COVID-19 pandemic in Victoria, Australia. The Migration and Mobilities Research Network and TASA Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Thematic Group present: Migration, Racism and COVID-19: Challenges and Insights, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 17 June 2022. |