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Journal Article

Mode-locked and tunable 3.5 µM fiber laser using an acousto-optic modulator

Henderson-Sapir, Ori, Bawden, Nathaniel, Theodosiou, Antreas, Majewski, Matthew R., Kalli, Kyriacos, Jackson, Stuart D. and Ottaway, David J. (2023). Mode-locked and tunable 3.5 µM fiber laser using an acousto-optic modulator. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 41 (2), 716-725. doi: 10.1109/jlt.2022.3219821

Mode-locked and tunable 3.5 µM fiber laser using an acousto-optic modulator


Journal Article

Ultrafast 3.5  µm fiber laser

Bawden, Nathaniel, Henderson-Sapir, Ori, Jackson, Stuart D. and Ottaway, David J. (2021). Ultrafast 3.5  µm fiber laser. Optics Letters, 46 (7), 1636-1639. doi: 10.1364/ol.418162

Ultrafast 3.5  µm fiber laser


Journal Article

Mode-locked and tunable fiber laser at the 35  µm band using frequency-shifted feedback

Henderson-Sapir, Ori, Bawden, Nathaniel, Majewski, Matthew R., Woodward, Robert I., Ottaway, David J. and Jackson, Stuart D. (2020). Mode-locked and tunable fiber laser at the 35  µm band using frequency-shifted feedback. Optics Letters, 45 (1), 224-227. doi: 10.1364/ol.45.000224

Mode-locked and tunable fiber laser at the 35  µm band using frequency-shifted feedback


Journal Article

Actively Q-switched dual-wavelength pumped Er3+ :ZBLAN fiber laser at 347 µm

Bawden, Nathaniel, Matsukuma, Hiraku, Henderson-Sapir, Ori, Klantsataya, Elizaveta, Tokita, Shigeki and Ottaway, David J. (2018). Actively Q-switched dual-wavelength pumped Er3+ :ZBLAN fiber laser at 347 µm. Optics Letters, 43 (11), 2724-2727. doi: 10.1364/ol.43.002724

Actively Q-switched dual-wavelength pumped Er3+ :ZBLAN fiber laser at 347 µm


Journal Article

Recent advances in 3.5 μm erbium-doped mid-Infrared fiber lasers

Henderson-Sapir, Ori, Malouf, Andrew, Bawden, Nathaniel, Munch, Jesper, Jackson, Stuart D. and Ottaway, David J. (2017). Recent advances in 3.5 μm erbium-doped mid-Infrared fiber lasers. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 23 (3), 6-14. doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2016.2615961

Recent advances in 3.5 μm erbium-doped mid-Infrared fiber lasers