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Book Chapter

Organisational integrity as wholeness

Maak, Thomas and Pless, Nicola M. (2024). Organisational integrity as wholeness. Research handbook on organisational integrity. (pp. 352-362) Cheltenham, Glos, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781803927930.00029

Organisational integrity as wholeness


Book Chapter


Maak, Thomas and Pless, Nicola M. (2021). Introduction. Responsible Leadership. (pp. 1-17) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/b22741-1



Book Chapter


Frank, Hans-Juergen, Pless, Nicola M. and Maak, Thomas (2021). Dialogarchitecture. Responsible Leadership. (pp. 445-455) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/b22741-29



Book Chapter

Responsible leadership

Maak, Thomas and Pless, Nicola M. (2021). Responsible leadership. Responsible Leadership. (pp. 39-60) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/b22741-4

Responsible leadership


Book Chapter

Different approaches toward doing the right thing

Pless, Nicola M., Maak, Thomas and Waldman, David A. (2021). Different approaches toward doing the right thing. Responsible Leadership. (pp. 203-226) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/b22741-14

Different approaches toward doing the right thing


Book Chapter

Responsible leadership and the micro-foundations of CSR

Pless, Nicola M. and Maak, Thomas (2021). Responsible leadership and the micro-foundations of CSR. Responsible Leadership. (pp. 473-487) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/b22741-32

Responsible leadership and the micro-foundations of CSR


Book Chapter

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Maak, Thomas and Pless, Nicola M. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The Routledge Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility. (pp. 1-14) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003152651-1

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


Book Chapter

„Digital Responsible Leadership“ – Dialogische Führungsverantwortung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung

Frank, Hans-Jürgen, Maak, Thomas and Pless, Nicola M. (2021). „Digital Responsible Leadership“ – Dialogische Führungsverantwortung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Berührende Online-Veranstaltungen. (pp. 183-216) Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-33918-0_14

„Digital Responsible Leadership“ – Dialogische Führungsverantwortung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung


Book Chapter

Developing global leaders who make a difference

Maak, Thomas, Borecká, Markéta and Pless, Nicola M. (2020). Developing global leaders who make a difference. Research Handbook of Global Leadership. (pp. 251-265) Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781782545354.00024

Developing global leaders who make a difference


Book Chapter

Development of employee engagement through CSR

Kidd, Andy, Maak, Thomas, Pless, Nicola and Harris, Howard (2020). Development of employee engagement through CSR. Employee Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility. (pp. 28-46) edited by Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Lonneke Roza and Stephen Brammer. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781529739176.n3

Development of employee engagement through CSR


Book Chapter

Leadership of Purpose

Kempster, Steve, Parry, Ken and Maak, Thomas (2019). Leadership of Purpose. Good Dividends. (pp. 3-10) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315102306-1

Leadership of Purpose


Book Chapter

Four Cornerstones That Underpin the Good Dividends

Kempster, Steve, Maak, Thomas and Parry, Ken (2019). Four Cornerstones That Underpin the Good Dividends. Good Dividends. (pp. 11-29) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315102306-2

Four Cornerstones That Underpin the Good Dividends


Book Chapter

Planetary Dividend

Maak, Thomas and Pless, Nicola M. (2019). Planetary Dividend. Good Dividends. (pp. 139-153) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315102306-10

Planetary Dividend


Book Chapter

The Good Dividends

Kempster, Steve, Maak, Thomas and Parry, Ken (2019). The Good Dividends. Good Dividends. (pp. 37-50) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315102306-4

The Good Dividends


Book Chapter

Responsible Leadership

Maak, Thomas and Pless, Nicola M. (2019). Responsible Leadership. Good Dividends. (pp. 30-36) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315102306-3

Responsible Leadership


Book Chapter

Responsible global leadership

Stahl, Guenter K., Pless, Nicola M., Maak, Thomas and Miska, Christof (2018). Responsible global leadership. Global leadership: research, practice, and development. (pp. 363-388) edited by Mark E. Mendenhall, Joyce Osland, Allan Bird, Gary R. Oddou, Michael J. Stevens, Martha Maznevski and Günter K. Stahl. New York, United States: Routledge.

Responsible global leadership


Book Chapter

Responsible Global Leadership

Stahl, Günter K., Pless, Nicola M., Maak, Thomas and Miska, Christof (2017). Responsible Global Leadership. Global Leadership. (pp. 363-388) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315232904-12

Responsible Global Leadership


Book Chapter

Mindfulness, reperceiving, and ethical decision making: A neurological perspective

Pless, Nicola, Sabatella, Filomena and Maak, Thomas (2017). Mindfulness, reperceiving, and ethical decision making: A neurological perspective. Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations. (pp. 1-20) edited by Michael Schwartz and Howard Harris. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing. doi: 10.1108/s1529-209620170000017001

Mindfulness, reperceiving, and ethical decision making: A neurological perspective


Book Chapter

Applying neuroscience to business ethics

Sabatella, Filomena, Pless, Nicola M. and Maak, Thomas (2017). Applying neuroscience to business ethics. Cambridge Handbook of Research Approaches to Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility. (pp. 199-209) Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781316584385.014

Applying neuroscience to business ethics


Book Chapter

Levi Strauss & Co.: Addressing child labour in Bangladesh

Pless, Nicola and Maak, Thomas (2016). Levi Strauss & Co.: Addressing child labour in Bangladesh. Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management. (pp. 466-476) edited by Sebastian B. Reiche, Günter K. Stahl, Mark E. Mendenhall and Gary R. Oddou. New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315668703-35

Levi Strauss & Co.: Addressing child labour in Bangladesh