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Journal Article

Impact of pharmacist and physician collaborations in primary care on reducing readmission to hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Foot, Holly, Scott, Ian, Sturman, Nancy, Whitty, Jennifer A., Rixon, Kylie, Connelly, Luke, Williams, Ian and Freeman, Christopher (2022). Impact of pharmacist and physician collaborations in primary care on reducing readmission to hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18 (6), 2922-2943. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2021.07.015

Impact of pharmacist and physician collaborations in primary care on reducing readmission to hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Journal Article

Reducing Medical Admissions and Presentations Into Hospital through Optimising Medicines (REMAIN HOME): a stepped wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial

Freeman, Christopher R., Scott, Ian A., Hemming, Karla, Connelly, Luke B., Kirkpatrick, Carl M., Coombes, Ian, Whitty, Jennifer, Martin, James, Cottrell, Neil, Sturman, Nancy, Russell, Grant M., Williams, Ian, Nicholson, Caroline, Kirsa, Sue and Foot, Holly (2021). Reducing Medical Admissions and Presentations Into Hospital through Optimising Medicines (REMAIN HOME): a stepped wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial. The Medical Journal of Australia, 214 (5), 212-217. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50942

Reducing Medical Admissions and Presentations Into Hospital through Optimising Medicines (REMAIN HOME): a stepped wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial


Journal Article

Flags for seeking help: making supervisor expectations of general practice trainee help-seeking explicit

Sturman, Nancy, Fitzmaurice, Liz, Lee, Cathy, Sheldrake, Michelle and Ingham, Gerard (2021). Flags for seeking help: making supervisor expectations of general practice trainee help-seeking explicit. Education for Primary Care, 32 (2), 109-117. doi: 10.1080/14739879.2020.1864780

Flags for seeking help: making supervisor expectations of general practice trainee help-seeking explicit


Journal Article

Getting good help: a guide for reflection, debriefing and feedback conversations about in-consultation supervision

Sturman, Nancy, Fitzmaurice, Liz, Ingham, Gerard, Lee, Cathy and Sheldrake, Michelle (2021). Getting good help: a guide for reflection, debriefing and feedback conversations about in-consultation supervision. Education for Primary Care, 32 (2), 1-5. doi: 10.1080/14739879.2020.1864781

Getting good help: a guide for reflection, debriefing and feedback conversations about in-consultation supervision


Journal Article

Good help: a model for providing in-consultation supervision of general practice trainees

Sturman, Nancy, Fitzmaurice, Liz, Lee, Cathy, Sheldrake, Michelle and Ingham, Gerard (2020). Good help: a model for providing in-consultation supervision of general practice trainees. Education for Primary Care, 32 (2), 1-5. doi: 10.1080/14739879.2020.1864779

Good help: a model for providing in-consultation supervision of general practice trainees


Journal Article

Configurations for obtaining in-consultation assistance from supervisors in general practice training, and patient-related barriers to trainee help-seeking: a survey study

Sturman, Nancy J., Tapley, Amanda, van Driel, Mieke L., Holliday, Elizabeth G., Ball, Jean I., Davey, Andrew R., Fielding, Alison, FitzGerald, Kristen, Spike, Neil A. and Magin, Parker J. (2020). Configurations for obtaining in-consultation assistance from supervisors in general practice training, and patient-related barriers to trainee help-seeking: a survey study. BMC Medical Education, 20 (1) 369, 369. doi: 10.1186/s12909-020-02291-2

Configurations for obtaining in-consultation assistance from supervisors in general practice training, and patient-related barriers to trainee help-seeking: a survey study


Journal Article

'I just hope they take it seriously': homeless men talk about their health care

Sturman, Nancy and Matheson, Don (2020). 'I just hope they take it seriously': homeless men talk about their health care. Australian Health Review, 44 (5), 748-754. doi: 10.1071/ah19070

'I just hope they take it seriously': homeless men talk about their health care


Journal Article

Clinical supervision in general practice training: the interweaving of supervisor, trainee and patient entrustment with clinical oversight, patient safety and trainee learning

Sturman, Nancy, Parker, Malcolm and Jorm, Christine (2020). Clinical supervision in general practice training: the interweaving of supervisor, trainee and patient entrustment with clinical oversight, patient safety and trainee learning. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 26 (1), 297-311. doi: 10.1007/s10459-020-09986-7

Clinical supervision in general practice training: the interweaving of supervisor, trainee and patient entrustment with clinical oversight, patient safety and trainee learning


Journal Article

‘Genuine doctor care’: Perspectives on general practice and community-based care of Australian men experiencing homelessness

Sturman, Nancy and Matheson, Don (2020). ‘Genuine doctor care’: Perspectives on general practice and community-based care of Australian men experiencing homelessness. Health and Social Care in the Community, 28 (4) hsc.12963, 1301-1309. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12963

‘Genuine doctor care’: Perspectives on general practice and community-based care of Australian men experiencing homelessness


Journal Article

Teaching and learning in general practice: ethical and legal considerations for GP teachers and medical students

Kelly, Michaela, Sturman, Nancy and Pakchung, David (2020). Teaching and learning in general practice: ethical and legal considerations for GP teachers and medical students. Medical Journal of Australia, 212 (9), 403-405.e1. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50593

Teaching and learning in general practice: ethical and legal considerations for GP teachers and medical students


Journal Article

With a grain of salt? Supervisor credibility and other factors influencing trainee decisions to seek in-consultation assistance: a focus group study of Australian general practice trainees

Sturman, Nancy, Jorm, Christine and Parker, Malcolm (2020). With a grain of salt? Supervisor credibility and other factors influencing trainee decisions to seek in-consultation assistance: a focus group study of Australian general practice trainees. BMC Family Practice, 21 (1) 28, 28. doi: 10.1186/s12875-020-1084-7

With a grain of salt? Supervisor credibility and other factors influencing trainee decisions to seek in-consultation assistance: a focus group study of Australian general practice trainees


Journal Article

'A really good GP': engagement and satisfaction with general practice care of people with severe and persistent mental illness

Sturman, Nancy, Williams, Ryan, Ostini, Remo, Wyder, Marianne and Siskind, Dan (2020). 'A really good GP': engagement and satisfaction with general practice care of people with severe and persistent mental illness. Australian Journal of General Practice, 49 (1-2), 61-65. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-02-19-4854

'A really good GP': engagement and satisfaction with general practice care of people with severe and persistent mental illness


Journal Article

Online examiner calibration across specialties

Sturman, Nancy, Wong, Wai Yee, Turner, Jane and Allan, Chris (2018). Online examiner calibration across specialties. The Clinical Teacher, 15 (5), 377-381. doi: 10.1111/tct.12701

Online examiner calibration across specialties


Journal Article

Ethics and site-specific governance approvals for multi-centre, inter-sector health care research

Foot, Holly, Scott, Ian A., Russell, Grant M., Cottrell, Neil, Sturman, Nancy and Freeman, Christopher R. (2018). Ethics and site-specific governance approvals for multi-centre, inter-sector health care research. Medical Journal of Australia, 209 (4), 1-176. doi: 10.5694/mja17.01017

Ethics and site-specific governance approvals for multi-centre, inter-sector health care research


Journal Article

Medical student contact with specialty trainees: missing out in general practice?

Sturman, Nancy and Ostini, Remo (2018). Medical student contact with specialty trainees: missing out in general practice?. Australian Journal of General Practice, 47 (6), 391-395. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-12-17-4423

Medical student contact with specialty trainees: missing out in general practice?


Journal Article

Methylphenidate for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

Sturman, Nancy, Deckx, Laura and van Driel, Mieke L. (2017). Methylphenidate for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews, 2017 (11) CD011144, CD011144. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011144.pub2

Methylphenidate for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder


Journal Article

Improving the effectiveness of interpreted consultations: Australian interpreter, general practitioner and patient perspectives

Sturman, Nancy, Farley, Rebecca, Claudio, Fernanda and Avila, Patricia (2017). Improving the effectiveness of interpreted consultations: Australian interpreter, general practitioner and patient perspectives. Health & social care in the community, 26 (2), 233-240. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12504

Improving the effectiveness of interpreted consultations: Australian interpreter, general practitioner and patient perspectives


Journal Article

“On the same page”? The effect of GP examiner feedback on differences in rating severity in clinical assessments: a pre/post intervention study

Sturman, Nancy , Ostini, Remo, Wong, Wai Yee, Zhang, Jianzhen and David, Michael (2017). “On the same page”? The effect of GP examiner feedback on differences in rating severity in clinical assessments: a pre/post intervention study. BMC Medical Education, 17 (1) 101, 101.1-101.7. doi: 10.1186/s12909-017-0929-9

“On the same page”? The effect of GP examiner feedback on differences in rating severity in clinical assessments: a pre/post intervention study


Journal Article

“A steep learning curve”: junior doctor perspectives on the transition from medical student to the health-care workplace

Sturman, Nancy, Tan, Zachary and Turner, Jane (2017). “A steep learning curve”: junior doctor perspectives on the transition from medical student to the health-care workplace. BMC Medical Education, 17 (92) 92, 92. doi: 10.1186/s12909-017-0931-2

“A steep learning curve”: junior doctor perspectives on the transition from medical student to the health-care workplace


Journal Article

Nice to watch? Students evaluate online lectures

Sturman, Nancy, Mitchell, Benjamin and Mitchell, Amy (2017). Nice to watch? Students evaluate online lectures. The Clinical Teacher, 15 (1), 19-23. doi: 10.1111/tct.12629

Nice to watch? Students evaluate online lectures