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Book Chapter


Healy, Karen (2024). THEORETICAL AND VALUE BASE OF RESEARCH IN CHILD AND FAMILY SOCIAL WORK: Three Epistemological Approaches. The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research: Knowledge-Building, Application, and Impact. (pp. 27-39) Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781003241492-3



Book Chapter

Diversifying inclusive research with young people

Healy, Karen (2021). Diversifying inclusive research with young people. Involving methods in youth research: reflections on participation and power. (pp. 261-266) edited by Trine Wulf-Andersen, Reidun Follesø and Terje Olsen. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-75941-4_11

Diversifying inclusive research with young people


Book Chapter

Regulating for quality social work education: who owns the curriculum?

Healy, Karen (2019). Regulating for quality social work education: who owns the curriculum?. Strategic leadership in social work education. (pp. 53-66) edited by Marie Connolly, Darla Spence Coffey and Charlotte Williams. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-25052-2_5

Regulating for quality social work education: who owns the curriculum?


Book Chapter

Will she be right, mate? Standards and diversity in Australian social work

Healy, Karen (2018). Will she be right, mate? Standards and diversity in Australian social work. Transnational social work: opportunities and challenges of a global profession. (pp. 205-221) Bristol, United Kingdom: Policy Press. doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781447333364.003.0013

Will she be right, mate? Standards and diversity in Australian social work


Book Chapter

The Skilled Communicator in Social Work

Healy, Karen (2018). The Skilled Communicator in Social Work. The Skilled Communicator in Social Work. (pp. 1-11) London, United Kingdom: Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-56347-7_1

The Skilled Communicator in Social Work


Book Chapter

Social work education and regulation in Australia

Healy, Karen (2016). Social work education and regulation in Australia. Encyclopedia of social work. (pp. 1-1) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.1169

Social work education and regulation in Australia


Book Chapter

Transforming organisations and creative practice: Social sustainability and social work: Problems and prospects

Healy, Karen (2014). Transforming organisations and creative practice: Social sustainability and social work: Problems and prospects. Global Social Transformation and Social Action: The Role of Social Workers: Social Work-Social Development Volume III. (pp. 161-164) edited by Sven Hessle. London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781315585024-13

Transforming organisations and creative practice: Social sustainability and social work: Problems and prospects


Book Chapter

International comparative research regarding vulnerable young people: reflections on methodological challenges and solutions

Healy, Karen, Julkunen, Ilse and Karvinen-Niinikoski, Synnove (2014). International comparative research regarding vulnerable young people: reflections on methodological challenges and solutions. Human rights and social equality: challenges for social work: social work-social development. (pp. 114-117) edited by Sven Hessle. Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing.

International comparative research regarding vulnerable young people: reflections on methodological challenges and solutions


Book Chapter

Social sustainability and social work: problems and prospects

Healy, Karen (2014). Social sustainability and social work: problems and prospects. Global Social Transformation and Social Action: The Role of Social Workers. (pp. 161-164) edited by Sven Hessle. Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing.

Social sustainability and social work: problems and prospects


Book Chapter

Critical perspectives

Healy, Karen (2012). Critical perspectives. The Sage handbook of social work. (pp. 191-206) edited by Mel Gray, James Midgley and Stephen A. Webb. London , U.K.: Sage. doi: 10.4135/9781446247648.n13

Critical perspectives


Book Chapter

Strategic challenges in child welfare services: A comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden

Meagher, Gabrielle, Cortis, Natasha and Healy, Karen (2009). Strategic challenges in child welfare services: A comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden. Social policy review 21: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2009. (pp. 215-239) edited by Kirstein Rummery, Ian Greener and Chris Holden. Bristol, United Kingdom: The Policy Press.

Strategic challenges in child welfare services: A comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden


Book Chapter

Strategic challenges in child welfare services: A comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden

Meagher, Gabrielle, Cortis, Natasha and Healy, Karen (2009). Strategic challenges in child welfare services: A comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden. Social Policy Review 21: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2009. (pp. 215-242) Policy Press. doi: 10.46692/9781847427410.011

Strategic challenges in child welfare services: A comparative study of Australia, England and Sweden


Book Chapter

Social Work Practice Theories Frameworks

Connolly, Marie and Healy, Karen E. (2008). Social Work Practice Theories Frameworks. Social work: Contexts and practice. (pp. 37-52) edited by Marie Connolly and Louise Harms. South Melbourne, Vic., Australia: Oxford University Press.

Social Work Practice Theories Frameworks


Book Chapter

Community education

Healy, K E (2006). Community education. Working with Individuals, Communities, and Organisations. (pp. 259-266) edited by A. O'Hara and Z. Weber. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Community education


Book Chapter

Asset based community development

Healy, K E (2006). Asset based community development. Working with Individuals, Communities, and Organisations. (pp. 247-258) edited by A. O'Hara and Z. Weber. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Asset based community development


Book Chapter

Under Reconstruction: Renewing Critical Social Work Practices

Ife, J., Healy, K. E., Spratt, T. and Solomon, B. (2005). Under Reconstruction: Renewing Critical Social Work Practices. Social Work: A Critical Turn. (pp. 219-230) edited by S. Hick, J. Fook and R. Pozzuto. Toronto, Canada: Thompson Educational Publishing.

Under Reconstruction: Renewing Critical Social Work Practices


Book Chapter

Working with young people

Healy, K. E., O'Regan, M. and Tansky, M. (2005). Working with young people. Social Work: Fields of Practice. (pp. 95-104) edited by M. Alston and J. Mckinnon. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Working with young people


Book Chapter

The reprofessionalization of social work: collaborative approaches for achieving professional recognition

Healy, Karen and Meagher, Gabrielle (2004). The reprofessionalization of social work: collaborative approaches for achieving professional recognition. Social work in a corporate era: practices of power and resistance. (pp. 76-90) edited by Peter Leonard and Linda Davies. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315242835-7

The reprofessionalization of social work: collaborative approaches for achieving professional recognition


Book Chapter

The Reprofessionalization of Social Work: Collaborative Approaches for Achieving Professional Recognition

Healy, K. E. and Meagher, G. (2004). The Reprofessionalization of Social Work: Collaborative Approaches for Achieving Professional Recognition. Social Work in a Corporate Era. (pp. 91-107) edited by Linda Davies and Peter Leonard. UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

The Reprofessionalization of Social Work: Collaborative Approaches for Achieving Professional Recognition


Book Chapter

Power and activist social work

Healy, Karen (1999). Power and activist social work. Transforming social work practice: postmodern critical perspectives. (pp. 115-134) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203164969-11

Power and activist social work