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Other Outputs

Rapid assessment of ordered molecular structure in a semi-crystalline polymer, starch, directly from solid state NMR spectra

Flanagan, Bernadine M., Gidley, Michael J. and Warren, Frederick J. (2015). Rapid assessment of ordered molecular structure in a semi-crystalline polymer, starch, directly from solid state NMR spectra. The Royal Society of Chemistry. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2017.269

Rapid assessment of ordered molecular structure in a semi-crystalline polymer, starch, directly from solid state NMR spectra


Other Outputs

The spectroscopy of trivalent lanthanoid ions in organic hosts

Flanagan, Bernadine Mary (2002). The spectroscopy of trivalent lanthanoid ions in organic hosts. PhD Thesis, School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/105907

The spectroscopy of trivalent lanthanoid ions in organic hosts