2016 Journal Article A land of the 'fair go'?: Intergenerational earnings elasticity in AustraliaHuang, Yangtao, Perales, Francisco and Western, Mark (2016). A land of the 'fair go'?: Intergenerational earnings elasticity in Australia. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 51 (3), 361-381. doi: 10.1002/j.1839-4655.2016.tb01236.x |
2016 Journal Article Weighting strategies for combining data from dual-frame telephone surveys: emerging evidence from AustraliaBaffour, Bernard, Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark, Pennay, Darren, Mission, Sebastian and Martinez, Arturo (2016). Weighting strategies for combining data from dual-frame telephone surveys: emerging evidence from Australia. Journal of Official Statistics, 32 (3), 549-578. doi: 10.1515/jos-2016-0029 |
2016 Journal Article Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: the role of school and parent organisation leadershipPovey, Jenny, Campbell, Alice Kate, Willis, Linda-Dianne, Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark, Bennett, Sarah, Antrobus, Emma and Pedde, Charley (2016). Engaging parents in schools and building parent-school partnerships: the role of school and parent organisation leadership. International Journal of Educational Research, 79 (1), 128-141. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2016.07.005 |
2016 Journal Article Drivers of household income distribution dynamics in the PhilippinesMartinez, Arturo, Western, Mark, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Haynes, Michele, Manalo, Maria Kristine and Sebastian, Iva (2016). Drivers of household income distribution dynamics in the Philippines. Philippine Statistician, 65 (1), 53-84. |
2015 Journal Article How Income Segmentation Affects Income Mobility: Evidence from Panel Data in the PhilippinesMartinez, Arturo, Western, Mark, Haynes, Michele and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2015). How Income Segmentation Affects Income Mobility: Evidence from Panel Data in the Philippines. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 2 (3), 590-608. doi: 10.1002/app5.96 |
2015 Journal Article Time on housework and selection into and out of relationships in Australia: a multiprocess, multilevel approachHaynes, Michele, Baxter, Janeen, Hewitt, Belinda and Western, Mark (2015). Time on housework and selection into and out of relationships in Australia: a multiprocess, multilevel approach. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 6 (3), 245-263. doi: 10.14301/llcs.v6i3.303 |
2014 Journal Article A life-changing event: first births and men's and women's attitudes to mothering and gender divisions of laborBaxter, Janeen, Buchler, Sandra, Perales, Francisco and Western, Mark (2014). A life-changing event: first births and men's and women's attitudes to mothering and gender divisions of labor. Social Forces, 93 (3) sou103, 989-1014. doi: 10.1093/sf/sou103 |
2014 Journal Article Is there income mobility in the Philippines?Martinez, Arturo, Western, Mark, Haynes, Michele and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2014). Is there income mobility in the Philippines?. Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 28 (1), 96-115. doi: 10.1111/apel.12047 |
2014 Journal Article Multiple job holding and income mobility in IndonesiaMartinez Jr, Arturo, Western, Mark, Haynes, Michele, Tomaszewski, Wojtek and Macarayan, Erlyn (2014). Multiple job holding and income mobility in Indonesia. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 37, 91-104. doi: 10.1016/j.rssm.2013.09.008 |
2014 Journal Article Sea-level rise and planning: Retrospect and prospectKellett, Jon, Balston, Jacqueline and Western, Mark (2014). Sea-level rise and planning: Retrospect and prospect. Australian Planner, 51 (3), 203-211. doi: 10.1080/07293682.2013.808681 |
2013 Journal Article National security and preparedness survey technical reportFay-Ramirez, Suzanna, Western, Mark, Mazerolle, Lorraine and Wiedlitzka, Susann (2013). National security and preparedness survey technical report. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2594567 |
2013 Journal Article Beneath the 'Digital Native' myth: understanding young Australians' online time useSmith, Jonathan, Skrbis, Zlatko and Western, Mark (2013). Beneath the 'Digital Native' myth: understanding young Australians' online time use. Journal of Sociology, 49 (1), 97-118. doi: 10.1177/1440783311434856 |
2013 Journal Article Measuring income mobility using pseudo-panel dataMartinez Jr., Arturo, Western, Mark, Haynes, Michele and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2013). Measuring income mobility using pseudo-panel data. Philippine Statistician, 62 (2), 71-99. |
2013 Journal Article Gender, justice and domestic work: life course transitions and perceptions of fairnessBaxter, Janeen, Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark and Hewitt, Belinda (2013). Gender, justice and domestic work: life course transitions and perceptions of fairness. Longtitudinal and Life Course Studies, 4 (1), 78-85. |
2012 Journal Article Australian politicians’ beliefs about climate change: political partisanship and political ideologyFielding, Kelly S., Head, Brian W., Laffan, Warren, Western, Mark and Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove (2012). Australian politicians’ beliefs about climate change: political partisanship and political ideology. Environmental Politics, 21 (5), 712-733. doi: 10.1080/09644016.2012.698887 |
2012 Journal Article Expecting the unexpected: Young people's expectations about marriage and familySkrbis, Zlatko, Western, Mark, Tranter, Bruce, Hogan, David, Coates, Rebecca, Smith, Jonathan, Hewitt, Belinda and Mayall, Margery (2012). Expecting the unexpected: Young people's expectations about marriage and family. Journal of Sociology, 48 (1), 63-83. doi: 10.1177/1440783311408968 |
2011 Journal Article The challenge of monitoring regional Indigenous homelessnessMemmott, Paul, Greenop, Kelly, Haynes, Michele, Clarke, Andrew and Western, Mark (2011). The challenge of monitoring regional Indigenous homelessness. Parity, 24 (9), 31-34. |
2011 Journal Article Social networks and occupational attainment in AustraliaHuang, Xianbi and Western, Mark (2011). Social networks and occupational attainment in Australia. Sociology, 45 (2), 269-286. doi: 10.1177/0038038510394029 |
2011 Journal Article Does attitude matter in computer use in Australian general practice? A zero-inflated Poisson regression analysisKhan, Asaduzzaman and Western, Mark (2011). Does attitude matter in computer use in Australian general practice? A zero-inflated Poisson regression analysis. Health Information Management Journal, 40 (2), 23-29. doi: 10.1177/183335831104000204 |
2010 Journal Article Overstating value change: Question ordering in the postmaterial values indexTranter, Bruce and Western, Mark (2010). Overstating value change: Question ordering in the postmaterial values index. European Sociological Review, 26 (5), 571-583. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcp040 |