2024 Conference Publication The necessity, scope and impact of national heritage laws. The UNESCO Model Act for Cultural HeritageForrest, Craig (2024). The necessity, scope and impact of national heritage laws. The UNESCO Model Act for Cultural Heritage. UNESCO Regional Meeting for Caribbean SIDS on National Heritage Laws, Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda, 22-24 October 2024. |
2024 Conference Publication Potentially polluting wrecksForrest, Craig (2024). Potentially polluting wrecks. 2nd SPC Heads of Maritime Meeting and First POMF Steering Committee Meeting, Nadi, Fiji, 22-26 April 2024. |
2023 Conference Publication World War II Shipwreck preservation: legal perspectivesForrest, Craig (2023). World War II Shipwreck preservation: legal perspectives. UNESCO Workshop: World War Shipwrecks in Southeast Asia – threats of marine pollution and looting, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6-7 December 2023. |
2023 Conference Publication The social history of artefacts and the law in Southeast AsiaForrest, Craig (2023). The social history of artefacts and the law in Southeast Asia. 5th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Gwangju, South Korea, 13-18 November 2023. |
2023 Conference Publication Motivating and enabling Pacific States to ratify the 2001 ConventionLekker, Ellen and Forrest, Craig (2023). Motivating and enabling Pacific States to ratify the 2001 Convention. 5th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Hertiage, Gwangju, South Korea, 13-18 November 2023. |
2023 Conference Publication Clarifying the Convention’s demands: Lesson from three Pacific Island StatesForrest, Craig (2023). Clarifying the Convention’s demands: Lesson from three Pacific Island States. Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 14-15 September 2023. |
2023 Conference Publication The UNESCO Convention and FijiForrest, Craig (2023). The UNESCO Convention and Fiji. UNESCO FIJI Workshop, Suva, Fiji, 31 August-1 September 2023. |
2022 Conference Publication Challanges for Pacific Flag States at IMO: a case study of the Marshall IslandsForrest, Craig (2022). Challanges for Pacific Flag States at IMO: a case study of the Marshall Islands. Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 12-14 October 2022. |
2022 Conference Publication Shipping or Climate Change - A dilemma for Low-Lying Pacific Open RegistriesForrest, Craig (2022). Shipping or Climate Change - A dilemma for Low-Lying Pacific Open Registries. Climate Change, Maritime Law and Ocean Governance, Hong Kong, 27-28 January 2022. |
2021 Conference Publication 2001 UNESCO Convention and the Marshall IslandsForrest, Craig (2021). 2001 UNESCO Convention and the Marshall Islands. Consultation Workshop on the 2001 UNESCO Underwater Cultural Heritage Convention in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Majuro, Marshall Islands, 7-8 December 2021. |
2021 Conference Publication 2001 UNESCO Convention and Solomon IslandsForrest, Craig (2021). 2001 UNESCO Convention and Solomon Islands. Consultation Workshop on the 2001 UNESCO Underwater Cultural Heritage Convention in the Solomon Islands, Honiara, Solomon Islands, 23-24 June 2021. |
2021 Conference Publication The New Australian Regime on Historic ShipwrecksForrest, Craig (2021). The New Australian Regime on Historic Shipwrecks . Art and Cultural Heritage: Australian and International Perspectives, Sydney, Australia, 9 June 2021. |
2020 Conference Publication Human remains on sunken warshipsForrest, Craig (2020). Human remains on sunken warships. HMAS Perth - Historic Shipwreck Management, Sydney/Indonesia, 16 - 26 November 2020. |
2019 Conference Publication MV Solomon TraderForrest, Craig (2019). MV Solomon Trader. UQSIP MASLU Twilight Panel Session, University of Queensland, 27 June 2019. |
2019 Conference Publication The future of shipwrecks and underwater cultural heritage in Australia and New ZealandForrest, Craig (2019). The future of shipwrecks and underwater cultural heritage in Australia and New Zealand. 46th National Conference of the Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand, 11-13 September 2019. |
2018 Conference Publication Towards the Recognition of Legacy Wrecks as Memorials and Maritime War GravesForrest, Craig (2018). Towards the Recognition of Legacy Wrecks as Memorials and Maritime War Graves. The Legal Regime of Underwater Cultural Heritage and Marine Scientific Research, Bodrum, Turkey, 4-5 October 2018. |
2017 Conference Publication The Law of WreckForrest, Craig J. S. (2017). The Law of Wreck. Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Law Semianr Series, Hong Kong, 21 April 2017. |
2016 Conference Publication Salvage Contracts & the Nairobi ConventionForrest, Craig (2016). Salvage Contracts & the Nairobi Convention. AMSA's Salvage & Wreck Workshop, National Maritime Museum, Sydney, 15-16 June 2016. |
2016 Conference Publication State cooperation in combating transboundary marine pollution in South East AsiaForrest, Craig (2016). State cooperation in combating transboundary marine pollution in South East Asia. Maritime Law in the Asia-Pacific Region, Wellington, New Zealand, 25-26 February 2016. Murdoch, WA, Australia: Murdoch University * School of Law. |
2016 Conference Publication Salvage contracts and the Nairobi ConventionForrest, Craig J. S. (2016). Salvage contracts and the Nairobi Convention. AMSA's Salvage and Wreck Workshop, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 15-16 June 2016. |