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Dr Yves-Marie Bozec

Yves-Marie Bozec

+61 7 336 56908



My research integrates empirical data and mechanistic models to understand the dynamics of coral reef populations and ecosystems across a range of spatial scales. I am particularly interested in the processes that regulate reef populations and shape their resilience in space and time. My current research focuses on assessing the cumulative impacts of recent and future disturbances across Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. I also explore scenarios of climate change and strategies of management interventions to help corals persist and adapt from the impacts of warming.


Dr Yves-Marie Bozec is:
Available for supervision


  • Masters (Research) of Marine and Estuarine Ecology, Pierre and Marie Curie University
  • Masters (Coursework) of Science, Pierre and Marie Curie University
  • Doctor of Philosophy of Environmental Sciences, Pierre and Marie Curie University


Search Professor Yves-Marie Bozec’s works on UQ eSpace

52 works between 2004 and 2024

21 - 40 of 52 works


Journal Article

Linking fishes to multiple metrics of coral reef structural complexity using three-dimensional technology

González-Rivero, M., Harborne, A. R., Herrera-Reveles, A., Bozec, Y. M., Rogers, A., Friedman, A., Ganase, A. and Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2017). Linking fishes to multiple metrics of coral reef structural complexity using three-dimensional technology. Scientific Reports, 7 (1) 13965, 13965. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14272-5

Linking fishes to multiple metrics of coral reef structural complexity using three-dimensional technology


Journal Article

A coral-algal phase shift in Mesoamerica not driven by changes in herbivorous fish abundance

Ernesto Arias-Gonzalez, Jesus, Fung, Tak, Seymour, Robert M., Rodrigo Garza-Perez, Joaquin, Acosta-Gonzalez, Gilberto, Bozec, Yves-Marie and Johnson, Craig R. (2017). A coral-algal phase shift in Mesoamerica not driven by changes in herbivorous fish abundance. Plos One, 12 (4) e0174855, e0174855. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174855

A coral-algal phase shift in Mesoamerica not driven by changes in herbivorous fish abundance


Journal Article

Multiple stressors and the functioning of coral reefs

Harborne, Alastair R., Rogers, Alice, Bozec, Yves-Marie and Mumby, Peter J. (2017). Multiple stressors and the functioning of coral reefs. Annual Review of Marine Science, 9 (1), 445-468. doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-010816-060551

Multiple stressors and the functioning of coral reefs


Journal Article

Long-term empirical evidence of ocean warming leading to tropicalization of fish communities, increased herbivory, and loss of kelp

Verges, Adriana, Doropoulos, Christopher, Malcolm, Hamish A., Skye, Mathew, Garcia-Piza, Marina, Marzinelli, Ezequiel M., Campbell, Alexandra H., Ballesteros, Enric, Hoey, Andrew S., Vila-Concejo, Ana, Bozec, Yves-Marie and Steinberg, Peter D. (2016). Long-term empirical evidence of ocean warming leading to tropicalization of fish communities, increased herbivory, and loss of kelp. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (48), 13791-13796. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1610725113

Long-term empirical evidence of ocean warming leading to tropicalization of fish communities, increased herbivory, and loss of kelp


Journal Article

Reassessing shark-driven trophic cascades on coral reefs: a reply to Ruppert et al

Roff, George, Doropoulos, Christopher, Rogers, Alice, Bozec, Yves-Marie, Krueck, Nils C., Aurellado, Eleanor, Priest, Mark, Birrell, Chico and Mumby, Peter J. (2016). Reassessing shark-driven trophic cascades on coral reefs: a reply to Ruppert et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31 (8), 587-589. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2016.05.005

Reassessing shark-driven trophic cascades on coral reefs: a reply to Ruppert et al


Journal Article

Tradeoffs between fisheries harvest and the resilience of coral reefs

Bozec, Yves-Marie, O'Farrell, Shay, Bruggemann, J. Henrich, Luckhurst, Brian E. and Mumby, Peter J. (2016). Tradeoffs between fisheries harvest and the resilience of coral reefs. National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings, 113 (16), 4536-4541. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1601529113

Tradeoffs between fisheries harvest and the resilience of coral reefs


Journal Article

The ecological role of sharks on coral reefs

Roff, George, Doropoulos,Christopher, Rogers, Alice, Bozec, Yves-Marie, Krueck, Nils C., Aurellado, Eleanor, Priest,Mark, Birrell, Chico and Mumby, Peter J. (2016). The ecological role of sharks on coral reefs. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31 (5), 395-407. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2016.02.014

The ecological role of sharks on coral reefs


Journal Article

Characterizing the ecological trade-offs throughout the early ontogeny of coral recruitment

Doropoulos, Christopher, Roff, George, Bozec, Yves-Marie, Zupan, Mirta, Werminghausen, Johanna and Mumby, Peter J. (2016). Characterizing the ecological trade-offs throughout the early ontogeny of coral recruitment. Ecological Monographs, 86 (1) 15-0668.1, 20-44. doi: 10.1890/15-0668.1

Characterizing the ecological trade-offs throughout the early ontogeny of coral recruitment


Journal Article

Asymmetric competition prevents the outbreak of an opportunistic species after coral reef degradation

Gonzalez-Rivero, Manuel, Bozec, Yves-Marie, Chollett, Iliana, Ferrari, Renata, Schonberg, Christine H. L. and Mumby, Peter J. (2016). Asymmetric competition prevents the outbreak of an opportunistic species after coral reef degradation. Oecologia, 181 (1), 1-13. doi: 10.1007/s00442-015-3541-x

Asymmetric competition prevents the outbreak of an opportunistic species after coral reef degradation


Journal Article

Direct and indirect effects of nursery habitats on coral-reef fish assemblages, grazing pressure, and benthic dynamics

Harborne, Alastair H., Nagelkerken, Ivan, Wolff, Nicholas H., Bozec, Yves-Marie, Dorenbosch, Martijn, Grol, Monique G. G. and Mumby, Peter J. (2015). Direct and indirect effects of nursery habitats on coral-reef fish assemblages, grazing pressure, and benthic dynamics. Oikos, 125 (7), 957-967. doi: 10.1111/oik.02602

Direct and indirect effects of nursery habitats on coral-reef fish assemblages, grazing pressure, and benthic dynamics


Journal Article

Protection of functionally important parrotfishes increases their biomass but fails to deliver enhanced recruitment

O'Farrell, Shay, Harborne, Alastair R., Bozec, Yves-Marie, Luckhurst, Brian E. and Mumby, Peter J. (2015). Protection of functionally important parrotfishes increases their biomass but fails to deliver enhanced recruitment. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 522, 245-254. doi: 10.3354/meps11134

Protection of functionally important parrotfishes increases their biomass but fails to deliver enhanced recruitment


Journal Article

Anticipative management for coral reef ecosystem services in the 21st century

Rogers, Alice, Harborne, Alastair R., Brown, Christopher J., Bozec, Yves-Marie, Castro, Carolina, Chollett, Iliana, Hock, Karlo, Knowland, Cheryl A., Marshell, Alyssa, Ortiz, Juan C., Razak, Tries, Roff, George, Samper-Villarreal, Jimena, Saunders, Megan I., Wolff, Nicholas H. and Mumby, Peter J. (2015). Anticipative management for coral reef ecosystem services in the 21st century. Global Change Biology, 21 (2), 504-514. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12725

Anticipative management for coral reef ecosystem services in the 21st century


Journal Article

Synergistic impacts of global warming on the resilience of coral reefs

Bozec, Yves-Marie and Mumby, Peter J. (2015). Synergistic impacts of global warming on the resilience of coral reefs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 370 (1659), 1-9. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0267

Synergistic impacts of global warming on the resilience of coral reefs


Journal Article

The dynamics of architectural complexity on coral reefs under climate change

Bozec, Yves-Marie, Alvarez-Filip, Lorenzo and Mumby, Peter J. (2015). The dynamics of architectural complexity on coral reefs under climate change. Global Change Biology, 21 (1), 223-235. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12698

The dynamics of architectural complexity on coral reefs under climate change


Journal Article

Global disparity in the ecological benefits of reducing carbon emissions for coral reefs

Ortiz, Juan Carlos, Bozec, Yves-Marie, Wolff, Nicholas H., Doropoulos, Christopher and Mumby, Peter J. (2014). Global disparity in the ecological benefits of reducing carbon emissions for coral reefs. Nature Climate Change, 4 (12), 1090-1094. doi: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2439

Global disparity in the ecological benefits of reducing carbon emissions for coral reefs


Journal Article

Operationalising the resilience of coral reefs in an era of climate change

Mumby, Peter J., Wolff, Nicholas H., Bozec, Yves-Marie, Chollett, Iliana and Halloran, Paul (2014). Operationalising the resilience of coral reefs in an era of climate change. Conservation Letters, 7 (3), 176-187. doi: 10.1111/conl.12047

Operationalising the resilience of coral reefs in an era of climate change


Journal Article

Ecological resilience, robustness and vulnerability: how do these concepts benefit ecosystem management?

Mumby, Peter J., Chollett, Iliana, Bozec, Yves-Marie and Wolff, Nicholas H. (2014). Ecological resilience, robustness and vulnerability: how do these concepts benefit ecosystem management?. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 7, 22-27. doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2013.11.021

Ecological resilience, robustness and vulnerability: how do these concepts benefit ecosystem management?


Journal Article

Porites and the Phoenix effect: Unprecedented recovery after a mass coral bleaching event at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia

Roff, George, Bejarano, Sonia, Bozec, Yves-Marie, Nugues, Maggy, Steneck, Robert S. and Mumby, Peter J. (2014). Porites and the Phoenix effect: Unprecedented recovery after a mass coral bleaching event at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia. Marine Biology, 161 (6), 1385-1393. doi: 10.1007/s00227-014-2426-6

Porites and the Phoenix effect: Unprecedented recovery after a mass coral bleaching event at Rangiroa Atoll, French Polynesia


Journal Article

Reciprocal facilitation and non-linearity maintain habitat engineering on coral reefs

Bozec, Yves-Marie, Yakob, Laith, Bejarano, Sonia and Mumby, Peter J. (2013). Reciprocal facilitation and non-linearity maintain habitat engineering on coral reefs. Oikos, 122 (3), 428-440. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.20576.x

Reciprocal facilitation and non-linearity maintain habitat engineering on coral reefs


Journal Article

Use of timed automata and model-checking to explore scenarios on ecosystem models

Largouet, Christine, Cordier, Marie-Odile, Bozec, Yves-Marie, Zhao, Yulong and Fontenelle, Guy (2012). Use of timed automata and model-checking to explore scenarios on ecosystem models. Environmental Modelling and Software, 30, 123-138. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.08.005

Use of timed automata and model-checking to explore scenarios on ecosystem models


Current funding

  • 2020 - 2025
    RRAP-M&DS-01-V1: Modelling and Decision Support-Management and Operations
    Australian Institute of Marine Science
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2025
    RRAP-M&DS-04-V1: Modelling and Decision Support (M&DS)-ReefMod R&D
    Australian Institute of Marine Science
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2020
    Baseline mapping to support resilience-based management and restoration in the Whitsundays
    Great Barrier Reef Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2019
    Climate change trajectories for the Reef
    Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2017
    Research project for the resilient reefs successfully adapting to climate change
    Great Barrier Reef Foundation
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2016
    Solving CoTs on the GBR (Accelerate Partnerships grant administered by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS))
    Australian Institute of Marine Science
    Open grant



Dr Yves-Marie Bozec is:
Available for supervision

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