Jonathan is a human geographer within the School of the Environment and Deputy Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Science at UQ. Jonathan joined The University of Queensland in 2005 following previous appointments at the University of Glamorgan (UK) and the UK national mapping Agency, Ordnance Survey.
Jonathan's interests lie at the intersection of human geography, regional science, sociology and criminology in understanding how human mobility shapes and is shaped by our urban systems and in turn impacts social sustainability; how regional economic growth and development is governed by human capital migration; and how big data and spatial analytics can be effectively harnessed to inform smarter policy.
Jonathan's interest in geography and the spatial sciences began early on in his academic career. Completing his undergraduate studies in geography and a masters degree in geographic information science, where he focused on developing a broad understanding of key statistical, modelling and spatial analytic methods. He then went on to earn a PhD in human geography and computer science, where he focused on modelling the complex relationship between mobility, land use and crime.
- Professor Jonathan Corcoran is:
- Not available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Glamorgan
Research interests
Human mobility and social sustainability
Human capital migration
Big data and spatial analytics
Research impacts
Jonathan has published widely in academic journals, exploring topics such as the impact of public transportation on crime, the relationship between mobility patterns and social inequality, and the role of urban design in promoting safe and inclusive communities. Through his research, Jonathan has become an internationally recognised expert in the fields of human geography and spatial criminology and is often called upon to speak at conferences and provide insights to policymakers and urban planners. His research has contributed to the development of more inclusive and equitable transportation systems, which prioritise the needs of all members of society and promote safe and healthy communities.
Jonathan remains committed to advancing our understanding of how cities work through which we can create more equitable and inclusive urban environments for all. In parallel he continues to inspire the next generation of researchers and scholars to pursue a deeper understanding of the complex relationships between human spatial behaviours and social systems.
Search Professor Jonathan Corcoran’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
New insights into community safety: An application of the HASCADE model
Corcoran, Jonathan and Bowen Thomson, Bernadette (2003). New insights into community safety: An application of the HASCADE model. British Journal of Community Justice, 2 (1), 37-50.
Conference Publication
Data clustering and rule abduction to facilitate crime hot spot prediction
Corcoran, J, Wilson, ID, Lewis, OM and Ware, JA (2001). Data clustering and rule abduction to facilitate crime hot spot prediction. 7th Fuzzy International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Dortmund Germany, Oct 01-03, 2001. BERLIN: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN.
Current funding
Past funding
- Professor Jonathan Corcoran is:
- Not available for supervision
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Strength-based approaches to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander governance in science research
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tracey Bunda
Doctor Philosophy
Strength-based approaches to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander governance in science research
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tracey Bunda
Doctor Philosophy
Planning for health and wellbeing in high-rise precincts: Understanding the role of 'breathing space'
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Sara Alidoust
Doctor Philosophy
Modelling Human-Environment Interactions: Testing Irregular CA and 3D Urban Models
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Scott Lieske
Doctor Philosophy
Routine Policing Activities: Assessing the Strategic Deployment of Random Breath Testing on Crime, Calls for Service and Traffic Crashes
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Sarah Bennett
Doctor Philosophy
Wildly productive urban landscapes: Exploring the agency of public urban landscapes in creating healthy cities and community engagement
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Susanne Schmidt, Dr Liz Brogden, Dr Silvia Micheli
Doctor Philosophy
Effects of Community Support on Violence against Immigrant and Refugee Women in Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Rennie Lee, Associate Professor Renee Zahnow
Doctor Philosophy
The shifting geographies of migration in Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Aude Bernard, Associate Professor Elin Charles-Edwards
Doctor Philosophy
Ghost Kitchens and Urban Dynamics: Implications for Urban Planning and the Future of Drone Delivery
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Thomas Sigler
Doctor Philosophy
Planning for health and wellbeing in high-rise precincts: Understanding the role of 'breathing space'
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Sara Alidoust
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Crime, Perceptions of Safety, and Public Transit Ridership: A Space-Time Approach
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Renee Zahnow
Doctor Philosophy
Understanding the Role of Modality Style in Mode Choice Behaviour Associated with First and Last Mile Travel
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Honorary Professor Neil Sipe, Honorary Professor Carlo Prato
Doctor Philosophy
Closing the gap: Cycling dissonance in urban commuting
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Scott Lieske
Doctor Philosophy
Investigating the influence of weather on public transport passenger's travel behaviour
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Thomas Sigler
Doctor Philosophy
The Sociability of Urban Greenspace: An Exploration of How Public Parks and Private Backyards Influence the Social Sustainability of Urban Communities
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
From Here to There and Back Again: a study of return migration in Australia
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Enhancing Emergency Fire Service Delivery Response - a Geostrategic Approach
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Neighbourhood walkability for older adults: Investigating the role of physical and perceptual factors in shaping walking behaviour
Joint Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Elin Charles-Edwards
Doctor Philosophy
Stuck people and sticky places: the shifting geography of moving and staying in Australian regions
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Aude Bernard, Associate Professor Elin Charles-Edwards
Doctor Philosophy
The sharing economy and its diffusion between and within cities: Case of a home-sharing platform
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Thomas Sigler
Doctor Philosophy
Understanding the decline in the level of internal migration in Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Elin Charles-Edwards, Associate Professor Aude Bernard
Doctor Philosophy
Spatial Evolution and Settlement Pathways of Mainland China-born Migrants in Australia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Thomas Sigler
Doctor Philosophy
Investigating the travel behaviour dynamics of Bus Rapid Transit passengers
Joint Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
The Immigration-Crime Myth: Exploring the Impact of Immigration on Neighbourhood Violence
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Renee Zahnow
Doctor Philosophy
Modelling urban growth: Integrating both physical and human dimensions in developing world context
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Crime in Chaotic Times: Crime in the Post-Disaster Neighbourhood
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Accounting for the links between social and ecological systems for effective nature conservation
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Migration Age Patterns and Life-Course Transitions: A Cross-National Comparison
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Elin Charles-Edwards
Doctor Philosophy
Predicting future spatial distributions of population and employment for South East Queensland ¿ a spatial disaggregation approach
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr David Pullar
Contact Professor Jonathan Corcoran directly for media enquiries about:
- Geo-analytical techniques - urban modelling
- Geo-visualisation techniques - urban modelling
- Prediction techniques - urban modelling
- Quantitative geographical methods
- Urban modelling
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