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Professor Belinda Wade

Belinda Wade




Belinda Wade is an Industry Professor within the University of Queensland Business School.

Belinda's research promotes organisational progress on climate and sustainability issues with a focus on decarbonisation and organisational climate transitions. Her recent research has highlighted decarbonising actions taken within Australian companies, best practices in climate reporting and management, and the potential for circular principles to drive sustainable business models. Major projects include collaborations with Princeton University under the Rapid Switch initiative (focus on decarbonisation) and the Future Fuels CRC (hydrogen adoption).

Driven by corporate challenges Belinda actively publishes industry reports and editorials within popular media to extend the reach of her research in addition to traditional academic publications (recent works in Journal of Business Ethics and Nature Climate Change). Belinda has been the lead author on several industry reports including the recent examination of the climate performance of the Australian superannuation sector and the perception of future fuels (hydrogen) by the Australian public. Editorial articles can be found in Entrepreneur Magazine (online), SmartCompany, and The UK Newspaper. Belinda has been featured in media including ABC Radio National’s Future Tense program, articles by AFR, Courier Mail and Nine News.

Through her career Belinda has worked extensively within industry, consulting and academia. These positions include within major energy providers Tarong Energy (now Stanwell) and Energex Retail, Australian leading consulting firm Aurecon and academic positions with the University of Queensland where she established and led the Business Sustainability Initiative.


Professor Belinda Wade is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Applied Science, The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


Search Professor Belinda Wade’s works on UQ eSpace

47 works between 2014 and 2024

21 - 40 of 47 works


Other Outputs

Maximising the value of the energy transition for rural communities.

Meath, Cristyn, Wade, Belinda, Mangan, John, Fueldner, Anna, Tong, Spencer and Lyons, Ben (2022). Maximising the value of the energy transition for rural communities.. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Rural Economies Centre of Excellence..

Maximising the value of the energy transition for rural communities.


Journal Article

Capabilities for circularity: Overcoming challenges to turn waste into a resource

Wade, Belinda, Meath, Cristyn and Griffiths, Andrew (2022). Capabilities for circularity: Overcoming challenges to turn waste into a resource. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31 (6), 2658-2681. doi: 10.1002/bse.2998

Capabilities for circularity: Overcoming challenges to turn waste into a resource


Other Outputs

The Paris-compliant company: Measuring transition performance using a strict science-based approach

Rekker, Saphira, Ives, Matthew, Wade, Belinda, Greig, Chris and Webb, Lachlan (2021). The Paris-compliant company: Measuring transition performance using a strict science-based approach. INET Working Paper. No. 2021-03. University of Oxford, INET.

The Paris-compliant company: Measuring transition performance using a strict science-based approach


Conference Publication

A chicken and egg situation: enhancing emergency service workers’ knowledge of hydrogen

Ashworth, Peta, Wade, Belinda, Witt, Kathy and Clarke, Eliott (2021). A chicken and egg situation: enhancing emergency service workers’ knowledge of hydrogen. International Conference on Hydrogen Safety 2021, Edinburgh, Scotland, 21-24 September 2021.

A chicken and egg situation: enhancing emergency service workers’ knowledge of hydrogen


Journal Article

Exploring the cognitive foundations of managerial (climate) change decisions

Wade, Belinda and Griffiths, Andrew (2021). Exploring the cognitive foundations of managerial (climate) change decisions. Journal of Business Ethics, 181 (1), 1-26. doi: 10.1007/s10551-021-04855-8

Exploring the cognitive foundations of managerial (climate) change decisions


Other Outputs

Citizens’ panels on the role of future fuels in a low-carbon future energy mix in Australia

Ashworth, Peta, Petrova, Svetla , Witt, Kathy, Wade, Belinda, Bharadwaj, Bishal , Clarke, Elliot, Meissner, Katie and Kambo, Amrita (2021). Citizens’ panels on the role of future fuels in a low-carbon future energy mix in Australia . Australia: Future Fuels CRC.

Citizens’ panels on the role of future fuels in a low-carbon future energy mix in Australia


Other Outputs

Public perceptions of hydrogen: 2021 National Survey results

Martin, Victoria, Ashworth, Peta, Petrova, Svetla, Wade, Belinda and Witt, Kathy (2021). Public perceptions of hydrogen: 2021 National Survey results. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Future Fuels CRC.

Public perceptions of hydrogen: 2021 National Survey results


Other Outputs

Emergency Services Workers and Future Fuels: Knowledge and information requirements

Ashworth, Peta, Wade, Belinda and Witt, Kathy (2020). Emergency Services Workers and Future Fuels: Knowledge and information requirements. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Future Fuels CRC.

Emergency Services Workers and Future Fuels: Knowledge and information requirements


Journal Article

Research can (and should) support corporate decarbonization

Wade, Belinda and Rekker, Saphira (2020). Research can (and should) support corporate decarbonization. Nature Climate Change, 10 (12), 1064-1065. doi: 10.1038/s41558-020-00936-0

Research can (and should) support corporate decarbonization


Journal Article

Teaching Scenario Planning in Sustainability Courses: The Creative Play Method

Wade, Belinda and Piccinini, Tomas (2020). Teaching Scenario Planning in Sustainability Courses: The Creative Play Method. Journal of Management Education, 44 (6), 105256292095813-725. doi: 10.1177/1052562920958136

Teaching Scenario Planning in Sustainability Courses: The Creative Play Method


Other Outputs

Circular economy and the water sector of South East Queensland

Wade, Belinda, Humphrey, Jacquelyn, Hopkinson, Peter, Hu, Shihu, Meath, Cristyn, Phelan, Anna and Turner, Cameron (2020). Circular economy and the water sector of South East Queensland. Brisbane, QLD Australia: UQ Business School, University of Queensland.

Circular economy and the water sector of South East Queensland


Journal Article

Examining best practice carbon management within Australian organisations: cases from contrasting sectors

Wade, Belinda and Griffiths, Andrew (2020). Examining best practice carbon management within Australian organisations: cases from contrasting sectors. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 27 (2), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/14486563.2020.1747029

Examining best practice carbon management within Australian organisations: cases from contrasting sectors


Journal Article

Recovery, rebuilding and resilience: how bushfire-affected businesses can emerge stronger

Wade, Belinda (2020). Recovery, rebuilding and resilience: how bushfire-affected businesses can emerge stronger. SmartCompany

Recovery, rebuilding and resilience: how bushfire-affected businesses can emerge stronger


Journal Article

The future of sustainability for your business: How your business can adopt a circular economy

Wade, Belinda (2019, 12 21). The future of sustainability for your business: How your business can adopt a circular economy The UK Newspaper

The future of sustainability for your business: How your business can adopt a circular economy


Journal Article

Constructing a sustainable future through infrastructure choices

Wade, Belinda and Griffiths, Andrew (2019). Constructing a sustainable future through infrastructure choices. Entrepreneur Magazine, 1-2.

Constructing a sustainable future through infrastructure choices


Journal Article

Reflect, Review and Renew: the three "Rs" of maximising corporate investment in sustainability

Wade, Belinda (2019). Reflect, Review and Renew: the three "Rs" of maximising corporate investment in sustainability. Entrepreneur Magazine, 1-2.

Reflect, Review and Renew: the three "Rs" of maximising corporate investment in sustainability


Journal Article

Success is good, but don't forget to embrace sustainability

Wade, Belinda (2019). Success is good, but don't forget to embrace sustainability. Entrepreneur Magazine

Success is good, but don't forget to embrace sustainability


Conference Publication

Organisational adaptation to the Anthropocene: a comparative study of climate change framing and preparation in UK and Australia public service providers

Tang, Sam and Wade, Belinda (2019). Organisational adaptation to the Anthropocene: a comparative study of climate change framing and preparation in UK and Australia public service providers. 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4-6 July 2019.

Organisational adaptation to the Anthropocene: a comparative study of climate change framing and preparation in UK and Australia public service providers


Other Outputs

Australia’s evolving energy future: preparing business through systems modelling, organisational capabilities and stable energy policy

Wade, Belinda, MacKenzie, Ian, Agnew, Scott and Meath, Cristyn (2018). Australia’s evolving energy future: preparing business through systems modelling, organisational capabilities and stable energy policy. AIBE Industry Research Series Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.

Australia’s evolving energy future: preparing business through systems modelling, organisational capabilities and stable energy policy


Journal Article

Mining and corporate social responsibility: Scotbar Proprietary Limited

Wesley, David, Wade, Belinda and Puffer, Sheila (2018). Mining and corporate social responsibility: Scotbar Proprietary Limited. Harvard Business Review Case Study, Prod. #: W18394-PDF-ENG

Mining and corporate social responsibility: Scotbar Proprietary Limited


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    Policy pathways to advance Australia's biomethane sector: learning policy lessons from international jurisdictions
    Future Fuels CRC Ltd
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2020 - 2021
    Promoting Indonesian COVID-19 recovery and societal equality through digital transformation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
    Partnership for Australia-Indonesia Research (PAIR) - Small and Rapid Research (SRR) Grants
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2023
    Enhancing acceptance and a social license to operate of future fuel infrastructure through community engagement and deliberative processes
    Future Fuels CRC Ltd
    Open grant



Professor Belinda Wade is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Completed supervision



Contact Professor Belinda Wade directly for media enquiries about:

  • Business
  • Decarbonisation
  • Sustainability

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