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Dr Angela Cook

Angela Cook

+61 7 336 53710



Angela Cook convenes the Chinese Translation and Interpreting major in the School of Languages and Cultures. In addition to a PhD in Chinese linguistics, she has several translating qualifications. Angela spent several years living, working and travelling in mainland China and Taiwan, where she was struck by the differences in language use on many levels, including lexical, phonological and grammatical differences, and developed a particular interest in contact-induced morpho-syntactic language change. She has published articles on lexical change and the use of grammatical markers in Modern Standard Chinese and is currently investigating changes in the use of a number of grammatical structures, focusing both on how these structures behave in spontaneous spoken interactions and on how they are used in written translations. In her spare time she plays the bassoon in Brisbane Symphony Orchestra.


Dr Angela Cook is:
Available for supervision


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Griffith University


Search Professor Angela Cook’s works on UQ eSpace

18 works between 2003 and 2024

1 - 18 of 18 works


Book Chapter

Mission impossible for L2 learners: teachers’ perspectives on teaching and learning Chinese in Queensland secondary schools

Jiang, Wenying, Cook, Angela, Shen, Chunxuan, Mikhaylova, Anna and Richards, Hui (2024). Mission impossible for L2 learners: teachers’ perspectives on teaching and learning Chinese in Queensland secondary schools. Rethinking the Asian language learning paradigm in Australia. (pp. 73-97) edited by Kayoko Hashimoto. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-74149-4_4

Mission impossible for L2 learners: teachers’ perspectives on teaching and learning Chinese in Queensland secondary schools


Journal Article

Rapid response redevelopment: a study of an English-to-Chinese translation course moving online

Cook, Angela, Dianati, Seb, Spinelli, Franciele and Lai, Yen-Ying (2023). Rapid response redevelopment: a study of an English-to-Chinese translation course moving online. Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 3 (1), 35-69. doi: 10.1515/jccall-2022-0024

Rapid response redevelopment: a study of an English-to-Chinese translation course moving online


Other Outputs

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Contemporary Australian short stories - English to German (Der Weg ist das Ziel / Hausgemacht)

Cook, Angela (2023). LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Contemporary Australian short stories - English to German (Der Weg ist das Ziel / Hausgemacht). Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Corella Press Translates (AustLit).

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Contemporary Australian short stories - English to German (Der Weg ist das Ziel / Hausgemacht)


Other Outputs

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: contemporary Australian short stories - English to Chinese (Translocalised) (Bianxing Ji / Mengxiang Gaizao Jia / Wu Shang Zhi Shang)

Cook, Angela (2023). LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: contemporary Australian short stories - English to Chinese (Translocalised) (Bianxing Ji / Mengxiang Gaizao Jia / Wu Shang Zhi Shang). Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Corella Press Translates (AustLit).

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: contemporary Australian short stories - English to Chinese (Translocalised) (Bianxing Ji / Mengxiang Gaizao Jia / Wu Shang Zhi Shang)


Other Outputs

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to Chinese (Young Adult) (Lüfang / Aiqing Mayao / Muchang Enchou Lu)

Cook, Angela (2022). LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to Chinese (Young Adult) (Lüfang / Aiqing Mayao / Muchang Enchou Lu). Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Corella Press Translates (AustLit).

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to Chinese (Young Adult) (Lüfang / Aiqing Mayao / Muchang Enchou Lu)


Other Outputs

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: contemporary Australian short stories - English to Chinese (simplified) (Mafan Chong Yu Guai Shushu / Malunbinbi, Wode Jia / Shengcun Zhi Dao)

Cook, Angela (2022). LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: contemporary Australian short stories - English to Chinese (simplified) (Mafan Chong Yu Guai Shushu / Malunbinbi, Wode Jia / Shengcun Zhi Dao). Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Corella Press Translates (AustLit).

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: contemporary Australian short stories - English to Chinese (simplified) (Mafan Chong Yu Guai Shushu / Malunbinbi, Wode Jia / Shengcun Zhi Dao)


Journal Article

Reconsidering the shi ... (de) construction in spoken Mandarin

Cook, Angela (2021). Reconsidering the shi ... (de) construction in spoken Mandarin. Chinese Language and Discourse, 14 (2), 209-231. doi: 10.1075/cld.18003.coo

Reconsidering the shi ... (de) construction in spoken Mandarin


Book Chapter

The “Flip” side of online course redevelopment: a case study of flipping a translation course

Cook, Angela, Shen, Chunxuan and Lai, Yen-Ying (2021). The “Flip” side of online course redevelopment: a case study of flipping a translation course. Trends and developments for the future of language education in higher education. (pp. 208-234) edited by Catherine Hua Xiang. Hershey, PA, United States: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7226-9.ch011

The “Flip” side of online course redevelopment: a case study of flipping a translation course


Journal Article

Constraints on the use of the plural morpheme men in spoken Mandarin

Cook, Angela (2020). Constraints on the use of the plural morpheme men in spoken Mandarin. Lingua Sinica, 5 (1), 30-57. doi: 10.2478/linguasinica-2020-0002

Constraints on the use of the plural morpheme men in spoken Mandarin


Other Outputs

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to German (Spuk im Landsitz / Chloroformiert / Eine Vendetta im Outback)

Cook, Angela (2020). LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to German (Spuk im Landsitz / Chloroformiert / Eine Vendetta im Outback). Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Corella Press Translates (AustLit).

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to German (Spuk im Landsitz / Chloroformiert / Eine Vendetta im Outback)


Other Outputs

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to Chinese (simplified) (Nao Gui Nongshe / Lao Tangmi Duode / Rendaozhuyizhe / Mazui / Hao Linju)

Cook, Angela (2020). LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to Chinese (simplified) (Nao Gui Nongshe / Lao Tangmi Duode / Rendaozhuyizhe / Mazui / Hao Linju). Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Corella Press Translates (AustLit).

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to Chinese (simplified) (Nao Gui Nongshe / Lao Tangmi Duode / Rendaozhuyizhe / Mazui / Hao Linju)


Other Outputs

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to Chinese (traditional) (Nao Gui Zhuangyuan / Lao Tangmi Duode / Rendaozhuyizhe)

Cook, Angela and Lai, Y.-Y. (2020). LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to Chinese (traditional) (Nao Gui Zhuangyuan / Lao Tangmi Duode / Rendaozhuyizhe). Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Corella Press Translates (AustLit).

LTCS3002 WIL Translation Projects: Nineteenth century Australian short stories - English to Chinese (traditional) (Nao Gui Zhuangyuan / Lao Tangmi Duode / Rendaozhuyizhe)


Journal Article

A typology of lexical borrowing in Modern Standard Chinese

Cook, Angela (2018). A typology of lexical borrowing in Modern Standard Chinese. Lingua Sinica, 4 (1) 6. doi: 10.1186/s40655-018-0038-7

A typology of lexical borrowing in Modern Standard Chinese


Journal Article

The use of the passive marker bei in spoken Mandarin

Cook, Angela (2018). The use of the passive marker bei in spoken Mandarin. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 39 (1), 1-28. doi: 10.1080/07268602.2019.1542934

The use of the passive marker bei in spoken Mandarin


Journal Article

Lexical coinages in Mandarin Chinese and the problem of classification

Cook, Angela Elizabeth (2013). Lexical coinages in Mandarin Chinese and the problem of classification. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 9 (2), 141-175. doi: 10.1558/lhs.v9i2.141

Lexical coinages in Mandarin Chinese and the problem of classification


Journal Article

Recent developments in the use of the plural marker men in Modern Standard Chinese in Taiwan

Cook, Angela (2011). Recent developments in the use of the plural marker men in Modern Standard Chinese in Taiwan. Chinese Language and Discourse, 2 (1), 80-98. doi: 10.1075/cld.2.1.04coo

Recent developments in the use of the plural marker men in Modern Standard Chinese in Taiwan


Journal Article

Why should men break all the rules? A new approach to the analysis of the plural marker men in Mandarin Chinese

Cook, Angela (2009). Why should men break all the rules? A new approach to the analysis of the plural marker men in Mandarin Chinese. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 5 (2), 129-167. doi: 10.1558/lhs.v5i2.129

Why should men break all the rules? A new approach to the analysis of the plural marker men in Mandarin Chinese


Journal Article

Neueste Einflüsse des Englischen auf das Hochchinesische in taiwanesischen Unterhaltungsshows

Cook, Angela (2003). Neueste Einflüsse des Englischen auf das Hochchinesische in taiwanesischen Unterhaltungsshows. CHUN - Chinesischunterricht, 18, 39-64.

Neueste Einflüsse des Englischen auf das Hochchinesische in taiwanesischen Unterhaltungsshows



Dr Angela Cook is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Professional Translators Strategies and Procedures for Translating Intertextual Features of Academic Journal Manuscripts from Indonesian to English

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Natsuko Akagawa

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Investigating the role of artificial intelligence in translating domain-specific, regional language varieties: A translation of Quebec French sports journalism articles into English.

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Associate Professor Amy Hubbell

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Chinese as a Second Language Learners¿ Satisfaction with Mobile Learning in China

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Wendy Jiang



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