- Dr Steven Zedler is:
- Available for supervision
- Bachelor, Saint Vincent College
- Doctoral Diploma of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Search Professor Steven Zedler’s works on UQ eSpace
Conference Publication
Successful sector iridectomy for removal of an iris melanocytoma
Hodgson, Evie, Rosales, Cristina, Thirouin, Marthe, Zedler, Steve and Stewart, Allison J. (2024). Successful sector iridectomy for removal of an iris melanocytoma. Equine Veterinarians of Australia, Bain Fallon Memorial Conference, Hunter Valley, NSW Australia, 21-25 July 2024.
Conference Publication
Severe Rhodococcus equi typhlocolitis in a 11-week-old Australian Stockhorse foal
Thirouin, Marthe, Hodgson, Evie, Wilson, A., Pentzke, Ligia, Jeong, Sharon, Brasil Ervedosa, Ticiana, Allavena, Rachel, Zedler, Steve, Stewart, Allison J. and Rosales, Cristina (2024). Severe Rhodococcus equi typhlocolitis in a 11-week-old Australian Stockhorse foal. Equine Veterinarians of Australia, Bain Fallon Memorial Conference, Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia, 21-25 July 2024.
Journal Article
Evaluation of locking compression plate fixation of the distal phalanx to the hoof wall as a potential therapy for laminitis
Lean, N. E., Zedler, S. T., Van Eps, A. W., Engiles, J. B., Ford, M., Stefanovski, D., Walsh, D. M. and Pollitt, C. C. (2023). Evaluation of locking compression plate fixation of the distal phalanx to the hoof wall as a potential therapy for laminitis. Equine Veterinary Journal, 55 (4), 707-716. doi: 10.1111/evj.13877
Journal Article
Comparison of radiography and computed tomography for evaluation of third carpal bone fractures in horses
Steel, Catherine, Ahern, Benjamin, Zedler, Steven, Vallance, Stuart, Galuppo, Lawrence, Richardson, Jennifer, Whitton, Christopher and Young, Alex (2023). Comparison of radiography and computed tomography for evaluation of third carpal bone fractures in horses. Animals, 13 (9) 1459, 1-15. doi: 10.3390/ani13091459
Conference Publication
Transdermal EMLA (lidocaine/prilocaine) cream for intravenous catheterisation in horses
Amiet, Bianca, Rainger, Jo, Stewart, Allison J., Zedler, Steve, Woldeyohannes, Solomon and Goodwin, Wendy (2022). Transdermal EMLA (lidocaine/prilocaine) cream for intravenous catheterisation in horses. Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) Science Week, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 23-25 June 2022.
Journal Article
A retrospective multicenter study on the use of locking compression plates for scapulohumeral arthrodesis in small equids
Somm, Fabienne, Suárez Sánchez-Andrade, José, Martens, Ann, Zedler, Steven T., Klopfenstein, Micael D., Boswell, Jane C., Bladon, Bruce M., Lischer, Christoph J., Richardson, Dean W., Auer, Jörg A., Fürst, Anton E. and Kümmerle, Jan M. (2021). A retrospective multicenter study on the use of locking compression plates for scapulohumeral arthrodesis in small equids. Veterinary Surgery, 50 (5), 954-965. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13618
Journal Article
Lamellar perfusion and energy metabolism in a preferential weight bearing model
van Eps, A.W., Belknap, J.K., Schneider, X., Stefanovski, D., Engiles, J. B., Richardson, D. W., Zedler, S. T., Medina‐Torres, C. E. and Watts, M. R. (2020). Lamellar perfusion and energy metabolism in a preferential weight bearing model. Equine Veterinary Journal, 53 (4) evj.13356, 834-844. doi: 10.1111/evj.13356
Journal Article
Rhinosinusitis in an Australian mare caused by Flavodon flavus, a recently recognized invasive fungal pathogen of the horse
Suen, Willy W., Zedler, Steven, Price, Rochelle, Maguire, Tina, Halliday, Catriona, Rosenblatt, Alana J., Allavena, Rachel E., Owen, Helen and Medina-Torres, Carlos E. (2019). Rhinosinusitis in an Australian mare caused by Flavodon flavus, a recently recognized invasive fungal pathogen of the horse. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 32 (1), 104063871989761-165. doi: 10.1177/1040638719897610
Journal Article
Evaluation of the inflammatory response to two intra‐articular hyaluronic acid formulations in normal equine joints
Johnston, Georgina C. A., Wood, Kelly A., Jackson, Karen V., Perkins, Nigel R. and Zedler, Steven T. (2019). Evaluation of the inflammatory response to two intra‐articular hyaluronic acid formulations in normal equine joints. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 43 (1) jvp.12818, 38-49. doi: 10.1111/jvp.12818
Journal Article
Treatment of an invasive equine mast cell tumour in the extensor carpi radialis by extensive tenomyectomy and local corticosteroid injections
Johnston, G. C. A. and Zedler, S. T. (2019). Treatment of an invasive equine mast cell tumour in the extensor carpi radialis by extensive tenomyectomy and local corticosteroid injections. Equine Veterinary Education, 31 (6), e34-e38. doi: 10.1111/eve.12987
Journal Article
Management of an extensive equine juvenile ossifying fibroma by rostral mandibulectomy and reconstruction of the mandibular symphysis using String of Pearls plates with cortical and cancellous bone autografts
Ogden, Nadine K. E., Jukic, Chantelle C. and Zedler, Steven T. (2019). Management of an extensive equine juvenile ossifying fibroma by rostral mandibulectomy and reconstruction of the mandibular symphysis using String of Pearls plates with cortical and cancellous bone autografts. Veterinary Surgery, 48 (1), 105-111. doi: 10.1111/vsu.12943
Conference Publication
Why do horses with MDR infections have normal cytology?
Yuen, Ka, Hinrichsen, Sophia, Gibson, Justine, Medina-Torres, Carlos, Bertin, Francois-Rene, Zedler, Steven, Kidd, Lisa and Stewart, Allison (2019). Why do horses with MDR infections have normal cytology?. Joint Academic Microbiology Seminars (JAMS), Brisbane, QLD Australia, November 2019.
Journal Article
Supraglenoid tubercle fractures repair with transverse locking compression plates in 4 horses
Ahern, B. J., Bayliss, I. P. M., Zedler, S. T., Getman, L. M. and Richardson, D. W. (2017). Supraglenoid tubercle fractures repair with transverse locking compression plates in 4 horses. Veterinary Surgery, 46 (4), 507-514. doi: 10.1111/vsu.12600
Conference Publication
Recurrent postanaesthetic myosotis in a Quarter Horse stallion
Medina-Torres, C., Stewart, A. J. and Zedler, S. (2017). Recurrent postanaesthetic myosotis in a Quarter Horse stallion. Bain Fallon, Equine Veterinarians Australia Annual conference, Gold Coast , Queensland, Australia, 10-13 July 2017.
Journal Article
Bilateral dentigerous cysts (heterotopic polyodontia) in a yearling Standardbred colt
Smith, L. C. R., Zedler, S. T., Gestier, S., Keane, S. E., Goodwin, W. and van Eps, A. W. (2012). Bilateral dentigerous cysts (heterotopic polyodontia) in a yearling Standardbred colt. Equine Veterinary Education, 24 (11), 573-578. doi: 10.1111/j.2042-3292.2011.00341.x
Journal Article
Right dorsal colon resection and bypass for treatment of right dorsal colitis in a horse
Lane, Jennifer K., Cohen, Jennifer M., Zedler, Steven T., Hollis, Anna R. and Southwood, Louise L. (2010). Right dorsal colon resection and bypass for treatment of right dorsal colitis in a horse. Veterinary Surgery, 39 (7), 879-883. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-950x.2010.00723.x
Journal Article
Surgical Treatment of Gastric Outflow Obstruction in 40 Foals
Zedler, Steven T., Embertson, Rolf M., Bernard, William V., Barr, Bonnie S. and Boston, Raymond C. (2009). Surgical Treatment of Gastric Outflow Obstruction in 40 Foals. Veterinary Surgery, 38 (5), 623-630. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-950x.2009.00539.x
Journal Article
Thoracic trauma and post operative lung injury in a neonatal foal
Borchers, A, van Eps, A. W., Zedler, S. and Wilkins, P. A. (2009). Thoracic trauma and post operative lung injury in a neonatal foal. Equine Veterinary Education, 21 (4), 186-191. doi: 10.2746/095777309X409938
- Dr Steven Zedler is:
- Available for supervision
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Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Development of an alternative method for arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint in the horse
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Ahern, Dr Albert Sole Guitart
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Development of a surgical implant and technique for stabilization of the equine distal phalanx within the hoof capsule
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Ahern, Dr Albert Sole Guitart
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Development of a surgical implant and technique for stabilization of the equine distal phalanx within the hoof capsule
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Ahern, Dr Albert Sole Guitart
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
An investigation of equine biomarkers for the detection of osteoarthritis
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Ahern, Dr Albert Sole Guitart
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Towards understanding radiographic lesions in thoroughbred yearlings which are significant in limiting future racing performance
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Ahern, Dr Albert Sole Guitart
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Standing Computer Tomography of the distal limb of racehorses - what do imaging changes equate with clinically?
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Albert Sole Guitart, Professor Ben Ahern
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Dynamic pharyngeal collapse in horses - the effect on airway performance parameters and investigation into surgical treatment options
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Ahern, Dr Albert Sole Guitart, Dr Steph Bond
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Dynamic nasopharyngeal collapse (NPC) in horses: The effect on airway performance parameters and investigation into surgical treatment options
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Ahern, Dr Steph Bond, Dr Albert Sole Guitart
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Standing Computer Tomography of the distal limb of racehorses - what do imaging changes equate with clinically?
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Albert Sole Guitart, Professor Ben Ahern
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Further investigation for management and stabilization of P1 fractures in the horse
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Ahern, Dr Albert Sole Guitart
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
An investigation of side effects / complications of EGUS treatment in horses
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Albert Sole Guitart, Professor Ben Ahern
Completed supervision
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Development of an alternative method for arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint in the horse
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Ahern, Dr Albert Sole Guitart
Doctor Veterinary Clinical Sci
Locking compression plate fixation for protection of the suspensory apparatus of the distal phalanx in cases of laminitis
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Chiara Palmieri, Dr Albert Sole Guitart, Professor Ben Ahern
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