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Dr Belinda O'Sullivan

Belinda O'Sullivan




Belinda is a post-doc researcher leading international scale research about rural health systems, workforce capacity building, access, quality and distribution at The University of Queensland Rural Clinical School.

Belinda did her PhD with the Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life Survey (MABEL), applying the large longitudinal panel survey of Australian doctors to research rural outreach service patterns by specialists. She continues to work in the MABEL research team, collaborating between Melbourne University, University Queensland and Monash colleagues to support the rural work stream.

She was the Chief Investigator of the Monash Medical School rural medical workforce tracking study (2016-2019), producing substantial new evidence about the design effectiveness of the Monash rural medical program, attracting new funding for end to end rural medical training from the Murray Darling Medical Network.

Belinda was the Director of Research and Evaluation in the Office of the National Rural Health Commissioner (2018-2019). She played a lead role in consulting and developing national Taskforce Advice and brokered a national evaluation framework for the Pathway, along with supporting rural allied health policy options.

She worked with rural wonca in 2018 to lead a WHO consultancy producing a Checklist for implementing rural pathways for training and supporting health workers in low and middle income countries, of significant global interest for supporting stakeholders implement training in all disciplines, from any starting point.

Belinda has been the CI of Education Research Grants about rural GP supervisors and is leading partnership projects with GPSA about the quality and distribution of the GP supervisor workforce.

She graduated from the NSW Public Health Officer Training Program at NSW Health in 2002, after completing her MPH (Hons) in the area of tobacco control. Before that, she worked as a physiotherapy clinician at the Austin and in private practice.

She has nearly twenty years’ experience of developing and implementing workplace-based training and development to produce health workers with the right skills, distributed and working in areas of community need. Her experience spans writing competencies, developing training tools, training needs assessment and planning and formative and summative assessment.

Belinda supervises Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours), PhD students, and supports people doing projects which advance knowledge of rural health systems.

Belinda's PhD: "Rural outreach by specialist doctors in Australia"

Monash University - APA, PPA Awards and Advancing Women's Research Awards

WHO Rural Pathways Checklist

MABEL longitudinal study of Australian doctors

Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Monash University

Member RFDS Victoria Research Committee


Dr Belinda O'Sullivan is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor (Honours), University of Sydney
  • Masters (Coursework) of Public Health, University of Sydney
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University

Research interests

  • Rural health

    Rural workforce training and development, workforce support, rural health systems, rural health outcomes, rural communities


Search Professor Belinda O'Sullivan’s works on UQ eSpace

143 works between 1999 and 2024

61 - 80 of 143 works


Journal Article

Preferences and pathways of the next generation of rural doctors

Paynter, Jessica A. and O'Sullivan, Belinda G. (2020). Preferences and pathways of the next generation of rural doctors. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 28 (3), 309-310. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12629

Preferences and pathways of the next generation of rural doctors


Journal Article

Patient specific advice for in-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates

Doherty, Zakary, Fuzzard, Kim, Kippen, Rebecca, O'Sullivan, Belinda and Panozzo, Laura (2019). Patient specific advice for in-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates. Emergency medicine Australasia, 32 (1) 1742-6723.13446, 174-175. doi: 10.1111/1742-6723.13446

Patient specific advice for in-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates


Journal Article

Rural work and specialty choices of international students graduating from Australian medical schools: implications for policy

McGrail, Matthew R., O'Sullivan, Belinda G. and Russell, Deborah J. (2019). Rural work and specialty choices of international students graduating from Australian medical schools: implications for policy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (24) 5056, 5056. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16245056

Rural work and specialty choices of international students graduating from Australian medical schools: implications for policy


Journal Article

"It's so rich, you know, what they could be experiencing": Rural places for general practitioner learning

Couch, Danielle, O'Sullivan, Belinda, Russell, Deborah and McGrail, Matthew (2019). "It's so rich, you know, what they could be experiencing": Rural places for general practitioner learning. Health Sociology Review, 29 (1), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/14461242.2019.1695137

"It's so rich, you know, what they could be experiencing": Rural places for general practitioner learning


Journal Article

Medical school expansion to areas of need improves physician distribution

O'Sullivan, Belinda G. and Chater, Bruce (2019). Medical school expansion to areas of need improves physician distribution. Medical Education, 53 (11), 1072-1073. doi: 10.1111/medu.13957

Medical school expansion to areas of need improves physician distribution


Journal Article

Short and long-term survival following an in-hospital cardiac arrest in a regional hospital cohort

Doherty, Zakary, Fletcher, Jason, Fuzzard, Kim, Kippen, Rebecca, Knott, Cameron and O'Sullivan, Belinda (2019). Short and long-term survival following an in-hospital cardiac arrest in a regional hospital cohort. Resuscitation, 143, 134-141. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.08.028

Short and long-term survival following an in-hospital cardiac arrest in a regional hospital cohort


Other Outputs

Subregional nurse-led oncology services supported by an outreach oncology team: building an optimal service framework

O'Sullivan, Belinda, Loorham, Melissa, Anderson, Leanne, Solo, Ilana and Kabwe, Mwila (2019). Subregional nurse-led oncology services supported by an outreach oncology team: building an optimal service framework. Echuca, VIC, United States: Loddon Mallee Integrated Cancer Services.

Subregional nurse-led oncology services supported by an outreach oncology team: building an optimal service framework


Journal Article

From locum‐led outposts to locally led continuous rural training networks: the National Rural Generalist Pathway

Worley, Paul S., O'Sullivan, Belinda and Ellis, Rose (2019). From locum‐led outposts to locally led continuous rural training networks: the National Rural Generalist Pathway. Medical Journal of Australia, 211 (2), 57-59.e1. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50225

From locum‐led outposts to locally led continuous rural training networks: the National Rural Generalist Pathway


Journal Article

Outcomes of a 1-year longitudinal integrated medical clerkship in small rural Victorian communities

Campbell, David G., McGrail, Matthew R., O'Sullivan, Belinda and Russell, Deborah J. (2019). Outcomes of a 1-year longitudinal integrated medical clerkship in small rural Victorian communities. Rural and Remote Health, 19 (2), 4987. doi: 10.22605/RRH4987

Outcomes of a 1-year longitudinal integrated medical clerkship in small rural Victorian communities


Journal Article

Building general practice training capacity in rural and remote Australia with underserved primary care services: a qualitative investigation

Young, Louise, Peel, Raquel, O’Sullivan, Belinda and Reeve, Carole (2019). Building general practice training capacity in rural and remote Australia with underserved primary care services: a qualitative investigation. BMC Health Services Research, 19 (1) 338. doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-4078-1

Building general practice training capacity in rural and remote Australia with underserved primary care services: a qualitative investigation


Journal Article

Importance of publishing research varies by doctors’ career stage, specialty and location of work

McGrail, Matthew Richard, O'Sullivan, Belinda G., Bendotti, Hollie R. and Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, Srinivas (2019). Importance of publishing research varies by doctors’ career stage, specialty and location of work. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 95 (1122), 198-204. doi: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2019-136473

Importance of publishing research varies by doctors’ career stage, specialty and location of work


Journal Article

Outreach specialists' use of video consultations in rural Victoria: a cross-sectional survey

O'Sullivan, Belinda, Rann, Helena and McGrail, Matthew (2019). Outreach specialists' use of video consultations in rural Victoria: a cross-sectional survey. Rural and Remote Health, 19 (1). doi: 10.22605/RRH4544

Outreach specialists' use of video consultations in rural Victoria: a cross-sectional survey


Journal Article

Rural work outcomes of medical students participating in a contracted Extended Rural Cohort (ERC) program by course-entry preference

O’Sullivan, Belinda, McGrail, Matthew, Major, Laura, Woodfield, Mark and Holmes, Christian (2019). Rural work outcomes of medical students participating in a contracted Extended Rural Cohort (ERC) program by course-entry preference. Medical Teacher, 41 (6), 1-8. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1569755

Rural work outcomes of medical students participating in a contracted Extended Rural Cohort (ERC) program by course-entry preference


Journal Article

The Australian Rural Clinical School (RCS) program supports rural medical workforce: evidence from a cross-sectional study of 12 RCSs

McGirr, Joe, Seal, Alexa, Barnard, Amanda, Cheek, Colleen, Garne, David, Greenhill, Jennene, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, Srinivas, Luscombe, Georgina M., May, Jenny, Mc Leod, Janet, O'Sullivan, Belinda, Playford, Denese and Wright, Julian (2019). The Australian Rural Clinical School (RCS) program supports rural medical workforce: evidence from a cross-sectional study of 12 RCSs. Rural and Remote Health, 19 (1) 4971, 4971. doi: 10.22605/RRH4971

The Australian Rural Clinical School (RCS) program supports rural medical workforce: evidence from a cross-sectional study of 12 RCSs


Journal Article

Factors related to rural general practitioners supervising general practice registrars in Australia A national cross-sectional study

O'Sullivan, Belinda, Russell, Deborah, McGrail, Matthew, Sampson, Marisa, Warrington, Allyson, Wallace, Glen, Bentley, Michael and Couch, Danielle (2019). Factors related to rural general practitioners supervising general practice registrars in Australia A national cross-sectional study. Australian Journal of General Practice, 48 (1-2) 4637, 66-71. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-07-18-4637

Factors related to rural general practitioners supervising general practice registrars in Australia A national cross-sectional study


Journal Article

Reviewing reliance on overseas-trained doctors in rural Australia and planning for self-sufficiency: applying 10 years' MABEL evidence

O'Sullivan, Belinda, Russell, Deborah J., McGrail, Matthew R. and Scott, Anthony (2019). Reviewing reliance on overseas-trained doctors in rural Australia and planning for self-sufficiency: applying 10 years' MABEL evidence. Human Resources for Health, 17 (1) 8, 8. doi: 10.1186/s12960-018-0339-z

Reviewing reliance on overseas-trained doctors in rural Australia and planning for self-sufficiency: applying 10 years' MABEL evidence


Conference Publication

Preferences and Pathways of the Next Generation of Rural Doctors

Paynter, J. and O’Sullivan, B. (2019). Preferences and Pathways of the Next Generation of Rural Doctors. Monash Medical Curriculum Conference, Clayton, VIC, Australia, 19 July 2019.

Preferences and Pathways of the Next Generation of Rural Doctors


Conference Publication

A checklist for implementing pathways to build capacity of the rural generalist workforce

O'Sullivan, B., Chater, B., Wynn-Jones, J. and Bingham, A. (2019). A checklist for implementing pathways to build capacity of the rural generalist workforce. American Academy of Family Physicians Global Health Summit, Albuquerque, NM, United States, October 2019.

A checklist for implementing pathways to build capacity of the rural generalist workforce


Conference Publication

Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train, recruit and retain rural health workers

O’Sullivan, B., Chater, B., Bingham, A. and Wynn-Jones, J. (2019). Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train, recruit and retain rural health workers. World Rural Health Conference, Albuquerque, NM, United States, 12-15 October 2019.

Checklist for implementing rural pathways to train, recruit and retain rural health workers


Conference Publication

Graduate return to region, what does it mean for health services

O'Sullivan, B (2019). Graduate return to region, what does it mean for health services. Rural Director of Medical Services Forum, DHHS, Victoria, August 2019.

Graduate return to region, what does it mean for health services


Past funding

  • 2022 - 2023
    Barriers and enablers of training and employment models for female rural doctors working at generalist scope (Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine grant administered by JCU)
    James Cook University
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Learning in remote general practice settings - a comparative evaluation of quality and performance (Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine project led by James Cook University)
    James Cook University
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2020
    Growing and strengthening general practice supervisors
    Open grant



Dr Belinda O'Sullivan is:
Available for supervision

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