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Dr Belinda O'Sullivan

Belinda O'Sullivan




Belinda is a post-doc researcher leading international scale research about rural health systems, workforce capacity building, access, quality and distribution at The University of Queensland Rural Clinical School.

Belinda did her PhD with the Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life Survey (MABEL), applying the large longitudinal panel survey of Australian doctors to research rural outreach service patterns by specialists. She continues to work in the MABEL research team, collaborating between Melbourne University, University Queensland and Monash colleagues to support the rural work stream.

She was the Chief Investigator of the Monash Medical School rural medical workforce tracking study (2016-2019), producing substantial new evidence about the design effectiveness of the Monash rural medical program, attracting new funding for end to end rural medical training from the Murray Darling Medical Network.

Belinda was the Director of Research and Evaluation in the Office of the National Rural Health Commissioner (2018-2019). She played a lead role in consulting and developing national Taskforce Advice and brokered a national evaluation framework for the Pathway, along with supporting rural allied health policy options.

She worked with rural wonca in 2018 to lead a WHO consultancy producing a Checklist for implementing rural pathways for training and supporting health workers in low and middle income countries, of significant global interest for supporting stakeholders implement training in all disciplines, from any starting point.

Belinda has been the CI of Education Research Grants about rural GP supervisors and is leading partnership projects with GPSA about the quality and distribution of the GP supervisor workforce.

She graduated from the NSW Public Health Officer Training Program at NSW Health in 2002, after completing her MPH (Hons) in the area of tobacco control. Before that, she worked as a physiotherapy clinician at the Austin and in private practice.

She has nearly twenty years’ experience of developing and implementing workplace-based training and development to produce health workers with the right skills, distributed and working in areas of community need. Her experience spans writing competencies, developing training tools, training needs assessment and planning and formative and summative assessment.

Belinda supervises Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours), PhD students, and supports people doing projects which advance knowledge of rural health systems.

Belinda's PhD: "Rural outreach by specialist doctors in Australia"

Monash University - APA, PPA Awards and Advancing Women's Research Awards

WHO Rural Pathways Checklist

MABEL longitudinal study of Australian doctors

Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Monash University

Member RFDS Victoria Research Committee


Dr Belinda O'Sullivan is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor (Honours), University of Sydney
  • Masters (Coursework) of Public Health, University of Sydney
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University

Research interests

  • Rural health

    Rural workforce training and development, workforce support, rural health systems, rural health outcomes, rural communities


Search Professor Belinda O'Sullivan’s works on UQ eSpace

143 works between 1999 and 2024

101 - 120 of 143 works


Conference Publication

Achieving distributed training by understanding the rural GP supervisor workforce and their work context

O’Sullivan, B., Warrington, A., Wallace, G., Russell, D., Sampson, M., Bentley, M., Burns, J., Couch, D. and McGrail, M. (2018). Achieving distributed training by understanding the rural GP supervisor workforce and their work context. GPTEC2018: Switch On, Adelaide, Australia, 2018.

Achieving distributed training by understanding the rural GP supervisor workforce and their work context


Conference Publication

Satisfaction of junior medical officers in rural Australia

Lennon, M., O'Sullivan, B., McGrail, M., Russell, D., Suttie, J. and Preddy, J. (2018). Satisfaction of junior medical officers in rural Australia. The Muster, Mt Gambier, SA Australia, 2018.

Satisfaction of junior medical officers in rural Australia


Conference Publication

Setting the directions for future GP policy and research

O’Sullivan, B., Walters, L., Carson, D., McGrail, M., Russell, D., Kamien, M., Strasser, R. and Hays, R. (2018). Setting the directions for future GP policy and research. 6th Rural and Remote Health Scientific Symposium, Canberra, Australia, 2018.

Setting the directions for future GP policy and research


Conference Publication

Longer duration and varied settings of rural immersion for medical students related to rural work outcomes in Victoria, Australia

O'Sullivan, B., McGrail, M., Russell, D., Walker, J., Chambers, H., Major, L. and Langham, R. (2018). Longer duration and varied settings of rural immersion for medical students related to rural work outcomes in Victoria, Australia. The Muster 2018, Mt Gambier, SA, Australia, 2018.

Longer duration and varied settings of rural immersion for medical students related to rural work outcomes in Victoria, Australia


Journal Article

Rural specialists: the nature of their work and professional satisfaction by geographical location of work

O'Sullivan, Belinda, McGrail, Matthew and Russell, Deborah (2017). Rural specialists: the nature of their work and professional satisfaction by geographical location of work. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 25 (6), 338-346. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12354

Rural specialists: the nature of their work and professional satisfaction by geographical location of work


Journal Article

Family effects on the rurality of GP's work location: a longitudinal panel study

McGrail, Matthew R., Russell, Deborah J. and O'Sullivan, Belinda G. (2017). Family effects on the rurality of GP's work location: a longitudinal panel study. Human Resources for Health, 15 (75) 75. doi: 10.1186/s12960-017-0250-z

Family effects on the rurality of GP's work location: a longitudinal panel study


Journal Article

Specialist outreach services in regional and remote Australia: key drivers and policy implications

O'Sullivan, Belinda G., Stoelwinder, Johannes U. and McGrail, Matthew R. (2017). Specialist outreach services in regional and remote Australia: key drivers and policy implications. Medical Journal of Australia, 207 (3), 96-98. doi: 10.5694/mja16.00949

Specialist outreach services in regional and remote Australia: key drivers and policy implications


Journal Article

Where to next for rural general practice policy and research in Australia?

Walters, Lucie K., McGrail, Matthew R., Carson, Dean B., O'Sullivan, Belinda G., Russell, Deborah J., Strasser, Roger P., Hays, Richard B. and Kamien, Max (2017). Where to next for rural general practice policy and research in Australia?. Medical Journal of Australia, 207 (2), 56-58.e1. doi: 10.5694/mja17.00216

Where to next for rural general practice policy and research in Australia?


Journal Article

Accessibility and outcomes from a rural diabetes nurse-educator led self-management program

Roberts, Diane Patricia, Ward, Bernadette Maree, Russell, Deborah Jane and O'Sullivan, Belinda Gabrielle (2017). Accessibility and outcomes from a rural diabetes nurse-educator led self-management program. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34 (4), 26-33.

Accessibility and outcomes from a rural diabetes nurse-educator led self-management program


Journal Article

Reasons why specialist doctors undertake rural outreach services: an Australian cross-sectional study

O'Sullivan, Belinda G., McGrail, Matthew R. and Stoelwinder, Johannes U. (2017). Reasons why specialist doctors undertake rural outreach services: an Australian cross-sectional study. Human Resources for Health, 15 (1) 3. doi: 10.1186/s12960-016-0174-z

Reasons why specialist doctors undertake rural outreach services: an Australian cross-sectional study


Conference Publication

Are practice locations associated with GPs having school-age children and working spouses?

McGrail, Matthew, Russell, Deborah and O'Sullivan, Belinda (2017). Are practice locations associated with GPs having school-age children and working spouses?. 14th National Rural Health Conference, Cairns, QLD Australia, 26-29th April 2017.

Are practice locations associated with GPs having school-age children and working spouses?


Conference Publication

A synthesis of the structure of rural immersion programs for undergraduate medical students in Australia

O’Sullivan, B., McGrail, M. and Russell, D. (2017). A synthesis of the structure of rural immersion programs for undergraduate medical students in Australia. 14th World Rural Health (WONCA) Conference, Cairns, Australia, 2017.

A synthesis of the structure of rural immersion programs for undergraduate medical students in Australia


Conference Publication

Are subsidies related to more remote specialist outreach services?

O'Sullivan, B., Stoelwinder, J. and McGrail, M. (2017). Are subsidies related to more remote specialist outreach services?. The Menzies Emerging Health Policy Research Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2017.

Are subsidies related to more remote specialist outreach services?


Journal Article

Subsidies to target specialist outreach services into more remote locations: a national cross-sectional study

O'Sullivan, Belinda G., McGrail, Matthew R. and Stoelwinder, Johannes U. (2017). Subsidies to target specialist outreach services into more remote locations: a national cross-sectional study. Australian Health Review, 41 (3), 344-350. doi: 10.1071/AH16032

Subsidies to target specialist outreach services into more remote locations: a national cross-sectional study


Conference Publication

How is Australia tracking towards rural medical workforce self-sufficiency?

McGrail, M., O'Sullivan, B. and Russell, D. (2017). How is Australia tracking towards rural medical workforce self-sufficiency?. HSRAANZ 2017: 10th Health Services & Policy Research Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 2017.

How is Australia tracking towards rural medical workforce self-sufficiency?


Conference Publication

Influence of a local government intervention to improve safety and reduce alcohol-related harm in a regional centre

Ward, B., O’Sullivan, B., Fraser, M., Miller, P. and Buykx, P. (2017). Influence of a local government intervention to improve safety and reduce alcohol-related harm in a regional centre. 15th World Congress on Public Health, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Influence of a local government intervention to improve safety and reduce alcohol-related harm in a regional centre


Journal Article

Solving Australia’s rural medical workforce shortage

McGrail, Matthew, O'Sullivan, Belinda, Russell, Deb and Scott, Anthony (2017). Solving Australia’s rural medical workforce shortage. Centre for Research Excellence in Medical Workforce Dynamics: Policy Brief, 3

Solving Australia’s rural medical workforce shortage


Conference Publication

Video-consultation as part of rural outreach services: How are specialists using it and does it reduce their travel?

O'Sullivan, B. and McGrail, M. (2017). Video-consultation as part of rural outreach services: How are specialists using it and does it reduce their travel?. HSRAANZ 2017: 10th Health Services & Policy Research Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 2017.

Video-consultation as part of rural outreach services: How are specialists using it and does it reduce their travel?


Conference Publication

Outreach to mitigate rural medical specialist workforce shortages

O'Sullivan, B., Stoelwinder, J. and McGrail, M. (2017). Outreach to mitigate rural medical specialist workforce shortages. 15th World Congress on Public Health, Melbourne, Australia, 2017.

Outreach to mitigate rural medical specialist workforce shortages


Conference Publication

Rural specialists: Their nature of work and job satisfaction, by town size

O'Sullivan, B., McGrail, M. and Russell, D. (2017). Rural specialists: Their nature of work and job satisfaction, by town size. 14th National Rural Health Conference, Cairns, Australia, 2017.

Rural specialists: Their nature of work and job satisfaction, by town size


Past funding

  • 2022 - 2023
    Barriers and enablers of training and employment models for female rural doctors working at generalist scope (Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine grant administered by JCU)
    James Cook University
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Learning in remote general practice settings - a comparative evaluation of quality and performance (Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine project led by James Cook University)
    James Cook University
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2020
    Growing and strengthening general practice supervisors
    Open grant



Dr Belinda O'Sullivan is:
Available for supervision

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