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Professor Katharine Wallis

Katharine Wallis




Professor Katharine Wallis MBChB, PhD, MBHL, Dip Obst, FRNZCGP, FACRRM, GAICD is Mayne Professor and Head, Mayne Academy of General Practice and Head, General Practice Clinical Unit at the University of Queensland Medical School and lead of the RELEASE program of research. Professor Wallis is a clinically active general practitioner and Fellow of both the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.

Professor Wallis’s research centres around safer use of medicines in general practice, in particular developing and evaluating interventions designed to support people to stop antidepressants safely. Current projects include the RELEASE (REdressing Long-tErm Antidepressant uSE) effectiveness-implementation trial in general practice funded by a Medical Research Future Fund 2020 Clinician Researchers: Applied Research in Health grant and the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.

Professor Wallis also leads a project funded by the Motor Accident Insurance Commission and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Foundation in the Princess Alexandra Hospital Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment & Rehabilitation Service developing and testing the 3-Domains screening toolkit for older driver medical assessment in general practice.

Professor Wallis is the Queensland Academic Lead for the PARTNER network, a national network of rural and remote practices established to support rural participation in clinical trials funded by the Medical Research Future Fund as part of the Australian Teletrials program, and is Founding Director of the UQGP Research practice-based research network.

Professor Wallis is a member of the Oxford International Primary Care Research Leadership Programme, University of Oxford.


Professor Katharine Wallis is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery and Medical Science, University of Otago
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics, University of Otago
  • Masters (Coursework) of Bioethics, University of Otago
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Otago

Research interests

  • Safer prescribing in general practice

  • Decreasing unnecessary and potentially harmful long-term use of antidepressants to improve patient outcomes

  • Older driver medical assessment in general practice


Search Professor Katharine Wallis’s works on UQ eSpace

90 works between 2007 and 2024

21 - 40 of 90 works


Journal Article

Cardiovascular disease risk prediction in older people: A qualitative study

Taylor, Denise Ann, Wallis, Katharine Ann, Feki, Sione, Moala, Sione Sengili, Latu, Manusiu, Fanueli, Elizabeth Fono, Saravanakumar, Padmapriya and Wells, Susan (2021). Cardiovascular disease risk prediction in older people: A qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice, 71 (711), E772-E779. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2020.1038

Cardiovascular disease risk prediction in older people: A qualitative study


Journal Article

Medication-related harm in New Zealand general practice: a retrospective records review

Leitch, Sharon, Dovey, Susan M., Cunningham, Wayne K., Smith, Alesha J., Zeng, Jiaxu, Reith, David M., Wallis, Katharine A., Eggleton, Kyle S., McMenamin, Andrew W., Williamson, Martyn I. and Lillis, Steven (2021). Medication-related harm in New Zealand general practice: a retrospective records review. British Journal of General Practice, 71 (709), E626-E633. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2020.1126

Medication-related harm in New Zealand general practice: a retrospective records review


Journal Article

Epidemiology of healthcare harm in New Zealand general practice: a retrospective records review study

Leitch, Sharon, Dovey, Susan, Cunningham, Wayne, Wallis, Katharine, Eggleton, Kyle, Lillis, Steven, McMenamin, Andrew, Williamson, Martyn, Reith, David, Samaranayaka, Ariyapala and Tilyard, Murray (2021). Epidemiology of healthcare harm in New Zealand general practice: a retrospective records review study. BMJ Open, 11 (7) e048316, e048316. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-048316

Epidemiology of healthcare harm in New Zealand general practice: a retrospective records review study


Journal Article

Antidepressant prescribing in general practice

Wallis, Katharine A, Donald, Maria and Moncrieff, Joanna (2021). Antidepressant prescribing in general practice. Australian Journal of General Practice, 50 (12), 954-956. doi: 10.31128/AJGP-02-21-5828

Antidepressant prescribing in general practice


Journal Article

Long-term follow up of older people on diabetes medications: observational study using linked health databases

Wallis, Katharine A., Wells, Susan, Selak, Vanessa and Poppe, Katrina (2020). Long-term follow up of older people on diabetes medications: observational study using linked health databases. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 26 (4), 306-312. doi: 10.1071/py19246

Long-term follow up of older people on diabetes medications: observational study using linked health databases


Journal Article

Assessing fitness to drive in older people: the need for an evidence‐based toolkit in general practice

Wallis, Katharine A., Matthews, James and Spurling, Geoffrey K. (2020). Assessing fitness to drive in older people: the need for an evidence‐based toolkit in general practice. Medical Journal of Australia, 212 (9) mja2.50588, 396-398.e1. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50588

Assessing fitness to drive in older people: the need for an evidence‐based toolkit in general practice


Journal Article

The Case for Research-Informed Immigrant Health Policies Within Health Care Systems

Montoya-Williams, Diana, Fuentes-Afflick, Elena and Wallis, Kate (2020). The Case for Research-Informed Immigrant Health Policies Within Health Care Systems. JAMA Network Open, 3 (4). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.3022

The Case for Research-Informed Immigrant Health Policies Within Health Care Systems


Journal Article

Bad gene hunting-sudden unexplained death and familial long QT syndrome

Wallis, Katharine A (2020). Bad gene hunting-sudden unexplained death and familial long QT syndrome. JAMA Cardiology, 5 (4), 375-376. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2020.0039

Bad gene hunting-sudden unexplained death and familial long QT syndrome


Conference Publication

General practitioner registrar management of herpes zoster: secondary analysis of ReCEnT data

Wallis, Katharine, van Driel, Mieke, Magin, Parker, Tapley, Amanda, Fielding, Alison, Tranter, Isaac and Davey, Andrew (2020). General practitioner registrar management of herpes zoster: secondary analysis of ReCEnT data. Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care (AAAPC) Annual Research Conference, Online, 14–15 August 2020. Clayton, VIC, Australia: CSIRO Publishing. doi: 10.1071/PYv26n4abs

General practitioner registrar management of herpes zoster: secondary analysis of ReCEnT data


Journal Article

Welcome to The Lucky Country: the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners deters overseas-trained academic general practitioners

Wallis, Katharine A. (2020). Welcome to The Lucky Country: the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners deters overseas-trained academic general practitioners. Australian Health Review, 44 (5), 782-783. doi: 10.1071/ah19276

Welcome to The Lucky Country: the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners deters overseas-trained academic general practitioners


Conference Publication

Writing for publication

Wallis, Katharine (2020). Writing for publication. Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care (AAAPC) Annual Research Conference, Online, 14–15 August 2020. Clayton, VIC, Australia: CSIRO Publishing. doi: 10.1071/PYv26n4abs

Writing for publication


Journal Article

Gonorrhoea: the pain and shame of notification

Wallis, Katharine A. and Saxton, Peter J. (2019). Gonorrhoea: the pain and shame of notification. Journal of Primary Health Care, 11 (3), 195-206. doi: 10.1071/hc19038

Gonorrhoea: the pain and shame of notification


Journal Article

Patient Characteristics and General Practitioners’ Advice to Stop Statins in Oldest-Old Patients: a Survey Study Across 30 Countries

van der Ploeg, Milly A., Streit, Sven, Achterberg, Wilco P., Beers, Erna, Bohnen, Arthur M., Burman, Robert A., Collins, Claire, Franco, Fabio G., Gerasimovska-Kitanovska, Biljana, Gintere, Sandra, Gomez Bravo, Raquel, Hoffmann, Kathryn, Iftode, Claudia, Peštić, Sanda Kreitmayer, Koskela, Tuomas H., Kurpas, Donata, Maisonneuve, Hubert, Mallen, Christan D., Merlo, Christoph, Mueller, Yolanda, Muth, Christiane, Petrazzuoli, Ferdinando, Rodondi, Nicolas, Rosemann, Thomas, Sattler, Martin, Schermer, Tjard, Šter, Marija Petek, Švadlenková, Zuzana, Tatsioni, Athina ... Poortvliet, Rosalinde K. E. (2019). Patient Characteristics and General Practitioners’ Advice to Stop Statins in Oldest-Old Patients: a Survey Study Across 30 Countries. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 34 (9), 1751-1757. doi: 10.1007/s11606-018-4795-x

Patient Characteristics and General Practitioners’ Advice to Stop Statins in Oldest-Old Patients: a Survey Study Across 30 Countries


Journal Article

Implications of New Zealand’s primary health care policies for management and leadership

Ayeleke, Reuben Olugbenga, North, Nicola, Wallis, Katharine Ann and Dunham, Annette (2019). Implications of New Zealand’s primary health care policies for management and leadership. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management, 14 (2) i255, 40-48. doi: 10.24083/apjhm.v14i2.255

Implications of New Zealand’s primary health care policies for management and leadership


Journal Article

Impact of training and professional development on health management and leadership competence: a mixed methods systematic review

Ayeleke, Reuben Olugbenga, North, Nicola Henri, Dunham, Annette and Wallis, Katharine Ann (2019). Impact of training and professional development on health management and leadership competence: a mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 33 (4), 354-379. doi: 10.1108/JHOM-11-2018-0338

Impact of training and professional development on health management and leadership competence: a mixed methods systematic review


Journal Article


Wallis, Katharine and Ragupathy, Rajan (2019). Response. Journal of Primary Health Care, 11 (1), 14-15. doi: 10.1071/HC19010



Journal Article

Doctors, drugs of dependence and discipline: a retrospective review of disciplinary decisions in New Zealand, 1997-2016

Wallis, Katharine A. and Middleton, Susie (2019). Doctors, drugs of dependence and discipline: a retrospective review of disciplinary decisions in New Zealand, 1997-2016. New Zealand Medical Journal, 132 (1488), 49-54.

Doctors, drugs of dependence and discipline: a retrospective review of disciplinary decisions in New Zealand, 1997-2016


Conference Publication

Optimal HbA1c target for older people with diabetes

Wallis, K. A., Wells, S., Poppe, K., Selak, V. and Kerse, N. (2019). Optimal HbA1c target for older people with diabetes. In: North American Primary Care Research Group, Chicago, United States, (). 9-13 November 2019.

Optimal HbA1c target for older people with diabetes


Conference Publication

Safer Prescribing And Care for the Elderly (SPACE): a cluster randomised controlled trial in general practice

Wallis, K. A., Elley, C. R., Moyes, S., Hikaka, J., Lee, A. and Kerse, N. (2019). Safer Prescribing And Care for the Elderly (SPACE): a cluster randomised controlled trial in general practice. In: Australasian Association of Academic Primary Care, Adelaide, SA, Australia, (). 12-13 July 2019.

Safer Prescribing And Care for the Elderly (SPACE): a cluster randomised controlled trial in general practice


Book Chapter

How to create an effective poster

Wallis, Katharine A. (2019). How to create an effective poster. How to Do Primary Care Research. (pp. 267-269) edited by Felicity Goodyear-Smith and Robert Mash. Boca Raton, Fl, United States: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/9781351014519-28

How to create an effective poster


Current funding

  • 2023 - 2028
    RELEASE+: REdressing Long-tErm Antidepressant uSE in general practice
    NHMRC Partnership Projects
    Open grant
  • 2023 - 2027
    Digital Health Transformation of Rural Primary Health Care Through an Innovative Digital Indigenous Primary Health Care Delivery Model: ID-INSPIRED
    NHMRC MRFF PHCR - Primary Health Care Digital Innovations
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2024
    The 3-Domains screening toolkit for driving medical assessment in older drivers: Validation study in specialist driving assessment clinic
    MAIC/RACGP Foundation Research Grant
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2026
    Research Activity Title (Project): Wearables Integrated Technology to support healthy behaviours in people with Type 2 Diabetes (Wear- IT) (Externally administered by Bond University)
    Bond University
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2026
    The PARTNER network
    University of Melbourne
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2025
    Preparing Australia for use of genomics in prevention of heart-disease: Focus on South Asian Australians
    NHMRC MRFF Genomics Health Futures Mission
    Open grant
  • 2022 - 2026
    RELEASE: REdressing Long-tErm Antidepressant uSE in general practice
    NHMRC MRFF Clinician Researchers Applied Research in Health
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2023 - 2024
    Informing stronger integration across all sectors of the GP education and training pipeline
    RACGP Education Research Grant
    Open grant
  • 2022
    Becoming a general practitioner/rural generalist supervisor: registrars' and new fellows' perceptions of the incentives, enablers and barriers (RACGP Education Research Grant administered by GPTQ)
    General Practice Training Queensland
    Open grant
  • 2022
    Registrar onboarding in general practice: exploring the views and experiences of GP registrars, GP Supervisors and practice managers (RACGP Education Research Grant administered by GPTQ)
    General Practice Training Queensland
    Open grant
  • 2021 - 2022
    Mind the gaps: preparedness of new general practitioner fellows for independent practice (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners grant administered by General Practice Training Qld)
    General Practice Training Queensland
    Open grant
  • 2020 - 2024
    The 3-Domains toolkit for assessing older drivers: pilot study in general practices and validation study in driving assessment clinic
    MAIC/RACGP Foundation Research Grant
    Open grant



Professor Katharine Wallis is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision



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