Luke Munn is a Research Fellow in Digital Cultures & Societies at the University of Queensland. His wide-ranging work investigates the sociocultural impacts of digital cultures, from data infrastructures in Asia to platform labor and far-right radicalisation, and has been featured in highly regarded journals such as Cultural Politics, Big Data & Society, and New Media & Society as well as popular forums like the Guardian, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. He has written five books: Unmaking the Algorithm (2018), Logic of Feeling (2020), Automation is a Myth (2022), Countering the Cloud (2022), and Technical Territories (2023 forthcoming). His work combines diverse digital methods with critical analysis that draws on media, race, and cultural studies.
- Dr Luke Munn is:
- Available for supervision
Search Professor Luke Munn’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Truth machines: synthesizing veracity in AI language models
Munn, Luke, Magee, Liam and Arora, Vanicka (2024). Truth machines: synthesizing veracity in AI language models. AI and Society, 39 (6) e11510, 2759-2773. doi: 10.1007/s00146-023-01756-4
Journal Article
Inclusive online learning in Australia: Barriers and enablers
Marsden, Linda, Munn, Luke, Magee, Liam, Ferrinda, Matthew, St. Pierre, Justin and Third, Amanda (2024). Inclusive online learning in Australia: Barriers and enablers. Education and Information Technologies, 30 (4), 5301-5330. doi: 10.1007/s10639-024-13012-3
Journal Article
Taming the algorithm: The platform realism of GrabBike delivery workers
Nguyen-Thu, Giang and Munn, Luke (2024). Taming the algorithm: The platform realism of GrabBike delivery workers. New Media & Society. doi: 10.1177/14614448241262417
Journal Article
Expansive and Invasive: Mapping the “Bossware” Used to Monitor Workers
Munn, Luke (2024). Expansive and Invasive: Mapping the “Bossware” Used to Monitor Workers. Surveillance and Society, 22 (2), 104-119. doi: 10.24908/ss.v22i2.16179
Other Outputs
The missing human in misinformation fixes
Munn, Luke (2024, 05 21). The missing human in misinformation fixes Scientific American
Journal Article
Misinformation’s missing human
Munn, Luke (2024). Misinformation’s missing human. Media, Culture and Society, 46 (6), 1287-1298. doi: 10.1177/01634437241249164
Journal Article
Tell me a story: a framework for critically investigating AI language models
Munn, Luke and Henrickson, Leah (2024). Tell me a story: a framework for critically investigating AI language models. Learning, Media and Technology, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/17439884.2024.2327024
Journal Article
More Than Monitoring: Grappling With Bossware
Munn, Luke (2024). More Than Monitoring: Grappling With Bossware. International Journal of Communication, 18, 3128-3139.
Journal Article
(Re)framing built heritage through the machinic gaze
Arora, Vanicka, Magee, Liam and Munn, Luke (2024). (Re)framing built heritage through the machinic gaze. Journal of Social Archaeology, 24 (2), 197-217. doi: 10.1177/14696053241237949
Book Chapter
Digital labor, platforms, and AI
Munn, Luke (2023). Digital labor, platforms, and AI. Introduction to digital humanism. (pp. 557-569) edited by Hannes Werthner, Carlo Ghezzi, Jeff Kramer, Julian Nida-Rümelin, Bashar Nuseibeh, Erich Prem and Allison Stanger. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-45304-5_35
Journal Article
Fix my food: an urgent call to action from adolescents on how they experience and want to see change in their food systems
Fleming, Catharine A. K., Sharma, Deepika, Brunacci, Kaitlyn, Chandra, Shiva, Lala, Girish, Munn, Luke and Third, Amanda (2023). Fix my food: an urgent call to action from adolescents on how they experience and want to see change in their food systems. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 36 (6), 2295-2309. doi: 10.1111/jhn.13228
Journal Article
Toxic play: examining the issue of hate within gaming
Munn, Luke (2023). Toxic play: examining the issue of hate within gaming. First Monday, 28 (9). doi: 10.5210/fm.v28i9.12508
Technical territories: data, subjects, and spaces in infrastructural Asia
Munn, Luke (2023). Technical territories: data, subjects, and spaces in infrastructural Asia. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University of Michigan Press. doi: 10.3998/mpub.12584902
Journal Article
Structured like a language model: Analysing AI as an automated subject
Magee, Liam, Arora, Vanicka and Munn, Luke (2023). Structured like a language model: Analysing AI as an automated subject. Big Data and Society, 10 (2) 20539517231210273. doi: 10.1177/20539517231210273
Journal Article
Tika technology an alternative blueprint for digitalisation
Munn, Luke (2023). Tika technology an alternative blueprint for digitalisation. Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, 17 (1), 153-168. doi: 10.13169/workorgalaboglob.17.1.0153
Journal Article
The five tests: designing and evaluating AI according to indigenous Māori principles
Munn, Luke (2023). The five tests: designing and evaluating AI according to indigenous Māori principles. AI & SOCIETY, 39 (4), 1673-1681. doi: 10.1007/s00146-023-01636-x
Red pilled - The allure of digital hate
Munn, Luke (2023). Red pilled - The allure of digital hate. Bielefeld, Germany: Bielefeld University Press. doi: 10.14361/9783839466735
Journal Article
Surface and Sublevel Hate
Munn, Luke (2023). Surface and Sublevel Hate. Big Data & Society, 10 (1), 205395172211481. doi: 10.1177/20539517221148136
Countering the cloud: thinking with and against data infrastructures
Munn, Luke (2023). Countering the cloud: thinking with and against data infrastructures. New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003341185
Journal Article
The end of prediction? AI technologies in a no-Analog world
Munn, Luke (2023). The end of prediction? AI technologies in a no-Analog world. Sub-Stance, 52 (2), 59-73. doi: 10.1353/sub.2023.a907149
- Dr Luke Munn is:
- Available for supervision
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