Luke Munn is a Research Fellow in Digital Cultures & Societies at the University of Queensland. His wide-ranging work investigates the sociocultural impacts of digital cultures, from data infrastructures in Asia to platform labor and far-right radicalisation, and has been featured in highly regarded journals such as Cultural Politics, Big Data & Society, and New Media & Society as well as popular forums like the Guardian, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. He has written five books: Unmaking the Algorithm (2018), Logic of Feeling (2020), Automation is a Myth (2022), Countering the Cloud (2022), and Technical Territories (2023 forthcoming). His work combines diverse digital methods with critical analysis that draws on media, race, and cultural studies.
- Dr Luke Munn is:
- Available for supervision
Search Professor Luke Munn’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Red territory: forging infrastructural power
Munn, Luke (2023). Red territory: forging infrastructural power. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11 (1), 80-99. doi: 10.1080/21622671.2020.1805353
Journal Article
Have faith and question everything: understanding QAnon's allure
Munn, Luke (2022). Have faith and question everything: understanding QAnon's allure. Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, 9 (1), 80-97. doi: 10.46580/p67734
Journal Article
The uselessness of AI ethics
Munn, Luke (2022). The uselessness of AI ethics. AI and Ethics, 3 (3), 869-877. doi: 10.1007/s43681-022-00209-w
Journal Article
Thinking through silicon: cables and servers as epistemic infrastructures
Munn, Luke (2022). Thinking through silicon: cables and servers as epistemic infrastructures. New Media and Society, 24 (6), 1399-1416. doi: 10.1177/1461444820977197
Journal Article
Dying on Airbnb: digital infrastructures and deadly spaces
Munn, Luke (2022). Dying on Airbnb: digital infrastructures and deadly spaces. The Information Society, 38 (3), 218-225. doi: 10.1080/01972243.2022.2071217
Automation is a myth
Munn, Luke (2022). Automation is a myth. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Journal Article
Sustainable hate: how Gab built a durable "platform for the people"
Munn, Luke (2022). Sustainable hate: how Gab built a durable "platform for the people". Canadian Journal of Communication, 47 (1), 219-240. doi: 10.22230/cjc.2022v47n1a4037
Book Chapter
Automation is a myth
Munn, Luke (2022). Automation is a myth. Materializing digital futures: touch, movement, sound and vision. (pp. 289-303) edited by Toija Cinque and Jordan Beth Vincent. New York, NY, United States: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Journal Article
Twinned power: formations of cloud-edge control
Munn, Luke (2022). Twinned power: formations of cloud-edge control. Information Communication and Society, 25 (7), 975-991. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2020.1808043
Journal Article
Data and the new oil: Cloud computing’s lubrication of the petrotechnical
Munn, Luke (2021). Data and the new oil: Cloud computing’s lubrication of the petrotechnical. Journal of Environmental Media, 2 (2), 211-227. doi: 10.1386/jem_00063_1
Journal Article
More than a mob: Parler as preparatory media for the Capitol storming
Munn, Luke (2021). More than a mob: Parler as preparatory media for the Capitol storming. First Monday, 26 (3). doi: 10.5210/fm.v26i3.11574
Journal Article
Sand, silica, silicon: Singapore's triple territories
Munn, Luke (2021). Sand, silica, silicon: Singapore's triple territories. Verge: Studies in Global Asias, 7 (1), 220-246. doi: 10.5749/vergstudglobasia.7.1.0220
Logic of feeling: technology's quest to capitalize emotion
Munn, Luke (2020). Logic of feeling: technology's quest to capitalize emotion. London, United Kingdom: Rowman and Littlefield.
Journal Article
Angry by design: toxic communication and technical architectures
Munn, Luke (2020). Angry by design: toxic communication and technical architectures. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7 (1) 53, 1-11. doi: 10.1057/s41599-020-00550-7
Journal Article
Staying at the edge of privacy: edge computing and impersonal extraction
Munn, Luke (2020). Staying at the edge of privacy: edge computing and impersonal extraction. Media and Communication, 8 (2), 270-279. doi: 10.17645/mac.v8i2.2761
Journal Article
Injecting failure: data center infrastructures and the imaginaries of resilience
Munn, Luke (2020). Injecting failure: data center infrastructures and the imaginaries of resilience. Information Society, 36 (3), 167-176. doi: 10.1080/01972243.2020.1737607
Journal Article
Porous Territories the Internet beyond Borderless versus Balkanized
Munn, Luke (2020). Porous Territories the Internet beyond Borderless versus Balkanized. Glocalism (1). doi: 10.12893/gjcpi.2020.1.3
Journal Article
From the black atlantic to black-scholes: precursors of spatial capitalization
Munn, Luke (2020). From the black atlantic to black-scholes: precursors of spatial capitalization. Cultural Politics, 16 (1), 92-110. doi: 10.1215/17432197-8017284
Journal Article
Machine readable race: constructing racial information in the Third Reich
Munn, Luke (2020). Machine readable race: constructing racial information in the Third Reich. Open Information Science, 4 (1), 143-155. doi: 10.1515/opis-2020-0011
Book Chapter
Chip, body, earth: toxic temporalities of Intel processor production
Munn, Luke (2020). Chip, body, earth: toxic temporalities of Intel processor production. The temporalities of waste: out of sight, out of time. (pp. 47-58) edited by Fiona Allon, Ruth Barcan and Karma Eddison-Cogan. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780429317170-5
- Dr Luke Munn is:
- Available for supervision
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