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Dr Luke Munn

Luke Munn




Luke Munn is a Research Fellow in Digital Cultures & Societies at the University of Queensland. His wide-ranging work investigates the sociocultural impacts of digital cultures, from data infrastructures in Asia to platform labor and far-right radicalisation, and has been featured in highly regarded journals such as Cultural Politics, Big Data & Society, and New Media & Society as well as popular forums like the Guardian, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. He has written five books: Unmaking the Algorithm (2018), Logic of Feeling (2020), Automation is a Myth (2022), Countering the Cloud (2022), and Technical Territories (2023 forthcoming). His work combines diverse digital methods with critical analysis that draws on media, race, and cultural studies.


Dr Luke Munn is:
Available for supervision


Search Professor Luke Munn’s works on UQ eSpace

50 works between 2017 and 2024

21 - 40 of 50 works


Journal Article

Red territory: forging infrastructural power

Munn, Luke (2023). Red territory: forging infrastructural power. Territory, Politics, Governance, 11 (1), 80-99. doi: 10.1080/21622671.2020.1805353

Red territory: forging infrastructural power


Journal Article

Have faith and question everything: understanding QAnon's allure

Munn, Luke (2022). Have faith and question everything: understanding QAnon's allure. Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, 9 (1), 80-97. doi: 10.46580/p67734

Have faith and question everything: understanding QAnon's allure


Journal Article

The uselessness of AI ethics

Munn, Luke (2022). The uselessness of AI ethics. AI and Ethics, 3 (3), 869-877. doi: 10.1007/s43681-022-00209-w

The uselessness of AI ethics


Journal Article

Thinking through silicon: cables and servers as epistemic infrastructures

Munn, Luke (2022). Thinking through silicon: cables and servers as epistemic infrastructures. New Media and Society, 24 (6), 1399-1416. doi: 10.1177/1461444820977197

Thinking through silicon: cables and servers as epistemic infrastructures


Journal Article

Dying on Airbnb: digital infrastructures and deadly spaces

Munn, Luke (2022). Dying on Airbnb: digital infrastructures and deadly spaces. The Information Society, 38 (3), 218-225. doi: 10.1080/01972243.2022.2071217

Dying on Airbnb: digital infrastructures and deadly spaces



Automation is a myth

Munn, Luke (2022). Automation is a myth. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Automation is a myth


Journal Article

Sustainable hate: how Gab built a durable "platform for the people"

Munn, Luke (2022). Sustainable hate: how Gab built a durable "platform for the people". Canadian Journal of Communication, 47 (1), 219-240. doi: 10.22230/cjc.2022v47n1a4037

Sustainable hate: how Gab built a durable "platform for the people"


Book Chapter

Automation is a myth

Munn, Luke (2022). Automation is a myth. Materializing digital futures: touch, movement, sound and vision. (pp. 289-303) edited by Toija Cinque and Jordan Beth Vincent. New York, NY, United States: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Automation is a myth


Journal Article

Twinned power: formations of cloud-edge control

Munn, Luke (2022). Twinned power: formations of cloud-edge control. Information Communication and Society, 25 (7), 975-991. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2020.1808043

Twinned power: formations of cloud-edge control


Journal Article

Data and the new oil: Cloud computing’s lubrication of the petrotechnical

Munn, Luke (2021). Data and the new oil: Cloud computing’s lubrication of the petrotechnical. Journal of Environmental Media, 2 (2), 211-227. doi: 10.1386/jem_00063_1

Data and the new oil: Cloud computing’s lubrication of the petrotechnical


Journal Article

More than a mob: Parler as preparatory media for the Capitol storming

Munn, Luke (2021). More than a mob: Parler as preparatory media for the Capitol storming. First Monday, 26 (3). doi: 10.5210/fm.v26i3.11574

More than a mob: Parler as preparatory media for the Capitol storming


Journal Article

Sand, silica, silicon: Singapore's triple territories

Munn, Luke (2021). Sand, silica, silicon: Singapore's triple territories. Verge: Studies in Global Asias, 7 (1), 220-246. doi: 10.5749/vergstudglobasia.7.1.0220

Sand, silica, silicon: Singapore's triple territories



Logic of feeling: technology's quest to capitalize emotion

Munn, Luke (2020). Logic of feeling: technology's quest to capitalize emotion. London, United Kingdom: Rowman and Littlefield.

Logic of feeling: technology's quest to capitalize emotion


Journal Article

Angry by design: toxic communication and technical architectures

Munn, Luke (2020). Angry by design: toxic communication and technical architectures. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7 (1) 53, 1-11. doi: 10.1057/s41599-020-00550-7

Angry by design: toxic communication and technical architectures


Journal Article

Staying at the edge of privacy: edge computing and impersonal extraction

Munn, Luke (2020). Staying at the edge of privacy: edge computing and impersonal extraction. Media and Communication, 8 (2), 270-279. doi: 10.17645/mac.v8i2.2761

Staying at the edge of privacy: edge computing and impersonal extraction


Journal Article

Injecting failure: data center infrastructures and the imaginaries of resilience

Munn, Luke (2020). Injecting failure: data center infrastructures and the imaginaries of resilience. Information Society, 36 (3), 167-176. doi: 10.1080/01972243.2020.1737607

Injecting failure: data center infrastructures and the imaginaries of resilience


Journal Article

Porous Territories the Internet beyond Borderless versus Balkanized

Munn, Luke (2020). Porous Territories the Internet beyond Borderless versus Balkanized. Glocalism (1). doi: 10.12893/gjcpi.2020.1.3

Porous Territories the Internet beyond Borderless versus Balkanized


Journal Article

From the black atlantic to black-scholes: precursors of spatial capitalization

Munn, Luke (2020). From the black atlantic to black-scholes: precursors of spatial capitalization. Cultural Politics, 16 (1), 92-110. doi: 10.1215/17432197-8017284

From the black atlantic to black-scholes: precursors of spatial capitalization


Journal Article

Machine readable race: constructing racial information in the Third Reich

Munn, Luke (2020). Machine readable race: constructing racial information in the Third Reich. Open Information Science, 4 (1), 143-155. doi: 10.1515/opis-2020-0011

Machine readable race: constructing racial information in the Third Reich


Book Chapter

Chip, body, earth: toxic temporalities of Intel processor production

Munn, Luke (2020). Chip, body, earth: toxic temporalities of Intel processor production. The temporalities of waste: out of sight, out of time. (pp. 47-58) edited by Fiona Allon, Ruth Barcan and Karma Eddison-Cogan. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780429317170-5

Chip, body, earth: toxic temporalities of Intel processor production



Dr Luke Munn is:
Available for supervision

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