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Dr Dylan Cowley

Dylan Cowley




Dr Dylan Cowley is:
Available for supervision


  • Doctor of Philosophy of Marine Science, The University of Queensland

Research interests

  • Tropical Coastal Geomorphology

    The main focus of my research is the effects of hydrodynamics, sea level changes, and sediment movements on coastal geomorphology, with a particular focus on tropical and subtropical environments. This includes a range of topics from shelf wave transformation and coastal response to multidecadal shoreline adjustments and beach change.

  • Nearshore Waves

    My research includes the analysis of ocean waves across the continental shelf towards the coast. This work involves the combined use of observational datasets (both in situ and via Earth observation data) and numerical modelling to better understand the movement of waves for the purposes of assessing coastal exposure and changes in geomorphology.


Search Professor Dylan Cowley’s works on UQ eSpace

6 works between 2020 and 2023

1 - 6 of 6 works


Journal Article

Wave-driven sediment transport potential on a tropical coast: Implications for the northeastern Australian sediment budget

Cowley, Dylan and Harris, Daniel L. (2023). Wave-driven sediment transport potential on a tropical coast: Implications for the northeastern Australian sediment budget. Marine Geology, 463 107104, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2023.107104

Wave-driven sediment transport potential on a tropical coast: Implications for the northeastern Australian sediment budget


Other Outputs

Coastal change in an uncertain future: historic geomorphic change in tropical northeastern Australia and implications for the next century

Cowley, Dylan (2023). Coastal change in an uncertain future: historic geomorphic change in tropical northeastern Australia and implications for the next century. PhD Thesis, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/0d0c520

Coastal change in an uncertain future: historic geomorphic change in tropical northeastern Australia and implications for the next century


Other Outputs

Why some beaches, including in Queensland, are getting bigger despite rising sea levels

Harris, Daniel, Cowley, Dylan and Mao, Yongjing (2022, 05 02). Why some beaches, including in Queensland, are getting bigger despite rising sea levels The Conversation

Why some beaches, including in Queensland, are getting bigger despite rising sea levels


Journal Article

Beach narrowing on prograding coasts: examples from the tropics to subtropics of eastern Australia

Cowley, D., Harris, D. L., Moss, P. T. and Shulmeister, J. (2022). Beach narrowing on prograding coasts: examples from the tropics to subtropics of eastern Australia. Geomorphology, 401 108110, 108110. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108110

Beach narrowing on prograding coasts: examples from the tropics to subtropics of eastern Australia


Other Outputs

SMMBAS Question Sets by Category

Scott, Joel, Cowley, Dylan and Bell, Rianna (2022). SMMBAS Question Sets by Category. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/ac0af91

SMMBAS Question Sets by Category


Journal Article

A review of wave climate trends for the eastern coast of Queensland, Australia, from 1976-2018

Cowley, Dylan and Harris, Daniel L. (2020). A review of wave climate trends for the eastern coast of Queensland, Australia, from 1976-2018. Journal of Coastal Research, 95 (sp1), 1401-1405. doi: 10.2112/SI95-270.1

A review of wave climate trends for the eastern coast of Queensland, Australia, from 1976-2018


Current funding

  • 2024 - 2025
    Future trajectories coral reef islands - integrating sediment budgets and reef island models.
    Universities Australia - Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme
    Open grant



Dr Dylan Cowley is:
Available for supervision

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