Dr Verdi's research is in the field of computational materials physics. Her work employs first-principles or ab initio methods, complemented by machine learning techniques, to predict and understand physical properties of materials without relying on empirical models.
She received her doctorate in Materials from the University of Oxford in 2017. After working at the University of Oxford and the University of Vienna, Dr Verdi moved to the University of Sydney in 2023 as an ARC DECRA Fellow. In the same year, she then joined UQ as a Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics.
Her current research focuses on understanding the structural, optical and thermodynamic properties of atomic defects for applications in quantum technologies. She is also interested in studying the influence of atomic vibrations, defects, temperature and disorder on the intrinsic properties of various functional materials that can be exploited for novel technologies. Feel free to reach out to Dr Verdi if you are interested in simulating materials properties from first principles using supercomputers and exploring how this can help develop better materials.
For more information, visit the research group website.
- Dr Carla Verdi is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Physics, Università degli Studi di Padova
- Masters (Research) of Physics, Università degli Studi di Padova
- Doctor of Philosophy of Materials, University of Oxford
Search Professor Carla Verdi’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Electronic and Optical Properties of 2D Heterostructure Bilayers of Graphene, Borophene and 2D Boron Carbides from First Principles
Niu, Lu, Conquest, Oliver J., Verdi, Carla and Stampfl, Catherine (2024). Electronic and Optical Properties of 2D Heterostructure Bilayers of Graphene, Borophene and 2D Boron Carbides from First Principles. Nanomaterials, 14 (20) 1659, 1659. doi: 10.3390/nano14201659
Journal Article
Electron mobilities in SrTiO3 and KTaO3: role of phonon anharmonicity, mass renormalization, and disorder
Ranalli, Luigi, Verdi, Carla, Zacharias, Marios, Even, Jacky, Giustino, Feliciano and Franchini, Cesare (2024). Electron mobilities in SrTiO3 and KTaO3: role of phonon anharmonicity, mass renormalization, and disorder. Physical Review Materials, 8 (10) 104603. doi: 10.1103/physrevmaterials.8.104603
Journal Article
End Cap Effect on Solution-Processable Deep Blue Lasing Materials with Low-Amplified Spontaneous Emission Thresholds
Sugai, Yoshiki, Rahane, Vijay P., Gale, Innes, Verdi, Carla, Ireland, Alexander R., Canola, Sofia, McGregor, Sarah K. M., Moore, Evan G., Jain, Nidhi, Namdas, Ebinazar B. and Lo, Shih-Chun (2024). End Cap Effect on Solution-Processable Deep Blue Lasing Materials with Low-Amplified Spontaneous Emission Thresholds. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (35), 46506-46515. doi: 10.1021/acsami.4c07286
Journal Article
Hard antiphase domain boundaries in strontium titanate: A comparison of Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire and ab initio results
Tröster, A., Pils, J., Bruckner, F., Rychetsky, I., Verdi, C. and Schranz, W. (2023). Hard antiphase domain boundaries in strontium titanate: A comparison of Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire and ab initio results. Physical Review B, 108 (14) 144108. doi: 10.1103/physrevb.108.144108
Journal Article
Machine learning density functionals from the random-phase approximation
Riemelmoser, Stefan, Verdi, Carla, Kaltak, Merzuk and Kresse, Georg (2023). Machine learning density functionals from the random-phase approximation. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 19 (20), 7287-7299. doi: 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00848
Journal Article
Proton transport in perfluorinated ionomer simulated by machine-learned interatomic potential
Jinnouchi, Ryosuke, Minami, Saori, Karsai, Ferenc, Verdi, Carla and Kresse, Georg (2023). Proton transport in perfluorinated ionomer simulated by machine-learned interatomic potential. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14 (14), 3581-3588. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c00293
Journal Article
Temperature-dependent anharmonic phonons in quantum paraelectric KTaO3 by first principles and machine-learned force fields
Ranalli, Luigi, Verdi, Carla, Monacelli, Lorenzo, Kresse, Georg, Calandra, Matteo and Franchini, Cesare (2023). Temperature-dependent anharmonic phonons in quantum paraelectric KTaO3 by first principles and machine-learned force fields. Advanced Quantum Technologies, 6 (4) 2200131, 1-7. doi: 10.1002/qute.202200131
Journal Article
Quantum paraelectricity and structural phase transitions in strontium titanate beyond density functional theory
Verdi, Carla, Ranalli, Luigi, Franchini, Cesare and Kresse, Georg (2023). Quantum paraelectricity and structural phase transitions in strontium titanate beyond density functional theory. Physical Review Materials, 7 (3) L030801. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.L030801
Journal Article
Combining machine learning and many-body calculations: coverage-dependent adsorption of CO on Rh(111)
Liu, Peitao, Wang, Jiantao, Avargues, Noah, Verdi, Carla, Singraber, Andreas, Karsai, Ferenc, Chen, Xing-Qiu and Kresse, Georg (2023). Combining machine learning and many-body calculations: coverage-dependent adsorption of CO on Rh(111). Physical Review Letters, 130 (7) 078001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.078001
Journal Article
Hard antiphase domain boundaries in strontium titanate unravelled using machine-learned force fields
Tröster, A., Verdi, C., Dellago, C., Rychetsky, I., Kresse, G. and Schranz, W. (2022). Hard antiphase domain boundaries in strontium titanate unravelled using machine-learned force fields. Physical Review Materials, 6 (9) 094408. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.094408
Journal Article
Zero-point renormalization of the band gap of semiconductors and insulators using the projector augmented wave method
Engel, Manuel, Miranda, Henrique, Chaput, Laurent, Togo, Atsushi, Verdi, Carla, Marsman, Martijn and Kresse, Georg (2022). Zero-point renormalization of the band gap of semiconductors and insulators using the projector augmented wave method. Physical Review B, 106 (9) 094316. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.094316
Journal Article
Many-body Green's function approaches to the doped Fröhlich solid: Exact solutions and anomalous mass enhancement
Kandolf, Nikolaus, Verdi, Carla and Giustino, Feliciano (2022). Many-body Green's function approaches to the doped Fröhlich solid: Exact solutions and anomalous mass enhancement. Physical Review B, 105 (8) 085148. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085148
Journal Article
Phase transitions of zirconia: Machine-learned force fields beyond density functional theory
Liu, Peitao, Verdi, Carla, Karsai, Ferenc and Kresse, Georg (2022). Phase transitions of zirconia: Machine-learned force fields beyond density functional theory. Physical Review B, 105 (6) L060102. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L060102
Journal Article
Thermal transport and phase transitions of zirconia by on-the-fly machine-learned interatomic potentials
Verdi, Carla, Karsai, Ferenc, Liu, Peitao, Jinnouchi, Ryosuke and Kresse, Georg (2021). Thermal transport and phase transitions of zirconia by on-the-fly machine-learned interatomic potentials. npj Computational Materials, 7 (1) 156. doi: 10.1038/s41524-021-00630-5
Journal Article
α-β phase transition of zirconium predicted by on-the-fly machine-learned force field
Liu, Peitao, Verdi, Carla, Karsai, Ferenc and Kresse, Georg (2021). α-β phase transition of zirconium predicted by on-the-fly machine-learned force field. Physical Review Materials, 5 (5) 053804. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.053804
Journal Article
First-principles hydration free energies of oxygenated species at water-platinum interfaces
Jinnouchi, Ryosuke, Karsai, Ferenc, Verdi, Carla and Kresse, Georg (2021). First-principles hydration free energies of oxygenated species at water-platinum interfaces. Journal of Chemical Physics, 154 (9) 094107. doi: 10.1063/5.0036097
Journal Article
Electron-polaron dichotomy of charge carriers in perovskite oxides
Husanu, M. A., Vistoli, L., Verdi, C., Sander, A., Garcia, V., Rault, J., Bisti, F., Lev, L. L., Schmitt, T., Giustino, F., Mishchenko, A. S., Bibes, M. and Strocov, V. N. (2020). Electron-polaron dichotomy of charge carriers in perovskite oxides. Communications Physics, 3 (1) 62, 1-8. doi: 10.1038/s42005-020-0330-6
Journal Article
Descriptors representing two-and three-body atomic distributions and their effects on the accuracy of machine-learned inter-atomic potentials
Jinnouchi, Ryosuke, Karsai, Ferenc, Verdi, Carla, Asahi, Ryoji and Kresse, Georg (2020). Descriptors representing two-and three-body atomic distributions and their effects on the accuracy of machine-learned inter-atomic potentials. Journal of Chemical Physics, 152 (23) 234102, 1-9. doi: 10.1063/5.0009491
Book Chapter
Many-body calculations of plasmon and phonon satellites in angle-resolved photoelectron spectra using the cumulant expansion approach
Caruso, Fabio, Verdi, Carla and Giustino, Feliciano (2020). Many-body calculations of plasmon and phonon satellites in angle-resolved photoelectron spectra using the cumulant expansion approach. Handbook of materials modeling: methods: theory and modeling. (pp. 341-365) edited by Wanda Andreoni and Sidney Yip. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44677-6_2
Journal Article
Polarons from First Principles, without Supercells
Sio, Weng Hong, Verdi, Carla, Poncé, Samuel and Giustino, Feliciano (2019). Polarons from First Principles, without Supercells. Physical Review Letters, 122 (24) 246403, 1-6. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.246403
Current funding
- Dr Carla Verdi is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
Thermodynamic properties of atomic defects for quantum technologies
Atomic defects in solids are one of the most promising single-photon sources or 'quantum emitters', an important building block for many quantum technologies. In order to design and engineer better quantum emitters, a fundamental understanding of their optical and electronic properties, as well as defect formation and migration, is essential. In this project, first-principles quantum mechanical calculations combined with machine-learning techniques are used in order to uncover key properties such as defect dynamics, formation mechanisms, free energies and stabilities at room and elevated temperatures. The theoretical insights gained in the project aim to inform the design of atomic defects systems for tailored applications as quantum emitters. The student will gain experience with high-performance computing and materials simulation methods, in particular first-principles methods and machine-learned potentials.
Atomistic modelling of solid surfaces and 2D structures
Density functional theory (DFT) is a prominent tool that enables the simulation of materials and molecules at the atomic scale 'from first principles', i.e., without relying on empirical data. To underscore its importance in modern materials physics and beyond, it should suffice to mention that 12 papers on the top-100 list of the most-cited papers of all time, including 2 of the top 10, are all related to DFT. In this project, first-principles DFT calculations will be used to investigate and characterise the structural and electronic properties of 2D structures and solid surfaces. These properties can be directly compared to experimental data, such as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments conducted in SMP. Target systems include solvated molecules on alkali halide structures, perovskite materials for next-gen solar cells, and oxide structures on metal superconductors.
The student will gain experience with widely used first-principles materials modelling software and high-performance computing.
Superconductivity in hyperdoped germanium from first principles
Semiconductors like silicon and germanium are fundamental to electronic devices. Superconductivity can be realised in these semiconductors through heavy doping (or 'hyperdoping'), which involves introducing a high concentration of dopants into the material. This emerging class of 'superconducting semiconductors' presents an exciting new platform for integrated quantum electronics. However, to engineer their properties effectively, an atomistic understanding of the origin of superconductivity is essential. This project aims to elucidate the superconducting mechanisms in hyperdoped germanium crystals using first-principles calculations based on density-functional theory and Migdal-Eliashberg theory. The student will gain expertise in state-of-the-art materials modelling software, electron-phonon physics, and high-performance computing.
Thermodynamic properties of atomic defects for quantum technologies
Atomic defects in solids are one of the most promising single-photon sources or 'quantum emitters', an important building block for many quantum technologies. In order to design and engineer better quantum emitters, a fundamental understanding of their optical and electronic properties, as well as defect formation and migration, is essential. In this project, first-principles quantum mechanical calculations combined with machine-learning techniques are used in order to uncover key properties such as defect dynamics, formation mechanisms, free energies and stabilities at room and elevated temperatures. The theoretical insights gained in the project aim to inform the design of atomic defects systems for tailored applications as quantum emitters. The student will gain experience with high-performance computing and materials simulation methods, in particular first-principles methods and machine-learned potentials.
Atomistic modelling of solid surfaces and 2D structures
Density functional theory (DFT) is a prominent tool that enables the simulation of materials and molecules at the atomic scale 'from first principles', i.e., without relying on empirical data. To underscore its importance in modern materials physics and beyond, it should suffice to mention that 12 papers on the top-100 list of the most-cited papers of all time, including 2 of the top 10, are all related to DFT. In this project, first-principles DFT calculations will be used to investigate and characterise the structural and electronic properties of 2D structures and solid surfaces. These properties can be directly compared to experimental data, such as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments conducted in SMP. Target systems include solvated molecules on alkali halide structures, perovskite materials for next-gen solar cells, and oxide structures on metal superconductors. The student will gain experience with widely used first-principles materials modelling software and high-performance computing.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
First principles calculations of defects in solids for quantum technologies
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Powell
Doctor Philosophy
Thermodynamic properties of atomic defects for quantum technologies
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Powell
Doctor Philosophy
Novel physics in topological flat-band metal-organic frameworks
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Powell
Doctor Philosophy
New Methods for Strongly Correlated Electrons in Chemically Complex Materials
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ben Powell
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