- Associate Professor Michael Bulmer is:
- Available for supervision
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Science, University of Tasmania
- Bachelor (Honours) of Science (Advanced), University of Tasmania
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Tasmania
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education, The University of Queensland
Research impacts
The Islands simulation is used to support teaching and learning statistics at numerous institutions in Australia and overseas, and now at a growing number of high schools.
Search Professor Michael Bulmer’s works on UQ eSpace
A portable introduction to data analysis
Bulmer, Michael (2024). A portable introduction to data analysis. 6 ed. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/12dc235
Conference Publication
The role of synthetic data in teaching and learning statistics
Bulmer, Michael and Coote, Leonard (2022). The role of synthetic data in teaching and learning statistics. 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Rosario, Argentina, 11-16 September 2022. Rosario, Argentina: International Association for Statistical Education. doi: 10.52041/iase.icots11.t14i2
Journal Article
An exact algorithm for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and last-in-first-out loading
Alyasiry, Ali Mehsin, Forbes, Michael and Bulmer, Michael (2019). An exact algorithm for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and last-in-first-out loading. Transportation Science, 53 (6) trsc.2019.0905, 1695-1705. doi: 10.1287/trsc.2019.0905
Conference Publication
The effect of an interdisciplinary science course on student perceptions of computer programming
Piggott, Adam, Herke, Sara, McIntyre, Timothy and Bulmer, Michael (2019). The effect of an interdisciplinary science course on student perceptions of computer programming. Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education 2019, Sydney, Australia, 2-4 October 2019. Open Journal Systems.
Journal Article
Obstacle traversal and route choice in flying honeybees: Evidence for individual handedness
Ong, Marielle, Bulmer, Michael, Groening, Julia and Srinivasan, Mandyam V (2017). Obstacle traversal and route choice in flying honeybees: Evidence for individual handedness. PloS one, 12 (11) e0184343, 1-25. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184343
Journal Article
Implementing an online student laboratory data repository in a first year undergraduate health science course
Engstrom, Craig, Bulmer, Michael, Newcombe, Peter and Hoffman, Ben (2017). Implementing an online student laboratory data repository in a first year undergraduate health science course. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 7 (2), 100-105. doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2017.7.2.849
Journal Article
Using a virtual population to authentically teach epidemiology and biostatistics
Dunn, Peter K., Donnison, Sharn, Cole, Rachel and Bulmer, Michael (2016). Using a virtual population to authentically teach epidemiology and biostatistics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48 (2), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/0020739X.2016.1228015
Journal Article
Life on an island: A simulated population to support student projects in statistics
Bulmer, Michael and Haladyn, J. Kimberly (2011). Life on an island: A simulated population to support student projects in statistics. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education, 5 (1).
Conference Publication
Harnessing the creativity of science students to develop an online learning tool
Bulmer, Michael and Meiring, Joyce (2011). Harnessing the creativity of science students to develop an online learning tool. CreateWorld 2010, Brisbane, Australia, 29 November - 1 December 2010. Apple University Consortium Australia.
Conference Publication
Collaborative development of a virtual environment to support learning in experimental design and statistical analysis
Bulmer, Michael (2011). Collaborative development of a virtual environment to support learning in experimental design and statistical analysis. 58th World Statistics Congress (ISI2011), Dublin, Ireland, 21-26 August 2011. Dublin, Ireland: International Statistical Institute.
Conference Publication
Technology for insight into student beliefs about statistics in large classes
Bulmer, Michael and Low, Emma (2008). Technology for insight into student beliefs about statistics in large classes. OZCOTS 2008 - 6th Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, 3-4 July, 2008.
Conference Publication
Troublesome concepts in statistics: a student perspective on what they are and how to learn
Bulmer, Michael, O'Brien, Mia and Price, Sarah (2007). Troublesome concepts in statistics: a student perspective on what they are and how to learn. uniserve science, University of Sydney, 28-29 September, 2007. UniServe Science Website: UniServe.
Conference Publication
The Advanced Study Program in Science: challenging, motivating and inspiring our best science students
Blanchfield, J., McGraw, E., Bulmer, M., Thier, R., Byers, H., Myatt, P., Hamilton, S. and Evans, R. (2007). The Advanced Study Program in Science: challenging, motivating and inspiring our best science students. Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning Symposium, The University of Sydney, September 28 & 29, 2007. University of Sydney: UniServe Science.
Conference Publication
Cross-Entropy Optimization using Xgrid
Evans, Gareth, Bulmer, Michael and Noskoff, Andrew (2007). Cross-Entropy Optimization using Xgrid. Apple University Consortium Conference: Contribute, Communicate, Collaborate, Gold Coast, Australia, 23-26 September 2007. Apple Australia.
Conference Publication
A research orientated, technology-rich, collaborative learning design: meeting the challenge in a large first year class
Michael Bulmer, Mia O'Brien and Sarah Price (2007). A research orientated, technology-rich, collaborative learning design: meeting the challenge in a large first year class. Higher education research and development society of Australasia (HERDSA) inc annual conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 8-11 July 2007. HERDSA Website: HERDSA.
Conference Publication
Promoting deep learning through design - discussion, student activity and assessment
Myatt, P., Thier, R., Bulmer, M. and Byers, H. (2007). Promoting deep learning through design - discussion, student activity and assessment. Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), Adelaide, 8-11 July, 2007.
Conference Publication
Portfolio optimisation in the Australian electricity market
Baloi L. and Bulmer M. (2007). Portfolio optimisation in the Australian electricity market. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Land, Water and Environmental Management: Integrated Systems for Sustainability, MODSIM07, Christchurch, December 10, 2007-December 13, 2007.
Book Chapter
Two-Dimensional Failure Modeling
Murthy, D. N. Pra, Baik, Jaiwook, Wilson, Richard J. and Bulmer, Michael (2006). Two-Dimensional Failure Modeling. Handbook of Engineering. (pp. 97-111) edited by Hoang Pham. London: Springer-Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-1-84628-288-1_5
Conference Publication
Student beliefs and attitudes from poetry writing in statistics
Bulmer, M., Lea, B. and Rolka, K. (2006). Student beliefs and attitudes from poetry writing in statistics. 30th Conference of the International-Group-for-the-Psychology-of-Mathematics-Education, Prague, Czech Republic, JUL 16-21, 2006. Praha, Czech Republic: Charles University.
Journal Article
Picturing student beliefs in statistics
Rolka, Katrin and Bulmer, Michael (2005). Picturing student beliefs in statistics. ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education, 37 (5), 412-417. doi: 10.1007/s11858-005-0030-4
Past funding
- Associate Professor Michael Bulmer is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Solving University Course Timetabling Problems in Indonesia
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Michael Forbes
Doctor Philosophy
Applying Advanced Statistical and Computational Methods to Attractiveness Research
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Brendan Zietsch
Doctor Philosophy
Applying advanced statistical and computational methods to attractiveness research
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Brendan Zietsch
Doctor Philosophy
Optimal Blending of Coal Given Geological and Scheduling Variability
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Michael Forbes
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Students' attitudes, learning behaviours and achievement in undergraduate mathematics: A longitudinal study
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Barbara Maenhaut, Honorary Professor Merrilyn Goos
Doctor Philosophy
Acceleration techniques for Combinatorial Benders Decomposition with Applications
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Michael Forbes
Doctor Philosophy
First Year University Students Making Sense of Statistics Through Storytelling
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Katie Makar
Doctor Philosophy
Rich Variants of the Vehicle Routing Problem
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Michael Forbes
Doctor Philosophy
Towards a general formulation of lazy constraints
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Michael Forbes
Doctor Philosophy
Cross-Entropy Method in Telecommunication Systems
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Dirk Kroese
Master Science
Modelling the statistical behaviour of temperature using a modified Brennan and Schwartz 1982 interest rate model
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Geoffrey McLachlan
Doctor Philosophy
Associate Advisor
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